So – nothing actually broken this time? No gushing blood or rushing to hospital?
You’re improving, lovey 🙂
Month: March 2006
Thursday Thirteen – match report
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Thirteen Things about tonight’s game 1…. The two sides were Small Swings (us!) and AWS Sloggers. 2… We almost didn’t get a side out but dragged in two ringers at the last minute. 3… One of the ringers got recruited in the changing room before the game ! 4… They batted first and managed to annoy me by not giving a stumping out and by calling one of my deliveries a no ball. 5… I don’t get mad, I get even. Most of the 12 balls I bowled tonight were the fastest I’ve bowled for a while. 6… But they still squeezed 13 off my 2 overs to get a total of 87. 7… Not so many stumpings (missed a few 🙁 ) and not enough catches meant their 89 actually flattered them. 8… Blew up my right calf near the end of our fielding. 9… Batted first with Ringer 2 and carried on the get even theme with some hitting. 10… Good catching restricted that partnership to 39. 11… Our other people didn’t really get going, leading to an extremely close finish. We got 85, losing by 2 runs. 12… Things were made more interesting by the squash players breaking their windows, had to take the long way round. 13… Made the mistake of running back to the office to avoid the rain, blew both calf muscles up … They seem to have settled now, although they were complaining by the end of the drive home. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
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Patch day !
Big patch this time for WoW. The high end instances had lots of changes and were supposedly made easier. Big changes on what modifications are allowed and which ones are banned.
They took away the one that tells me how much room is in my bags ! Will have to get a way around that cos losing that one is a bit annoying.
Couple of Mercenaries felt some Bashara aggro tonight … I was tanking with Charge and was wondering why people seemed to want to insist on attacking the wrong target. If they do that, I just leave them to it.
Game tomorrow, we might need some luck because I think we may be going into it short. We shall see what happens. I still have dregs of last week’s bugs, so I’ll be ignoring them tomorrow. Trying to figure out whether to do a Thursday Thirteen match report or the gaming sights one … Think it might be the match report because I’ll need to do a little research for the gaming one. Think I have a few but need more. So far it’s : Ratchet’s tree, Eve’s space stations, looking at Oblivion’s Imperial City from the other side of the lake. There’s also Oblivion’s face maker and a few more of the WoW vistas. But I need some more than that to make up a thirteen.
Plots and pans
I think I’ve figured out when I’m going to upgrade the pooter …
And I think I’ve gotten into a spending mood … Telly’s good. I’ve just watched Sin City and it definitely gets the seal of approval. Sound is pretty naff but then it always is. It’s there for the picture though and that’s impressively sharp and well defined. And that’s on a stark, visual film like Sin City as well. The sound is only needed for watching stuff off air anyway as I have my surround speaker set for everything else.
Been looking at upgrading that as well though … It’s good and it has done the job adequately for many years now but it has “disagreements” with some of my cds where it just really struggles to play them without audio confusion.
Anyway, the pooter … It’s going to get its money spent at Easter, which will be when I’ll be able to be in for long enough to be able to pick up the bits that’ll be coming through. I’m having about a week off at Easter. For the why, I’ll blame Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion, which I picked up on Sunday. My Thursday Thirteen this week is going to cover beautiful sights in gaming and Oblivion has already accounted for a few of those. And I can’t run it like I’d like to because my current machine can only handle it at reduced resolution. To be honest though, it’s an absolute cracker visually even with the really pretty stuff toned down.
World of Warcraft is pushing me away a bit at the moment I think. Or maybe it’s the people. There’s only so much ignoring you’ll take before you start ignoring back and I feel a little ignored at the moment.
Music and a book
This is the kind of night when I’d have probably looked to watch a dvd with a pizza … Well, I’ve had the pizza (just about managed) but dvd watching is on hold until Monday when I get a telly that’s up to it …
I’m still giving the dvd player some exercise though, I’m just keeping Cyberkitten up with it :-). Madonna’s newest album is very dancy and can be rather loud, especially if your subwoofer shares the neighbour’s wall.
CD Change time ! Now on my third cd of this session. The second was Seal’s greatest hits and there are some very, very good tracks on that one. Now it’s Alisha’s Attic Illumina (their second), which is an album that is far too good to get the limited playtime I give it. I don’t play it enough because I have only so much time to split between the 4 Alisha’s Attic albums I have, plus my singles collection. I’m not counting the “Greatest Hits” album there, those don’t really count. The fourth one I have is from their rares collection, Attic Vaults 1, which is perhaps better than their other albums. But then you’d say that about all of the AA albums after hearing them.
