Bionic Near Future Conspiracy, very orange

Hello everyone,

I’d been thinking about going back to an older game again, after enjoying Deus Ex Mankind Divided far more than I thought I would earlier in the year. Oh and I’m also enjoying watching Rythian’s playthrough of Deus Ex as well. So … picture journey ! What’s first …

Oh, there are going to be spoilers in here so if you don’t want those for an 8 year old shooty game, look away now :-D.

Just Chillin’

That’s actually an older one, although I think I was still playing the game maxed out back then. Or maybe not because I’ve gone through a few video cards since then. This was back in 2012 and a return to the Deus Ex franchise with Deus Ex Human Revolution. It was perhaps limited in what it tried to do but what it attempted, it pulled off supremely well. It’s one of only two games that I played enough to acquire all of the Steam achievements.

Who goes there ?

That’s from the prologue. Armed invaders have erm … invaded the company building that you’re responsible for providing the security for and you go in there to sort them out. I was enjoying the gunplay, very smooth. There are achievements to do with Pacifist playthroughs where you leave every opponent alive (apart from the bosses which you have to kill). I’ve already got that one so I wasn’t too bothered about it this time. Besides, there are bugs in the game which mean that if you shoot bad guys with tranquilizer darts, sometimes they die. Had that happen twice tonight.

Bad girl

Yep. Will be going after that one too later.

Our protagonist, Adam Jensen, is fully meat and bone human at this point … but not for too much longer. You see, repelling the invasion doesn’t go so well and it’s not long before we come back to Mr Jensen after he’s had his arms and legs chopped off and exchanged for bionic replacements. I’m not entirely sure how much of the original meat and bone fella is left but there’s some fairly heavy augmentations going on. One thread running through is that not all of these augmentations and amputations were strictly necessary but his boss had them put in anyway.


Curious ethics there. The ethics around augmentation is a running theme through the two games (DXHR and the sequel, Deus Ex Mankind Divided). One issue is rejection syndrome, which will come up more in the Hong Kong sections. There’s also an identity issue …

Open plan

Home sweet home … but …


Definite identity issues there. While our Mr Jensen has been able to physically integrate with his new limbs, he’s struggling to do so mentally. When playing the game originally, the thought hit about my wonky shoulder. Perhaps from the I, Robot film as well where the main character had his arm replaced. Would I want to have my shoulder and arm replaced if it meant having full or even enhanced movement plus no pain ? It’s a curious thought. What do you think ? I actually think I’d prefer to stay 100% meat and bone. While my arm and shoulder are a bit broken, they still safely repair up to a certain point. Mechanical stuff needs maintenance.

Oh, it’s not just bad guys. There are also robotic enemies. Some are easier to deal with than others …

Yep. The old boxes in front of the cameras trick. They’ll never suspect me if there’s a bucket on their head. (Oh wait, that’s Skyrim).

The game is split up into a few areas, starting you off in Detroit of 2027. There’s a certain amount of orange and the near future is a bit bleak …

Is there an Officer Murphy there ?

The environments looked great for their time, although there is a decent amount of simplification going on there which is somewhat hidden away from the gamer. It’s to make sure that the game looks great while still being as playable as possible.

What washing powder is he using ?

There’s some fun bugs in there too :-D. I think that bug is fixed but I’ll be looking for them later.

It’s probably fairly clear that this is one of my favourite games and one of the reasons for that is the characters. Even when I go Pacifist, there’s one particular section that I break out the more dangerous toys … and it’s this lady :

Faridah Malik, pilot

That’s Faridah Malik, pilot for the Sarif Industries company that our Adam Jensen works for. I like Malik, definitely not one to be taken lightly. We see more of that in the first Hong Kong sidequests. Looks good there too, although those crinkles in the flightsuit aren’t crinkles … they’re texture work. That’s one difference between 2011/2012 games and 2020 games, the models are so much more detailed. But the cleverness from 10 years ago meant that you’d only see that difference if you looked real close.

And Malik would slap you if you tried that.

One slightly sad thing is that even if you refrain from going through the vents and raiding the offices at Sarif Industries, there are emails when you come back that suggest you did. You can opt not to do the larceny but the game still thinks you did the deed.

Nopity Nope Nope, not breaking in there

I left that office alone … Couple more and then that’s it for this post … One achievement involved getting a ball through a hoop, I kinda overdid it. Oops.

