I miss pizza. We’re budgeting again:-(
Month: April 2006
Hmm … pizza
And Easter Eggs. Although I’ve managed to resist temptation so far on the Easter Eggs, despite going into Big W to pick up a card for someone and scissors for me.
Currently waiting for me pizza – it won’t be long hopefully, I have to get back into game to get into Molten Core for another raid. Which means I have to eat the pizza before the run. Somehow, I don’t think that will be a problem :-).
I was on there until about 4.30 am last night … I’ve managed to avoid doing that for a little while but it was a little bit too tempting to play with the new toy picked up on a raid. It’s the kind of toy that makes the allies go “what on earth just hit me !”, including an ally paladin who attacked me earlier. I’ve never seen someone ride away so quickly when resurrecting after returning to their corpse. (Death isn’t very permanent in World of Warcraft).
Anyway … hope that pizza comes soon
ME WANT!! :-)
Watch out for news at the pal…
Watch out for news at the palace about the BIG blog party…….
Busy again
But busy having fun. As it should be.
Had a morning of trying to avoid work, although I still did my part. Various people wanting stuff done, an annoying git who I’d quite happily pound into the floor and finance work to think about. So I went home at lunchtime.
First up, got a call for help from one of the guild and I have trouble turning those down. So in the afternoon, it was off to one instance when I should have been farming stuff to help me out later ! It was a good run, I got stuff to sell and I got a shiny new toy which will help my warrior out with tanking. Except my warrior isn’t set up for tanking any more. Hmm.
Quick break for dinner and then into the Molten Core for some severe hitting of big things. We had a few times when we got wiped out but I managed to keep my job done well. Died more times than I would like though. It’s a bit dangerous up close in there … (I was playing with my warrior instead of the long range mage) Anyway, we got inspired to a rather fast run through and I felt as if I played a full part. I even outdamaged several rogues, which I’ve got no business doing. Rogues are supposed to be the best at doing damage against single targets, which is what we’re hitting in the Molten Core. Oh yeah, I outdamaged 3 of the other warriors as well, despite following all of the damage discipline rules we use. I’m doing ok.
Currently happily chilling in front of the golf because my brain always kicks up a gear when playing the warrior. You have to keep aware of more stuff as a warrior, so the concentration kicks on.
Wordless Wednesday
Into the Core …
We took Guildlink into the Molten Core again today … but with a difference !
Because things had reset when they weren’t really supposed to, we couldn’t make the attempt on the big fiery fella Ragnaros like we wanted to. So we took a beginners group in to get more people some experience in there. Which included me … I took in Bashara as the second main tank. Big responsibility … I learned stuff too.
How did we do ? Not too bad. I saw some things that I’d never appreciated before, mainly that the tanks get bounced around a bit again. Bashara is only a slip of a troll, so she gets bounced a fair amount. I was the first one to die – my own fault really, I dragged the giant back to where the healers had to be on top of the second mob in order to be in range of healing me. My bad.
We steadily made our way through to the first boss, Lucifron. Took us about 3 attempts here, which was what it took to get the decursing and dispelling sorted out. Also needed a crash course in how to keep Lucifron’s guards attention as my job here was to look after one of those while people hit it. Didn’t do as well on that as I’d like. But we still got the snakey guy tamed.
Next step, core hound packs – I learned something else here – you need to hit your mob to keep it ! Was pulling the mob off someone else who started the combat, so I needed to manually start hitting after taunting in order to get the rage I needed to keep the mob on me.
After that, the big dawg Magmadar, who makes everyone run away roughly every 30 seconds. So the job of the tanks is to make sure they are ready for that with an ability that stops them running away. We struggled on that early but pretty much had it cracked on the attempt where we took him out. And the big dawg Magmadar is a boss that’s given us an awful lot of trouble in the past …
We didn’t take out any more bosses than that, people needed to start leaving. Hell, I’m pretty tired too after being in tank mode for 3 hours … We did good in there though. Good enough to get two bosses tamed And good enough to truly earn the loot that they had on them.
We’ll be back in a few days, not sure if I’ll be tanking again but I hope so. I have a lot to learn and the best way to learn is by doing. Need some better gear for my warrior though.
