Hello everyone,
I’d been thinking about going back to an older game again, after enjoying Deus Ex Mankind Divided far more than I thought I would earlier in the year. Oh and I’m also enjoying watching Rythian’s playthrough of Deus Ex as well. So … picture journey ! What’s first …
Oh, there are going to be spoilers in here so if you don’t want those for an 8 year old shooty game, look away now :-D.

That’s actually an older one, although I think I was still playing the game maxed out back then. Or maybe not because I’ve gone through a few video cards since then. This was back in 2012 and a return to the Deus Ex franchise with Deus Ex Human Revolution. It was perhaps limited in what it tried to do but what it attempted, it pulled off supremely well. It’s one of only two games that I played enough to acquire all of the Steam achievements.

That’s from the prologue. Armed invaders have erm … invaded the company building that you’re responsible for providing the security for and you go in there to sort them out. I was enjoying the gunplay, very smooth. There are achievements to do with Pacifist playthroughs where you leave every opponent alive (apart from the bosses which you have to kill). I’ve already got that one so I wasn’t too bothered about it this time. Besides, there are bugs in the game which mean that if you shoot bad guys with tranquilizer darts, sometimes they die. Had that happen twice tonight.

Yep. Will be going after that one too later.
Our protagonist, Adam Jensen, is fully meat and bone human at this point … but not for too much longer. You see, repelling the invasion doesn’t go so well and it’s not long before we come back to Mr Jensen after he’s had his arms and legs chopped off and exchanged for bionic replacements. I’m not entirely sure how much of the original meat and bone fella is left but there’s some fairly heavy augmentations going on. One thread running through is that not all of these augmentations and amputations were strictly necessary but his boss had them put in anyway.

Curious ethics there. The ethics around augmentation is a running theme through the two games (DXHR and the sequel, Deus Ex Mankind Divided). One issue is rejection syndrome, which will come up more in the Hong Kong sections. There’s also an identity issue …

Home sweet home … but …

Definite identity issues there. While our Mr Jensen has been able to physically integrate with his new limbs, he’s struggling to do so mentally. When playing the game originally, the thought hit about my wonky shoulder. Perhaps from the I, Robot film as well where the main character had his arm replaced. Would I want to have my shoulder and arm replaced if it meant having full or even enhanced movement plus no pain ? It’s a curious thought. What do you think ? I actually think I’d prefer to stay 100% meat and bone. While my arm and shoulder are a bit broken, they still safely repair up to a certain point. Mechanical stuff needs maintenance.
Oh, it’s not just bad guys. There are also robotic enemies. Some are easier to deal with than others …

Yep. The old boxes in front of the cameras trick. They’ll never suspect me if there’s a bucket on their head. (Oh wait, that’s Skyrim).
The game is split up into a few areas, starting you off in Detroit of 2027. There’s a certain amount of orange and the near future is a bit bleak …

The environments looked great for their time, although there is a decent amount of simplification going on there which is somewhat hidden away from the gamer. It’s to make sure that the game looks great while still being as playable as possible.

There’s some fun bugs in there too :-D. I think that bug is fixed but I’ll be looking for them later.
It’s probably fairly clear that this is one of my favourite games and one of the reasons for that is the characters. Even when I go Pacifist, there’s one particular section that I break out the more dangerous toys … and it’s this lady :

That’s Faridah Malik, pilot for the Sarif Industries company that our Adam Jensen works for. I like Malik, definitely not one to be taken lightly. We see more of that in the first Hong Kong sidequests. Looks good there too, although those crinkles in the flightsuit aren’t crinkles … they’re texture work. That’s one difference between 2011/2012 games and 2020 games, the models are so much more detailed. But the cleverness from 10 years ago meant that you’d only see that difference if you looked real close.
And Malik would slap you if you tried that.
One slightly sad thing is that even if you refrain from going through the vents and raiding the offices at Sarif Industries, there are emails when you come back that suggest you did. You can opt not to do the larceny but the game still thinks you did the deed.

I left that office alone … Couple more and then that’s it for this post … One achievement involved getting a ball through a hoop, I kinda overdid it. Oops.

Oh and …

There will be more later …
Oh, I’ve also been trying out a new position for my desktop mouse. With it on the upper deck of my desk, I was playing games with a locked straight arm which was causing stress on my shoulder. I’ve rerouted things so that I can easily move it to the same level as my keyboard and I’m trying that out in games. It’s promising so far. Instead of a straight arm, the arm is bent and more relaxed and supported more by the armrest of my chair.
Hopefully that leads to less pain later. And less :

We shall see !

There’s my ride. Gotta go. Stay safe, be well !