Please sir can I have my ball back ?

Oh and …

Keep smiling

There will be more later …

Oh, I’ve also been trying out a new position for my desktop mouse. With it on the upper deck of my desk, I was playing games with a locked straight arm which was causing stress on my shoulder. I’ve rerouted things so that I can easily move it to the same level as my keyboard and I’m trying that out in games. It’s promising so far. Instead of a straight arm, the arm is bent and more relaxed and supported more by the armrest of my chair.

Hopefully that leads to less pain later. And less :

Code for “You’ll be back there later” ?

We shall see !

Malik, incoming

There’s my ride. Gotta go. Stay safe, be well !

Felt like starships

Hello everyone,

Been back among those stars again. I had more thoughts too but first … will this be the thumbnail !

Game screenshot. A spaceship with a tubular main hull is coming towards the camera. It has a pair of engines on outriggers at the back. In the background is a small bright white star with two cones emerging.
Tiamat’s Chariot at a White Dwarf star

The pondering is because the thumbnail system seems to have a few Interesting Quirk things to it. Last time, it showed the Star Trek Online pic as the thumbnail, instead of it being the first pic. But I think that was down to the first two not coming out of my Google Photo bank properly. I wonder …

Game screenshot. The Imperial Cutter starship from before is landed on a pad. It has a copper hull and is catching the light from spotlights at the corners of the pad.
Landing at Black Hide

Nope. Didn’t work that time. I added in another widget that lets me choose pictures from that Google Photo Bank without intermediary steps. Looks like it might need more work.

I need to add in a lists widget too so that I can copy over the lists from Blog Mk 1. And I need to tidy up all of the extra things added in with the import. Later 🙂

There may also have been Star Trek happening. I left it last time with the Sylvia Tilly … Since then there’s been the Amna Patel :

Game screenshot. A Star Trek ship is coming towards the camera to exit off the right side of the screen. It has an elongated triangular main hull with 4 warp nacelles at the back.

Watchers of Voyager may recognise that as a Prometheus class ship. The name comes from one of the earlier episodes of Star Trek Online, Amna Patel appears in (spoiler deleted). The latest ship is the Drake :

Game Screenshot from Star Trek Online. A small but powerful looking ship with 4 engines has a large starbase behind it.

Looks a bit ugly doesn’t it … Should be pretty punchy though. This one arrived yesterday and because I’m having to heavily ration my game time at the moment, not much happened with this one.

What’s happening outside of the games ? Bit of catching up with series like Away, The Witcher. Actually watched Avengers Endgame again tonight, it’s just finishing up at the moment. A suitable conclusion to that particular saga.

Plus I’m making my way through Absolution Gap by Alastair Reynolds as well. That future universe has spaceships too and the biggest ones belonging to humans are the lighthuggers, starships that cross the interstellar gaps at near light speed (faster than light isn’t something they do in that universe). Objectively, it takes years but subjectively, only weeks or months. Hopefully that’s the right way round for the way that works.

Anyway, the lighthuggers feel like they’d look like massively scaled up versions of the Imperial Cutter … a cylinder, tapering at the ends, with a pair of engines mounted on spars to each side of the hull.

Game Screenshot - Elite Dangerous. The Imperial Cutter starship is on the landing pad. We are viewing it from the port side. The ship has a long mostly circular fuselage with two engines aft, extending from the hull to the sides on outriggers. The ship is in the copper colouration and is catching the light from pad spotlights.

There we go from another angle. It’s a pretty ship. The lighthuggers would be scaled up considerably from there. The Elite Imperial Cutter is a chunky 192.6m long. The lighthuggers would vary in size but would typically be 3-4km long, with space for crew, weapons, cargo, parasitic craft (bigger than the Cutter) and room for all sorts of other shenanigans in there too. Way too big for landing on planets like the Elite ships.

One random thought that got in though would be … if I were actually living in these science fiction universes, what would I be doing ?

If it were Elite, I’d follow the player path and start in the cheap loaned ship before making my way up the scale. I’d be living by my wits, travelling from place to place, following the trade and missions. I’d be chief engineer, pilot, captain, CEO. Unless someone came along who would share that captain, CEO role.

It feels kinda like it might if I switched to living on a Dutch Barge here, although I don’t think going from place to place, trading out of a Barge is particularly viable economically any more. Perhaps you might get some niche out of videoing trips and monetising that … but I’m not convinced that would gain a significant enough audience.

