Not as dreamy as Suzi Perry though. That’s one of the best reasons I have for blogging via the laptop – the Suzi Perry wallpaper 🙂
Month: January 2006
Game today, game tomorrow !
I’m honestly writing this post at the time it says on the bottom, I’m not playing with the time buttons again … honest …
Ok. Maybe cheating a little …
Heh – my World of Warcraft retirement probably lasted until this weekend. Friday night was spent in the Lower Black Rock Spire, which we completed. I logged on today lunchtime to put some items up for auction and immediately got a “Please help!” from people I like. So I jumped … Completed that place too … Although I didn’t tank quite as well as I’d like. Still learning. I also got a “Please help !” from the guild as well, so we hit the Lower Black Rock Spire again tonight.
Completed it again 🙂 Not as well as the other day but still pretty well. And I got another bit of loot to keep as well. I’m finding the tanking to be a lot more fun than the mage job but then I always get more fun from a bigger challenge.
No WoW for me tomorrow though – cricket instead 🙂 Which will turn my brain to absolute mush due to what usually happens when I’m running around. I even have trouble counting to six when I’m bowling, with the number six being the number of balls in an over. Yep – my brain goes [fry][sizzle][pop].
Scarlett Johannssen….
Joins SleepyPete in…
Scarlett Johannssen….
Joins SleepyPete in dreamy moment….
Par-tay !
Here at the Family Aginoth place today. We be watching a heap of dvds and nattering.
Lots of natter about blogs cos they’re even more addictive than things like World of Warcraft.
Seen Scooby Doo 1 so far, which is good fun and has Linda Cardellini in it, which is enough to keep me happy. We’ll be watching The Island later. Hmm. Scarlett Johannssen. Hmm.
Dreamy moment – Please wait until normal service is resumed
Ah – that’s better. More later maybe. Currently sitting here, stealing an Aginoth laptop, writing this entry with an evil grin on my face. Muahahahaha !
What a rush …
It’s funny how a job that needs a huge amount of concentration and attention paid to it gives you a rush when it ends up as a job well done. I took my warrior into the Lower Black Rock Spire today, to help a few people through a quest sequence.
How did it go ? Before that, I’ll give a little history. We’ve hammered at this place before and it wasn’t pretty. It took a lot of effort and frustration to get the job done. Tonight, the team was Zalzar healing, Tauranius doing everything, Tarook being mage and Augorn being ranged damage with his hunter. My job, as the professional punchbag (aka warrior) is to hit enough things just enough, so that the bad guys hit you instead of the more vulnerable people. How did we do ? We aced it … We died about 3-4 times but you expect that. Sometimes you just can’t stop extra mobs coming in, which is when you have lots of problems. But despite that, we got all the way to the end, with the bosses (toughest things in the area) not knowing what hit them.
How did I do ? I run something called damagemeters, which is a stats person’s dream. Even though I only contributed 1/7th of the damage, between 5 people, I hogged 54% of the damage done to us 🙂 Which, considering that a hit on me does half the damage that a hit on a mage or priest would do, I’m pretty impressed with that. However, it helps having a decent priest to keep you alive. We announced what we’d done on the Guildlink chat channel and were greeted with disbelief 🙂 Think I’ll be walking my warrior into future raids. When I take my breaks from semi WoW retirement that is …
Oh yeah – I got to spend an hour in the same room as the lovely Miss L while at work, so a very good day all round.
Who am I ?
Ha – I’ve been struggling for the past 15 minutes to figure out something to put today, so I thought I’d give a little bit about me. Things that people who know me now have only seen glimpses of.
Curious ? Muhahahaha !
What do I do ? I’m an Electronic Engineer by trade, specialising in computers and software. I studied at Nottingham University, taking 4 years to do a Masters in Engineering. Since then, I haven’t actually used much of what I learnt in the lecture hall, I’ve used what I learnt at home with the PC instead. I’m still using that as well … You see, I build my own computers, have done for 10 years now, starting with my second. It’s a pretty good way to get something better without spending huge amounts in one go.
