Hectic week last week, first one back after my mini break. I didn’t go too far, outside of what ended up being a several day Stellaris bender …. oops. Enjoyed it though and it got me further on my quest to get all the achievements. It was a good game too, lost the homeworld at one point, got it back. Then went to take several homeworlds of other empires. That feels like a long time ago now !
Hectic week next week too, definitely Interesting Times at the moment. Lots of Internet Spaceships too, although there’s other things going on than internet spaceships :
Glasses – had a wander in town on Friday, didn’t see a place to get the new glasses from though, may have to go to Mall.
Phone – gonna replace the phone with a Pixel 3 XL as I’ve had enough of Samsung’s burned in malware. Looks like you can get the Pixel 3 XL online still but not in store, which is a shame. I’m not convinced the newer one is worth £10 a month more.
General wander – I do like wandering around the city centre, although I didn’t get that far this time. Wiped out after the week at work !
Terminator Dark Fate – watched this on Thursday with the boys. Very watchable, Linda Hamilton and Arnie are definitely the class of the movie. The backstory is completely …. terminated now with all the holes shot through it but they still keep coming out with very watchable action movies.

There’s gonna be a tonne of pictures appearing today, click for bigger as always. That ship’s the Commodore Tuesday, named after the Random Tuesday who should be in a link over to the right. The ship didn’t do so well, although that’s me fighting in conflict zones, which are really dangerous places. I’ll bring it out of the hangar again at some point with a better fit.
Back to exploring though, although before then it was a matter of getting to the place I’d left the Biscuits. Here is the Strength of Atlas, coming out of hyperspace by a neutron star.
And off on a little jaunt again. This is the Crumb, by an abandoned Thargoid wreck site. What happened here ? Looks old.
Betelgeuse is a big place. This was taken from 5 times the orbit distance of Earth from our sun.
The exploration expedition runs are usually guaranteed to find you some amazing screenshots. This is a nebula from inside another nebula.
There is a science ship inside as well.
And a very colourful planet in that same system too.
I found a base, last known location of an explorer who mysteriously … vanished. As did the rescuer sent to find them. (You find this stuff in logs scattered around the base).
A blue star this time …. and an updated paint job.
This ship had seen better days …
This trip saw a few excuses to dock up and fill up on tea and coffee from local stations too. This is a Coriolis station, a design which harkens back to the original game, updated for this iteration. There is a trench that runs around the face with the docking bay entrance, I must get a little ship and try a trench run around it at some point.
Oops. Left the headlights on again.
Dreaming of the California Nebula.
One of those discoverable logs. I wonder if they escaped ?
It’s always a little nervous when you drop out and there are two stars close by, although it hasn’t caught me out yet.
This White Dwarf star may have been a bit tricky to get a boost from. No gentle streamers here … just a rapidly vibrating pair of cones.
Another find, this time a generation ship which had to be abandoned by the crew.
The black hole effects in this game are very pretty. In this case, I flew around until the black hole was between me and the galactic ribbon and you can see some of the lensing effects. It’s most apparent where there are irregularities in the ribbon, with a false lensed image coming from the other side of the black hole.
The trip was not without mishap. This landing was on a 2.8g planet, which was a bit too much for the thrusters on this one. May have bounced. I’m sure all the dents will come out.
Almost the last stop. Here, we see a science ship. The science ship had holes :
I was tempted to try and fly all the way through …
However, it was time to return eventually though. This particular ship has been a joy to fly around some shorter distance expeditions but here is Jameson Memorial, the eventual home of the Searching For Biscuits. I’m back now to doing missions for the Federation to unlock another ship.
Although not so much today, sore wrist meant a halt to gaming for today !