In the Alastair Reynolds universe, I’d probably end up as a starship mechanic. I’d be quite happy with that. Same for Elite too, it’d be good working on the various spaceships out there.

Star Trek ? Probably an engineer on a starship again.

One difference would be the connectivity. We benefit hugely in our time from the internet, although even that is perhaps in the last 10, maybe 12 years or so. The internet in its current shape has been around for decades now but the big change for me has been the increase in video and streaming media. Youtube took a while to take off, the oldest subscriptions I tend to see on Twitch go back about a little over 6 years. Netflix didn’t start streaming until maybe 2007.

Things have changed a fair bit. The internet model works for our planet, as lightspeed delay isn’t a factor. But when you have an interstellar civilisation, or even interplanetary, that light speed delay would cut into the immediacy of communications. If the Netflix server were on Earth and you were on Mars, it would be between 3 and 22 minutes for the “I want to watch The Witcher!” command to be received and the same time for the signal to come back, depending on whether Earth and Mars are on the same or different sides of the Sun. Or it would be years for a lightspeed message to go between stars.

Maybe that pilot, chief engineer, captain, CEO set of roles would expand to become interstellar postman.

You’d file a flight plan to say that you’re going through a sequence of interstellar jumps and they’d load you up with the mail, to be sent on at each jump.

Might well work too ! Back to an interstellar equivalent of the Stagecoaches.

On that note, time to dive into book again after hitting publish and doing the necessary on the various sites. (Actually – time to dip into Star Trek Online to do today’s daily mission !)

Away in a Seaquest

Hello everyone,

I was about to say “good week off last week” but suddenly I’m not entirely sure about that ! Not something I can put my finger on there, perhaps it’s something more than me, perhaps it’s a world situation thing.

Still, I wasn’t in the house all week last week, not quite.

Picture. A rural scene. In the foreground, an empty weather beaten bleached wooden table. It's mostly covering a stone path. Beyond are trees and green covered hills in the background.

I wonder if that’ll work. I’m attempting something with Google Photos … My phone will upload the pictures it takes to Google and in theory, they should be accessible from there. (If it doesn’t work, I’ll go to a Plan B and reupload the post !) (Update – I went to Plan B !)

I disappeared off to the Mall to pick up this year’s Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar. I also had a look in PC World for keyboards as I think the patience is running out with this one. (Keyboards on display but none of the ones I wanted were in sale boxes)

I also took a trip to the Bookbarn …

Picture. Loot from the farm shop, plus books. The books are the old Battlestar Galactica novel, plus Bill the Galactic Hero by Harry Harrison. Sweets include a tasty brownie block, a large chocolate teacake and packets of strawberry bonbons, lemon sherbets, kola kubes and fudge.

Books happened … also more loot later when I went up the motorway to the farm shop place. Some of the loot has already disappeared … Oh and I don’t think I’ll be going back to the Bookbarn in the near future. It’s a shame really, there just aren’t enough books on display there ! There are actually more books packed into the Cardiff Market book stall than there might be on display at the Bookbarn.

I’ll hope to be able to make another trip into Cardiff at some point, although that’s heavily dependent on the world situation at the moment.

We shall see.

I’ve been watching some more of those stories lately … When I was at university, one of the things I’d watch when back for the weekends was Seaquest DSV … Whereas most of the scifi programmes were going into outer space, Seaquest was going under the sea with a hyper advanced submarine. The first series was ok, within the limits of its production values. I’m kinda glad I missed the second series when it came out because it was … a bit rubbish. The writing suffered tremendously.

And then it was rebooted for a third series, where Seaquest returned 10 years after they’d been abducted by aliens. Did I mention bad writing ?

The third series actually isn’t that bad. I was surprised to recognise the name of Naren Shankar on the opening credits (in big letters of importance too). He is the co-showrunner of The Expanse series and they’re doing a fantastic job of converting the books to the television format. I’d highly recommend watching The Expanse.

I may have found myself binge watching the second half of the series of Away too, where a group of 5 astronauts are looking to find their way to Mars. The intent was to stop at 3 episodes and leave the last 2 for later in the week but I just wanted to know what happened.

I’m finding that with Star Trek Online at the moment …

Game screenshot from Star Trek Online. A chaotic scene around a mushroom shaped starbase. Explosions are going off everywhere.