I’m now using that Electronic Engineering to help out on a project that needs a lot of computers to work together, in different linked systems. They need to pass data around between them, they need to be robust and they need decent performance. And they need to be usable by normal people. So that’s what I do ! I try to get my fingers into absolutely everything …
Fun 🙂 Especially when you get full clearance to do digging where people didn’t really want to tell you anything.
Back to uni – 4 years at Nottingham, where I met friends who I’ve kept up with since leaving. There’s 1 or 2 Centre Parcs trips every year, where we meet up, play games and where I get challenged at badminton. The fella I was chatting to on Eve last Sunday is one of those friends.
1st year – I got second in the year, with an 82% average. I also met someone called Alyse who I eventually ended up going out with in my second year.
2nd year – Alyse and the PC appeared … and my work done amount suddenly went through the floor … Oh yeah – I was also the van driver for the hall shop, which my Astra didn’t thank me for.
3rd year – Living in a house with Alyse and Fraser (Maths grad, very smart – First +10% probably). Moved into the house to find Alyse curled up with some other bloke … End of that relationship. Shame I still had to live there for the rest of the year. I spent most of the time at the uni hall with the Centre Parcs people.
4th year – Living with the Centre Parcs people. This was actually a fun year but I’d got disenchanted with the uni lecturers and uni method by then. If I’m looking at things that have been done many times before, I’m just not interested …
So that’s uni … and that’s it for now ! Especially as the dinner bell’s (microwave timer) been gonging for the past 5 minutes …
[chuckle] You should see how much a tag of “Guild …
[chuckle] You should see how much a tag of “Guild Leader” can make people go on tippy toes … Definitely helps in the dominant and powerful bit 🙂
Except I’ve got rid of that tag now, I’ve passed it on as part of my semi-retirement from the game.
dominant and powerful…..snigger
dominant and powerful…..snigger
What’s your birthday mean ?
This one comes courtesy of time travel, as well as Craziequeen’s and Dawn’s blog. Tomorrow’s blog today ! After a gap, I’m trying to stay ahead.
Curious results … I can see some of it in me but not all. Wonder what other people think … I like the month bit. Easter comes in April, which means Easter Eggs. Best time of the year outside November/December.
Your Birthdate: November 13 |
![]() You’re dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge. While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator. Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down. You are exact and accurate – and you expect others to be the same way. Your strength: You always get the job done Your weakness: You’re a perfectionist to a fault Your power color: Gray Your power symbol: Checkmark Your power month: April |
Sinking a Temple
Ah well. My world of warcraft retirement lasted until today. I came back in to help out some guildmates carry out some murder, death, mayhem and destruction.
My job ? Take all the hits so they don’t have to … Did ok too, ended up as the top damage taker, which was good, because I was the lowest level there. Lower level means you don’t do as much damage, which makes it harder to persuade the mobs to hit you. Trick is to do a little bit of damage to everything, so it goes for you instead of the fella who’s trying to heal you.
The downside is that you don’t tend to do very much damage. It’s a selfless task, you need to go kamikaze because of the way the damage rules work. If a mob hits for 1000 damage, that damage gets reduced by armour. Bashara has lots of armour, giving around 55% reduction. That means that the 1000 hit only does 450 damage. With Iceangel, she only has 10% reduction, making that 1000 hit do 900 damage. If you also factor in the damage that can be taken, Bash can take 9 of those hits, whereas Ice will be dead after 3. So the aim is to get all of the hits going in against the tank, with the warrior class being specialised to have lots of tricks to persuade mobs to hit them.
It was pretty food fun too. Being the damage leader means I was doing my job properly, which was confirmed by no one dying over the whole time we were in there. Pretty decent achievement, although we were maybe a little overpowered for it. It’ll be tougher on Friday – will be tanking for a group in a harder instance.
Mostly avoided paying attention to everything outside the job at hand and I wasn’t in the capital city too much. The capital is where the morons tend to congregate.
On to Stargate … and then to Battlestar Galactica so I can see what happens before reading all about it on the work forums tomorrow.