Lol – you know more than you let on there 🙂
Month: March 2008
Hey Son, Michele is the Mistress of Fate, sending …
Hey Son, Michele is the Mistress of Fate, sending me to see you tonight 🙂
I hope your mum has a lovely mother’s day tomorrow, with her family around her 🙂
No point me discussing IT with you – ‘cos you know I don’t get IT (geddit?)
I already have a Sony Bravia and PS3 and I can tel…
I already have a Sony Bravia and PS3 and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that the difference is huge. The detail and clarity of image are amazing, and blacks actually look ‘black’.
I would plump for the PS3 if I were you, basically the PS3 is a better bluray player than most standalone bluray players. To get the same standard at the moment you would have to spend over £600. Oh, yeah, and some of the games are good too, and you can play PS1 games on them!
Got blocked off Blogger last night unfortunately -…
Got blocked off Blogger last night unfortunately – strange 😉
PS Will have to think about that Department Store question – it’s a toss up between Virgin, Borders and PC World at the moment 🙂
Not having much luck with this box today. Have tri…
Not having much luck with this box today. Have tried three times… three times lucky perhaps?? From Michele’s btw… (SP)
Toy Temptation
It’s Mother’s Day in the UK tomorrow, so I’m currently at my mum’s and dad’s place visiting for the weekend. These weekends usually revolve around us raiding a pub and peeking at stuff we’re going to look to buy in the future.
My sister’s looking to get a dishwasher soon, which takes us to Comet and Currys. Which is dangerously close to where they sell tellies … Sometime in the near future, I’ll be looking to replace my dvd player, speakers, telly and Skybox with all new HD things 🙂 I’ve been waiting for things to mature in the HD area and to be honest, I hadn’t been too impressed with the output. It didn’t look that much better than normal telly. Starting to change my mind there though.
We learned a little bit about the HD stuff today – looks like the selling people are looking to get rid of HD-Ready tellys in favour of 1080p tellys. (1080p has more detail). What I’d like to know though is what a standalone Blu-Ray player has going for it compared to a Playstation 3 … Definite research required there as they’re roughly the same price. If I can get a games console in the same box as a movie player, then I’ll grab the games console. It’s a shame that the Wii doesn’t have Blu-Ray …
So, what I didn’t spend today was :
£600+ on a HD-Ready telly
£300 on a Playstation 3 to feed the telly
£xxx on new surround sound speakers (need to know a lot more here, the Comets and Currys don’t seem keen on selling surround sound speakers that aren’t attached to a dvd player)
It’s pretty much moot at the moment though. I’ll need to spend lots on a different car soon, plus my current telly is only a couple of years old. I’d like to wear that one out before changing it. Which means lots more time to research what’s out there and time for things to get cheaper 🙂
Going out later to the pub again, where we’ll have a Mother’s Day dinner. Hopefully tomorrow’s deliveries will come off without any hitches 🙂
Yeah, Spiderman 3 was pretty dire. Ib fact I felt …
Yeah, Spiderman 3 was pretty dire. Ib fact I felt extrememly disappointed with mosy of the Hollywood ‘blockbusters’ last year.
If you didn’t see ‘Surf’s Up’ I suggest you check it out. Made me laugh. A lot.