Looks a bit hectic doesn’t it …

The gaming might be why I’m having the not so good week feelings from last week. I’d like to be able to dive into seeing what they’ve written in to Star Trek Online (plus I’d like to finish The Outer Worlds too) but my body isn’t cooperating there.

I’m having to strictly limit the time in game due to my arm and shoulder looking to erupt in pain if I’m in there too long. At the moment, it’s just the scenario in the screenshot above, where you’re looking to scramble to rescue civilians by beaming them up and on to transports. It’s very hectic. There should be loot at the end, although I need to stay with the scenario for another 11 days I think to get that loot.

It is ouchy though and I’ll have to a) look more at why and b) consider if it’s a game I want to continue playing. I haven’t actually been back into Final Fantasy XIV for about a month now as it was causing similar shoulder issues.

It’s annoying.

But it’s not stopping me diving into books at the moment :-). The two that appeared from Book Barn were :

Battlestar Galactica – the novelisation from the original film. I’ve read this one before (a couple of decades ago probably !) and while it followed the film fairly closely, it added in its own bits of detail too. I liked the original film, it kept a fun aspect and it wasn’t part of the whole depressing grimdark aesthetic that the new series pioneered.

Harry Harrison’s book – never read any of his books, saw it, thought I needed more book !

So – didn’t do much in the week off. Thought about work a little but managed to not open the laptop up. Set this new page up ! Needs more work. Hurt shoulder … oops.

Got to the point in Absolution Gap (Alastair Reynolds) where it’s starting to pick up momentum.

Time to hit post I think ! Have a great week everyone, stay safe, be well.

Is this thing dusty yet ?

Probably 🙂

Oh ! Just spotted that WordPress allows captions on images. That’s new … never had that on Blogger. And there I go with the opening up a post and goi…. SQUIRREL !

To be honest though, I should probably have what amounts to the Cone of Shame from the same movie that made the Squirrel joke thing popular. Up was a remarkable film, one of the best to come out from Pixar. Going from heartwarming to heart breaking, all in the intro before the main body of the movie kicked off. I should watch it again some day.

Some of you may be coming here via a Work Thing that’s probably been published by now. HI THERE ! And welcome. I try to keep this as a place where I talk about what I’m thinking and things I’ve been doing. Like the internet spaceships :

USS Sylvia Tilly

There we go. New toy played with.

If I’ve been someplace, I’ll usually talk about that as well although I do notice that I didn’t put anything on the old blog about a trip around SS Great Britain that happened almost two years ago now. That was a good little walk around the ship and I’d thoroughly recommend people going for a look when things are less scary out there than they are now.

SS Great Britain

I’ll have to post the rest of those pictures some day. And then there’s the Lego and other building things I’ll do. I like how they steadily come together. Sometimes the designers of the model will hide little Easter Eggs away inside as well, which is something I like a lot.

The art is something that’ll appear when it’s done as well, although there are limits on what I can post here. Some of what I do is modifications made to other people’s work. Typically emotes … those will appear on their discord servers and I’ll send them on to other people I know as well. But it’s a Really Bad Thing to essentially copy someone else’s art and take it as your own. That’s one reason I’ve been looking to acquire an art style of my own, that way I own more of I post here. (I note that WordPress has added a (C) to the bottom of the page too !)

I try to keep this space relatively free of current events and what’s happening in the world. You’ll see far too much about what’s happening in other spaces and I find it a massive drag on the psyche … especially as you have to apply a heavy quality filter to everything you see because pretty much everything posted is bent one way or another. But yeah, there’s far too much of the bad stuff out there, I like to keep this space free of it unless there’s something I really have to get out of my mind and into typed in thoughts.

The blog template as a whole is something that still needs more work. The blogger version has a couple of lists of links and I want to bring that back too. It also has a blogroll where I can see if people have posted new stuff recently. That’s an excellent thing to have. But I’ll look to keep the white text on black basic format. Heavily contrasting colours aid readability and dark mode is easier on the eyes, it means you don’t have Big White Background blaring out at you. Black text on white paper works for books but I’m a convert to dark mode for screens.

I haven’t done anything really new lately with the art (outside of posing screenshots), it’s all been modifications. Spooky emotes are in and I’ve spookified three of them. One got adopted and is on the lovely Margaret Krohn’s discord (website link). I didn’t like the middle one and I don’t know whether the recipient of the third liked her one. But I was very happy that the animation conversion of another thing for Maggie K’s discord got adopted.

