White is a target for getting dirty easily!
Michele sent me.
Month: June 2008
White is a target for getting dirty easily!
My cricket whites still have a slight grass stain …
My cricket whites still have a slight grass stain on the knees …
Lost count how many times they’ve been washed since I played last !
I absolutely never wear white for precisely that r…
I absolutely never wear white for precisely that reason. Somehow it always ends up dirty no matter what!
Lol – I’m a confidence person … I need the confi…
Lol – I’m a confidence person … I need the confidence to enable me to do stuff 😉
And it’s replies like your’s that really boost that confidence 🙂
‘Less is More’ and ‘Keep it Simple’ along with piz…
‘Less is More’ and ‘Keep it Simple’ along with pizza and popcorn and a wry sense of humor.
You Rock!!
Thursday Thirteen – random :)
Not done one of these for a while, partly cos I couldn’t think of a theme … Time for some random thoughts 🙂
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1…. Graeme Hick at 42 is still great fun to watch. Currently got the Glos. vs Worcestershire Twenty20 game on and I’m thoroughly on the old guy’s side. 2…. Pizza has to be my all time favourite food. 3…. From the showing in badminton last night, mebbe I’ve had too many 😉 4…. The tendency to “Less is More” is a very good thing. 5…. Kinda wondering if the fuel protest due tomorrow will interfere with me doing a long drive to mum & dad. 6…. Overcomplicating things tends to spoil it due to the complexity getting in the way. I’m a fan of the Keep It Simple Stupid principle. 7…. You can “save” heaps of cash on special offers but you’re still going to end up lighter in the pocket than if you avoided the offer … 8…. Popcorn is also on that list of favourite foods. 9…. Sometimes pure talent doesn’t get you to the top of your sport … but it definitely helps ! Thinking of Vikram Solanki and Graeme Hick above, who have lots of talent but never cemented their places in the England side. 10.. I definitely play too much Warcraft ! My new main character is now on level 58 after just 6 weeks. 11.. Team stuff is a lot more fun if you enjoy the people around. That goes for work as well as play … Was with a badminton player last night who poached far too much and then blamed his partner for not going for what he left. 12.. MUAHAHA ! Cricket again. New batsman in, bowler brings in the field, ball gets bowled and a few seconds later they’re fetching it from outside the stadium. 13.. I was That Close to wearing a white shirt with my pizza tonight ! That’s always too much of a temptation for fate … Especially if that white shirt just came off the drying rail. |
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Peace and motion
Had a couple of things to acquire for this weekend, so I hit the Mall again tonight. It’s full Summer now and the usual suspects are out on the prowl. There’s a few types there :
The ones who are gorgeous without really thinking about it. They have an unconscious natural grace that shows in everything they do. (Miss L has this)
There’s the jailbait … and that one word probably says it all there !
Cheeseburger Girls. And that’s not because they’ve had too many, it’s because it would do them a favour if you frogmarched them to the local fattyfood store to get them a cheeseburger.
Look At Me Girls. Otherwise known as the “I’m trying really hard to get stared at” people. I’d put young men in muscle shirts in this sterotype as well.
There was a Look At Me Girl at the Mall tonight, probably a lot more that I filtered out but this one was particularly noticeable. She was wearing something that probably would have embarassed an Olympic gymnast, although you definitely wouldn’t have wanted to have been swinging around the asymmetric parallel bars in that. You’d be arrested. Anyway – the Look At Me Girl. You can usually spot them as the ones desperately trying to stand out from the crowd, by any means necessary. And that “trying too hard” thing tends to put me off.
Just in the middle of watching a couple of NCIS episodes and Pauley Perrette who plays Abby Sciuto (imdb link) kinda fits into the unconscious grace category as well as Jailbait. And she’s 39 ! According to IMDB that is. I don’t believe it.
Right – much more talking about the girls at the Mall and I’ll be needing a cold shower. Which will be a good idea anyhow because it’s getting uncomfortable for Brits who complain at mild heat just as easily as they’ll complain at snow 🙂
Did I mention anywhere that I like air conditioning ? I only have it in the car but I wouldn’t acquire a car that doesn’t have it now.
Where’s the title for today’s entry come from ? I have a fairly chaotic, yet ordered, mind that finds it difficult to relax without a fresh neuron firing off pointing me in another direction. Strangely, I find it peaceful sitting in the open in the food court munching something (ok – a KFC!) while watching the people go by. The general murmur of the crowd helps to keep all those chaotic neurons quiet and I can slow down my brain and get a break from thinking/ watching/ listening to several different things at once.
Peace today – Motion tomorrow. Badminton again 🙂
I’m currently managing a session every fortnight, as I have a habit of breaking things by pushing too hard, too early. However, I was very pleased last session as I went straight into putting the new serve in action. And it was a nasty one too – accurate and very repeatable, even from absolutely no practice too. Apart from a bit of mental preparation that is. I have a partially photographic memory, which allows me to replay what I’ve done and attempt to build new ways of doing things by visualising the movements in my head. What I’d love to know is whether the picture in my head matches up to what would be on a video camera 🙂
That’s a little too much rambling from me tonight – here’s to Unconscious Grace and a little bit of peace amongst the chaotic world we live in.
I’ll probably go until the end of the month and th…
I’ll probably go until the end of the month and then skive for a week 🙂 I’m reasonably fortunate in having fairly free choice in when I grab time off. Although I do try to avoid having time off in hectic periods. Timing it to avoid the rush times helps to keep me going when things do get frantic.
Gives me something to look forward to 🙂
PS Younger and dafter 🙂
will you be getting some time off any time soon?
will you be getting some time off any time soon?
I’m yearning for a break but it ain’t gonna happen in the near future.
I relate to the weary feeling and Lord knows you’re younger and in better shape than I am
so take heart 🙂
[chuckle] I have these grand ideas of Photoshoppin…
[chuckle] I have these grand ideas of Photoshopping in an overlay of a wolf, leopard, cheetah or other predator type critter …
In a Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing type theme 🙂