I like Alisha’s Attic :-).
Oh yeah, I’ve also been reading David Weber’s March Upcountry on and off when my brain lets me. My brain is getting a rest from WoW, as I’ve crashed through another 4 levels yesterday and this morning with my trainee hunter, Finlay. I got to the half way in levels point (30) in 45 hours, which is pretty quick. Trying to get to level 60 in 5 game days. Not getting up to much raiding at the moment, I went in at the last minute for an Onyxia run yesterday but backed out of the main Molten Core run. My health isn’t up to it yet.
I’m still running borderline starvation, with my system nudging over into collapse when it feels like it. What’s annoying though is when I try to impose a normal eating pattern on it, it doesn’t like it. Had a pizza tonight that I normally wouldn’t have noticed, tummy was complaining after just 5 of 6 slices tonight. But at least I remembered to eat and not eating is what got my body into the massive problems it’s having at the moment. (I’m still looking at my arms and thinking they’re too thin still)
New telly coming
Thought for a laugh I’d show people why I’ve gone for the new telly …
This is a picture of the current one.
The red lines show the borders of where it stops showing anything. It’s squeezed the normal widescreen image into about a third of the screen.
Ho hum – perfect excuse to buy another telly 🙂 This time, I’m hoping that I’ll be able to have a working TV output from the desktop as well as the laptop, because the new one has S-Video connectors, which the current one doesn’t have.
Oh yeah, as well as the assorted rubbish, you’ll also see Dino the nodding dinosaur, Norbert the telly cleaner, one or two more presents, plus my (rather small) Pocket Dragon collection.
Footnote – the picture captured shows some of the best news to come out of Iraq for probably the past 2 years. Norman Kember and 2 of his fellow hostages were freed today in a bloodless assault. Good to see they got those guys out alive and that the evil people don’t always win. Thoughts are with the family of the one who didn’t make it out.
At home, chillin’ with me bugs
After giving up at half time yesterday to go home, I didn’t feel in much condition to come in this morning either …
I think I know where a fair few of my problems were coming from though – the numerous days without anything significant to eat had taken a big toll on me and my body. I’ve been doing a little better since the soups and last night’s half a dinner. Although I do need to remember to eat something now.
(puts kettle on for next batch of cup-a-soup)
Might be back into work tomorrow, although I won’t be fit to do the trip up norf for Mother’s Day.
New telly needed I think …
Current one is doing some rather strange things with the shape of the picture, as well as making some rather suspicious burbling noises occasionally …
Ah well, had it for quite a while now and it’s had issues for most of its life (loud buzzing on turn on that disappears quickly)
Will have to :
See when I can get one …
See if I can get the shop to take the old one away …
See what’s out there.
Of course, I’d want to be a bit more lucid for telly buying than I am now as well. I’ll be attempting to have my first proper dinner since the weekend in a few minutes, maybe trying to eat properly again will help me kick out this cold.
PS Telly’s been reasonably behaving itself since I switched it to the fuzzier PAL setting instead of the sharp RGB.
Hmm. I did summon up the energy to get to the corn…
Hmm. I did summon up the energy to get to the corner shop … and I shoulda bought more tomato soup 🙂
One big cup and I started feeling a bit better for a while. Coughing is back now though but I’ll know that I’ll be able to come home tomorrow to another cup of tomato soup.
Now what will that do to my motivation to stay at work tomorrow !
More bug
Hmm. Let’s see what I’m having at the moment :
Persistent chesty cough.
Very dizzy.
No appetite whatsoever.
Fever/chills. (At the moment, heating is on and I can barely feel my finagers to type properly)
Not even got the energy to summon up to get to the corner shop to get me some soup ! Or maybe I have. Just been curled up halfsleeping on the sofa in front of the cricket highlights. Trouble is, I can’t send myself to sleep outside of normal sleeping hours.
What I’m wondering at the moment is whether this bug will stop me from going up norf to see mum on Mother’s Day. Think it might do. I can do the trips into work okay, but 3 hours in the car may be a bit much at the moment, especially as the last proper meal I had was either Saturday or Sunday. (Can’t remember)
Heh – less whinging, more looking forward to getting rid of pesky bug.