It’s one thing getting positive feedback, that’s always awesome especially to someone who lives on that like me. It’s a whole other thing having your art adopted for someone else’s posts or pages. That goes far beyond “I like your stuff”. People from work may vaguely recognise another one :

That was a fun little one that I did a little while ago. I’ve been finding that taking of pictures of what’s on the paper using a camera does odd things to the colour balance and it can turn the paper into grey, which the image disappears into.

That’s my current avatar, edited and updated to bring him out of the page some more. I left the grey down at the bottom to show him sitting on something. Oh and I still have the awkward feelings about how his knee is bending the wrong way :-D. The book needs tidying as well, I deleted too much when removing the grey.

That’s the kind of style I’m aiming for with my own drawings. I was a big fan of Garfield and Calvin and Hobbes as a kiddie. Those were very simply drawn cartoons that were absolute genius. If you look up close at a lot of drawn cartoons or animations, it’ll probably surprise you how simple they actually are. Simple works !

But simple also needs precision that I don’t have yet. The artists I like tend to have very precise lines and curves, which they then fill with colour. I’m sure the process behind the image is a bit more complex than that.

I’m a bit limited though by my body … I’m having a fair few upper body issues at the moment. My neck and shoulders are suffering in particular from stiffness that’s getting more and more uncomfortable. The shoulder issues extend down my arm into my right wrist as well. It was with a fair bit of relief at work when I was able to shift from doing written meeting notes and into things I’d type into a Word document or a draft email. Typing is way easier for me than writing or … drawing.

That said, the graphics tablet I have is great for doing those sketches. And I need to draw more of my dwagon alphabet and the dwagon rock band. Maybe next year’s April Fool will be setting up a rock band, although I did that already in 2015. Gosh, that’s longer ago than I thought.

And this post has gone on a bit longer than I thought it might too !

Physically – struggling. I need to greatly reduce how much of certain games I play. I haven’t been back to Final Fantasy XIV and may have to add Star Trek Online to that danger list as well. Elite has been on a bit of a break due to being disillusioned with the combat side of it.

Motorsport Manager has been a great one as it’s mostly hands off with occasional intervention for tactics. I may well see if I can lead 3 teams to success this time around, swapping from single seaters to GT cars and then into Endurance, with the switch happening when the team wins.

I haven’t written about music for a while either, that’s overdue ! I can happily report that my ears are back to normal again, which came as a bit of a surprise because I didn’t get that POP feeling from them. I suffer with tinnitus as a baseline (which is probably why I like multiple sound sources going on) but had a blocked ear for a few weeks too which was affecting me more than I’d like (headaches as well).

Wrap up time I think … for any new people, this is a fairly typical post where I’ll start out with one idea, go SQUIRREL, talk about something else for a bit and maybe, just maybe get back to the original theme.

I’ll hopefully see you next time !

PS There’s a few extra posts around in that archive too, I need to delete them ! The proper import tool didn’t work, so I had to use a messier alternate. Instead of a little over 1650 posts, it added in 2841 … I need to get deleting !

PS2 I just had a mental image of a Dwagon holding a big eraser too. So that may happen if my hands are up to it.

Over to WordPress ! Migration Time


That was a bit of a strain today. I decided to make the switch to WordPress today due to the changes that Blogger is introducing to their interface. And this means …

Shiny new domain name and a new format for the blog. Actually, the blog will evolve over probably the next month or so until I’m happy with it and then I’ll undoubtedly play with it even more as I find new things to add in.

I’ll have to see how it works out. Thoughts so far :

I’m using Bluehost on the recommendation of various sites. The site hosting looks good but their onboarding process is very broken at the moment. It hangs at the initial step and doesn’t believe it’s actually done when it has set the site up, so it tries to bring you round to the start again. The site is good … but Bluehost’s systems don’t think it is. You have to go in through the page admin in order to set things up.

But you don’t really want the set up process to be good (if you can pick 1 good 1 bad), you want the hosting to be up to the mark. Oh and it’s a paid thing as well, so that’s something new.

The new edition is working on WordPress, which seems ok. Editor is looking ok so far (and categories / tags are back).

The blogger import/export feature is broken, or it could be that I have too many posts. I’ve used the WP All Import plug in to make the transfer happen. It’s not for the faint hearted or techie averse. There’s another tool out there but it got bought by people who want £15 for essentially a 1 time use. Nope.