Saturday Meme
Struggling to think of something for today, so I’m going to indulge in a little bit of larceny
How did you get the idea for your profile name? I like the name Sleepypete, it sums me up pretty well sometimes … But it was already taken, so I had to use the name of my World of Warcraft main character instead. That would be Iceangel the crazy frost mage …
What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing? Since listening to Madonna’s Confessions on the Dancefloor again, probably Jump. Otherwise, Incidentals by Alisha’s Attic.
Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? Think I shed a little tear on Eric Morecambe as well, he was special.
Do you want a baby? Couple of years ago and my last partner ? Poor kid. Now, I don’t think I’d mind too much. Would need bigger house though, wouldn’t even have a pooch here cos the house is too small.
What does your dad do for a living? Chemical engineer, makes industrial coolers.
What does your mum do for a living? Nursing.
What is/are your pet’s name(s)? Ben and Goldie, although they live at mum’s & dad’s place.
What colour are your bed sheets? Blue and white
What are the last 3 digits of your phone number? 359, 587 and 290
What was the last concert you went to? Think the last concert I went to was at university, on the Downs behind the Halls of Residence
Who was with you? People I knew from the university hall I lived in.
What was the last film you watched? Hmm – am I giving secrets away if I also say I went to the Inside Man ? Smart film, we enjoyed it and it kept the attention. Maybe a little long but I thought it was well paced. Jodie Foster, Denzel Washington and Clive Owen. Oh, it also had the Operative from Serenity and Willem Dafoe.
Who do you dislike most at this moment? Think I’d say El Tony as well, for the amount of lying he does. But Gordon Brown lies with bigger whoppers and more often.
What food do you crave right now? I’m currently looking at a chocolate brownie cheesecake that will be devoured rather rapidly after I finish this meme.
Did you dream last night? I have World of Warcraft dreams at the moment. Sad I know … Curious how they seem to be emphasizing teamwork though.
What was the last TV show you watched? Currently have Match of the Day on but I’m paying my usual amount of attention to it. (Not much – it’s football)
What is your fav piece of jewellery? Don’t think I have much jewelry, although sporting trophies may count. On that, probably the bowling (cricket) trophy for being the best bowler in my first year with the men’s team.
What is to the left of you? Sofa, 4 cuddly mini dogs and the pooter. (Sitting on sofa cross legged tapping into the laptop)
What was the last thing you ate? Chocolate hobnobs but in half an hour, it’ll be that cheesecake.
Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? Hmm. Would be hard to choose between the IT Girl and CQ here. However, I’d love to call Miss L my best friend of the opposite sex, as I still owe her bigtime over her helping me out a lot last summer. She reawoke my competitive instinct at a time when I was struggling badly. I don’t see Miss L enough though these days since she moved upstairs. Oh – nearly forgot RCA. How ?
Who last MSN’d you? Sarai the Overqueen, although that doesn’t really count because I MSN’d her first.
Where is your significant other right now? Erm … null response
Do you have a crush? Lol – often. Depends on who walks around the corner from the team on the opposite side of the wall.
What is his/her name? Lol – might detect one pseudonym from what I’ve written already.
When was the last time you had your hair cut? (Spits hair out of mouth)
Are you on any meds? I avoid meds like the plague, although I’ll probably have to start going back to hayfever anti-histamines soon.
Do you have a mental disease? Heh heh heh – the men in white coats haven’t found me yet.
What shirt are you wearing? I have a white T shirt on which says “Don’t ask me, I make it up as I go”. Bought in the USA last year.
Are you sexy? Nope 13 stone and ugly. Although I’m working on the 13 stone bit, it was 14 stone about 5 months ago.
What’s your favourite store? Borders for books, PC World for window shopping.
Are you thirsty? Yep. Got a pint of water next door to me.
Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? Yep. But it’ll take someone with a lot of tolerance to put up with me and a lot of intelligence to keep me from getting bored. Made that mistake with my last partner, was having to unconsciously limit my thinking so as to not upset her through being too smart. Blimey that was a relief when I didn’t have to do it any more.
Who’s someone you haven’t seen in a while and miss? Family from up norf as I haven’t been back there for too long. (Illness got in the way last weekend)
Where do you work? Heh heh heh – somewhere in the Western Hemisphere, which is as detailed as I’m going to go