Hello again,
It’s been a week again ! Must post more often. Noot that sure why I’m not, perhaps it’s a sense of wanting to isolate from the world, even more than just staying inside.
Lots of nasty news out there at the moment, whether it’s the virus situation or the various political situations. I’ve been steadily unfollowing a few people who I’ve kept an eye on for a little while. The world’s changed and they’ve changed with it. People write about doomscrolling and if all the people posting do is post Doom, that can be really bad for your mental health.
If it’s getting you down, cut it out of your feed and your life. We see that sort of stuff from all over the place, so Fear Off Missing Out doesn’t really apply. I’ve temporarily muted a couple of the Farcebook people, especially when they go overboard with the political stuff and into broken record territory. I used to follow George Takei on the Twitter, he was legendary for jokes and memes … now totally overly political.
That’s not to say that people shouldn’t use their voice … but if they become the cause, they’re not what made them fun to follow any more. Authors like James S.A. Corey and John Scalzi definitely have a great balance there. They’ll occasionally talk about the world situation but they’re more about their work and keeping to Fun Stuff.

Apart from that … Nurburgring 24 hours motor race was last weekend ! I got set up to watch the whole race this time, with pizza … And then rain happened ! The two 24 hour races got shifted from June to September this year. Le Mans got away with it, the threatened rain never erupted and it was a dry race, despite some juicy footage of lightning from near the venue. Nurburgring Nordschlieffe was another story though. They got some dry running in but they had to red flag the race overnight, calling a pause due to fog and heavy rain.
There had been a couple of damaging crashes for the leading cars in the half hour or so leading up to the red flag, so it was a good decision.
Only 1 Lexus in the race this year. I like following the RC F’s because they’re reasonably similar to what I have. Except for the coupe bodyshell, strengthened chassis, uprating all round and … oh … 5 litre engine. They were doing ok overnight, although I didn’t see what happened to them in the morning after the restart.
The coverage up the field is good, via youtube and there’s a good timing site which lets you track all of the cars … but the coverage isn’t great at keeping up with perhaps 2 thirds of the 97 car field for this year.
Still, it was good to watch and the treacherous conditions were keeping the result in doubt all the way to the end.
In real life stuff, I got me some ear drops … which have somewhat brought my head state back a bit ! I think the ear got so blocked, it was causing pressure on the rest of my head along with the tinnitus and one ear only hearing. But the ear drops have been improving.

Spaceships ? I’ve been enjoying the X52 Pro stick. It feels easier to use compared to the old one. I’m not too sure why, I think the action might be a little damped so instead of you putting a force in to move it and stop it, the damping stops it. I could do with the throttle being looser though.

I completed the trip back last weekend and along the way, visited one of the Guardian sites which have been left behind by a long dead race. Was that their high street ?

Is that a way in ?

This was a fairly extensive site, although I didn’t find a puzzle here. I must come back and do the Ram Tah mission chain, which apparently tells you much more about the Guardians.

I didn’t do the trip all at once, this was a stop off at the Eagle Nebula facility.

It was good to be back in civilisation though and Tiamat’s Chariot looks great in her new livery.

Someone mentioned that they needed a zebra prop though, which gave me a demonic idea … That’s photoshopped Gimp’d, although there is a Dazzle Camo paint scheme for one of the smaller Imperial ships.

That’s a fun thing that the stick can do. It’s a bit limited by the display size (3 addressable lines in the middle, that’s it for such a big area) and I needed third party software to make it do anything but having the landing pad instructions was cute. And about the most useful thing I’ve managed to get out of it so far. Maybe combat will be different.

The Community Goal for this week is one that deals in small quantities of good though, so as Tiamat’s Chariot isn’t really suited for that, Zoomnarr gets a little more flight time. There’s an Imperial shipyard near the collection site too with a couple of capital ships …

Also, some rare goods may give you more than you bargained for. They’re actually looking for beer, caviar, cigarettes and shiny fire opals.
Outside of Elite though, I was checking out other internet spaceships last night …

That’s from Star Trek Online. A curious mix of ground pounding combat like other MMOs and space based combat. It felt like Star Trek should feel, with phasers on the ground and something that feels similar to the Starfleet Command games in space.
But … it’s a 10 year old game that looks like while it’s had lots of story content for it over that period, it looks like a 10 year old game. It was making me think of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and the other games of that era.
A promising start though. That I might not be able to continue for the same reason as FFXIV ! My hand and arm aren’t a fan of me today after a couple of hours in STO last night.
A pity.
I’ve also been in Motorsport Manager 🙂 Sleepy Dwagon Racing were smashing the competition in the lowest league, so it was time to promote and they’ve got the points they should need to stay in that league already … after 3 races. I’ve got a definite formula for How To Win in that game, which makes it pretty much a certainty that I’ll eventually get them winning in the next league up … but you have to be on your game in order to keep winning. The AI doesn’t handle transitions between wet, dry and back to wet, which is a weakness that can be exploited.
I must get some screenshots from MM.
Oh, techie buying may well be adding another thing to the list … a keyboard ! The Steelseries M800 that I got 4 years ago was a wonderful keyboard for feel … but is feeling increasingly prone to mis-keying and double tapping of the keys. I’ll be looking at Logitech, Corsair or … (shock horror), the cheapie own brand one from PC World that actually felt really nice to type on.
Although that would mean going outside more …

That too.