There are a few things I want to transfer over from the old blog as well. I’ve used “Collapsing Archives” to get an acceptable archive list again but I need to rebuild the blogrolls and the other lists.

But hopefully it’ll get there over time. I’ll also be looking to add back in the ability to pull in images from the phone because that became very useful.

In other news … I’m on leave this week ! Needed it after going a few months without a break. I don’t think I’ll be going too far, pandemic second wave and all. But I should look to escape the house at least once this week.

Outside (inside?) of that, Star Trek is happening :

That’s the Ellen Landry, an Akira class escort. The origin starter levels story for my character included an episode with a couple of the characters from Star Trek Discovery, which is where that name comes from. I’ll need to look up the other characters from that episode because they need to go shippy as well.

Star Trek Online is the only internet spaceship this week though. This week’s Community Goal has gone to Conflict Zone combat again, which … I’m steering well clear of. It’s not game play that I find either fun or productive.

There’s also Motorsport Manager things happening. I’ve pretty much got that game figured out now in terms of how to build a team to win. But I do enjoy the path to getting there.

And it’s ok for my body too ! Motorsport Manager is fairly hands off, whereas other games like Star Trek Online tend to really aggravate the various issues with my body. I can feel tight shoulders and poorly wrist at the moment.

But I am enjoying the game.

Time to hit post for the first new entry for this WordPress blog ? Here goes !

PS Stay safe everyone. Be well.

Possible Drastic Change Coming. And the Lander

Hello everyone,

There might be a very drastic change coming here very soon, as in a change of host, change of address and change of platform.

You see, Blogger’s been threatening for a few months now to change the interface for Something New and, in short, it’s an abomination. Apparently it’s due to the technical infrastructure that it runs on needing to be retired and turned off. I wonder if that means, like Farcebook, it’s going to be subject to massive slowdowns like what’s happened with that interface change. I have access to the old interface with my desktop but as soon as I reload the web page, it’ll be gone.

It’s actually such an abomination that you can’t put feedback in about it when you look at the site on a mobile. And that would be a Google Pixel 4 running Google Chrome on a Google site. Shocking. I’m testing out what the interface is like with this post and my opinion about it is still pretty bad and declining. I await to see the results on posting … (Line spacing is wrong and I’m not seeing an option to change it. COME ON ! That’s a basic feature in anything above Notepad).

So I’ll be doing a bit of research on WordPress and seeing about a possible site migration. If/when I do that, I’ll pop a link to the new site in the last post I write here. Hopefully I can do the move clean with a migration over of all of the posts but there’s over 1600 of those going back 15 years.

We shall see ! I promised Lego Lunar Lander pictures the other day and didn’t deliver …


4 stages this time, distributed over a series of bags. (Btw, the line spacing looks like it’s going to be a major issue with this editor and I think I’m going to need to edit it in the old one, if I can).

Astronaut ! The book this time comes with lots of little history tidbits about the Lunar Excursion Module.

It starts by building up a flat base.

Is that a resident ?

First steps of the lander module. I think someone wants to fly it.

The red and white cylinders are the propellant canisters. It’s quite a dense, compact model and goes together nicely. And we see one of the Ladies of NASA guesting there too.

Another helper recruited and the base is almost complete.

Side panels going on. One hallmark of Creator Kits is that they have much more attention to detail with the finish, with smooth blocks finishing off the outsides.

Are those eyestalks ?

Ah ha ! Landing legs.

And that’s the lower half complete. The Lunar Excursion Module had two halves. The above piece is the lander, which stayed behind on the surface, spent.

The astronauts travelled in the upper module, which has clever little windows added in which resemble the ones on the real landers.

And away it goes ! Well, actually slightly before attaching the two halves together.

Job done, everything together.

I rather enjoyed putting this one together over the weekend.

Stay safe, be well everyone.

PS Oh my giddy aunt it’s not giving me the labels to pick from like it should be doing.

Landing the Trekking

Hello everyone,

It felt like this today when I emerged !

Although a lot of that was self inflicted wounds again after spending maybe an hour too long in Star Trek Online yesterday. I’ve been enjoying that game, despite its short comings.

Every game has shortcomings (I’ve gone from hyped to a Nope for the new Star Wars Squadrons game) but we’ll stay with our favourites because of what they do well. In Star Trek Online’s case, it’s a mix of the starship combat stuff, combined with the Star Trek stuff on the ground. They’ve managed to make it fairly star trekky too, although perhaps more in the Discovery era or DS9 rather than TNG.

However, it has that MMO playstyle again which can wreak havoc with the old injuries I carry and in particular, the shoulder. I felt twinges start up, which I should have listened to … definitely when they were becoming more intense. And then I stay 30 minutes longer than that in the game and I’m paying for that today. Oh well. It’s just moderate pain, which is ok.

I have been greatly enjoying the game though and moved on another 5 levels since that start of the session yesterday.

One thing I haven’t done is use the new Elite internet spaceship for anything more than following the start of Drew Wagar’s latest tour :

There we go. That’s the Icarus Rising, a Mamba class heavy combat ship. I like the design there, there is a huge gun amidships aft, two large guns alongside the cockpit and two little guns up front. They’re all on the top side of the ship, whereas the Fer-de-Lance has its big gun on the lower side. (It means that if you’re chasing someone in a pitching up motion, all guns can be brought to bear). There’s also a huge amount of visibility and the only angle with more than a minimal profile is the top and bottom.

It has great potential …

… to be used for shooting things as well as following Cmdr Wagar down to a planet in loose formation. That was the only time I got into the same instance as the main group though sadly.

And then there’s other ships in a universe long ago and far, far away … which I’ve been ignoring in favour of :

There we go. The ships in the spacedock looked great, no idea what they were though. The one to the lower right looks like an improved Defiant class and I think the upper one is actually two. One has a weird massive nacelle and I think the other has underslung nacelles like the Miranda and Nebula class. Looks like there’s an Ambassador class (Enterprise C) down there too. I’m current in the Constitution class Dragon Spirit :

And the game would give be another ship at level 20. (Unless I gave them money for a special ship but I don’t intend to do that). It is a bit odd though seeing that ship being a main ship in a game that has its main elements start in 2409. The old Enterprise is a bit … ancient there.

Outside of that, cricket watching was curious yesterday with it being the end of the domestic season with the T20 blast finals day, delayed from Saturday due to rain. I don’t intend to watch much IPL. It’s a predatory influence on all cricket, to the cost of the game as a whole. And some of the commentators should not be allowed behind a microphone due to their attitudes. It’s sometimes telling who gets allowed on to the Sky commentary teams here and who aren’t invited back after a guest spell. No, not impressed with much about IPL although English cricket needs to learn from the overseas leagues but not having the finals day months or so away from the main league. Get the competition done in a single block so that the specialist T20 only players can be around for the finals as well as the league, the teams that make it to the finals tend to lose their overseas stars which makes the competition be a bit false.

But there are other issues with the game as well at the moment, although the standard in general has improved since I started with a lot of innovation coming in. I was playing when KP was doing his switch hit (and could play that shot), I’d have been really tempted to try out ramp shots if I was still playing now, if only because pulling those shots off would have hugely amusing consequences for the state of mind of the opposition. If you can knock the opposition out of thinking clearly, then you have an advantage. I used to wear a floppy hat while batting, to give bowlers a target … you could say that the person encouraging bowlers to aim at his head wasn’t the one who was thinking clearly :-D.

And then you shake hands at the end of the game and step away from all the on field psychology stuff.

Landing ? I did a little bit of the Lego therapy over the weekend …

4D looking suitably impressed there.

However …. After that horrific example of shameless temptation, I better leave that series of pictures for another day as I can see from the scroll bar (it gets littler as the post gets longer) that this one has hit that Certain Length.

Obligatory Outside World Stuff :

Numbers have been going up again here, we’re in that second wave that means we should be in lockdown already … I’m ok. Put that trace app on your phone so you have a bit of warning to tell you if you’ve been around someone who’s been exposed, watch out for idiots and look after yourselves. And that can be reaching out to people, being a Good Person in the communities like I try and be at work and with the various discord communities. If you find yourself doomscrolling in Twit/Book, just step away from them. People talk about fear of missing out but I doubt whether you’ll miss out on much there and social media can and will cause a massive hit to sanity. Don’t engage with the idiots.

But if you need a bit of help, reach out. We are in extraordinary times. The last time the world saw a pandemic like this is 100 years ago with the Spanish Flu. Be well. Stay safe.

PS I think I recognised a similarity …

That’s the star fighter from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. I wonder if it inspired the Mamba ? Two big engines, very slim rectangular profile, incredible visibility.