Hi everyone,
What’s this ? Second post in a week ? I need to post more often, even if it is just internet spaceship pics.

Yep. Kinda between books but I know what the next one will be. It was nearly Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. The start of his books tend to be the best and I was enchanted by the story of Nadia as she builds the earliest permanent Mars habitation. Red Mars was a really good one, the story kind of petered out as it went through Green Mars and Blue Mars. I think he’s an author with fantastic ideas about world building … but the overall plot line tends to suffer. Still great books though. I thought the world building in 2312 was fantastic.
Can’t find my copy of Red Mars though, I’ve either picked it up and put it somewhere not near the others or it’s one of a little collection that I lent out a while ago.
Anyway, next book is looking like an overdue reading of Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, which was a birthday present from CK. Can’t remember when !
Anyway, last book was The Crystal Shard, which was R.A.Salvatore’s first entrance in to the Dungeons and Dragons area of book. There was a cluster of these released to support the Forgotten Realms world building pack, with this one covering the forbidding area of Icewind Dale to the extreme North West of the Realms. It’s a cold place, with Ten Towns (literally called Ten Towns) filled with rowdy frontier folk who are more interested in a fight than teaming up against the invading hordes. And invading hordes there are. It’s still a very readable book, 30+ years on from when it came out and I’ll be moving on to the rest of them in due course.

I avoided playing games pretty much all this week. Temperatures in my main room were hitting 30 degrees C on my fan and the graphics card was up to 53 C at idle at some points. That’s about 7 degrees above where the point where the graphics card says things are ok. It’s 49 now. If games happen, the graphics card and processor need to do work, which means heat getting introduced in to the room. I could feel it in yesterday’s session (but continued !) and definitely felt it in today’s session.
They started off with a bit of ferrying around cargo, that’s the job of the Imperial Cutter class Tiamat’s Chariot. A fearsome craft, she takes on all pirates who come to try and rob her of her cargo and also takes a massive amount of cargo around. I’ve not been enjoying that quite as much as I have done before though, so only 3 cargo runs have happened this weekend. It’s Community Goal time, with this week’s ones being a Trade one (bring cargo for reward) and a Combat one (shoot pirates for reward).

Another one of Tiamat’s Chariot from the other end of that base. It was fun to see the scale of the ship here, especially as one of my pick up points for cargo was as well lit as the base here. Another thing I appreciated was being able to take the taxi around the galaxy. This is one of the good features of the Odyssey expansion. Before, you’d be able to request your ship be delivered to you but I thought this time, the ship is set up to make travel easy so I’ll go to the ship. This time it’s …

The Admiral Luperza, a Federal Corvette class warship. She did alright in the bit of combat a week or so ago but I wanted to put some upgrades in. I’ve ended up rearranging the fit as well, so instead of two massive beam lasers and 5 smaller gatling cannons, she has 3 massive gatling cannons and 4 smaller beam lasers. The ships are limited on battery (capacitor) and the big beams drain that capacitor really quickly … This set up feels like it’ll have more combat endurance. Oh and I’ve boosted the range of the beam lasers as well.
I haven’t tried it out yet though, there are no suitable combat locations in the system where the Community Goal is ! Oops. There’s more work to do on this one, always more grinding to do in games like this.
Oh and I was very close to having another look at Eve Online, as it’s another one that has a definite draw for chilled out space trucking. Eve is pretty much pure pvp though. You have to be able to accept that style of gameplay to get the most out of it, which includes voice comms and patrols which have very strict demands on your time. I decided that wasn’t for me quite a few years ago and nothing really has changed.

There’s a bit more to the Elite stuff, which I’ll close out the post with later.
Olympics ? It’s been good watching it so far, although with proceedings starting from about 12.30 local each day, it’s on a bit too late for me. I take advantage of the telly box being able to rewind an hour and then fast forward through the boring stuff, like filler segments and football.
I’ve been curious about the outfits again … The martial arts players have a set outfit that must get in the way :-D. Tennis highlights were just on … those look pretty normal. Hope they’re ok in the heat. Cycling will always be a sport for the lycra. Moving swiftly on. Then there’s swimming with the form fitting outfits and swim caps …
I think the big thing there is that all of the competitors should be on an equal footing, with no performance benefits being allowed from someone having a smarter technology behind their outfit. (Non-friction swimwear? Maybe)
I was curious about the gymnasts … Why do the ladies wear the leotards and the blokes wear the trousers ? Which one is better for doing the moves for their sport ? I know/knew a ex gymnast, she worked in the last team. I never asked her and it’s probably not a question you can casually pop into conversation ? You know ? Equality and diversity and all that ?
It’s always fun to see the archery people. They use hats. Hats are cool. And the Korean ladies were giving a scary sense of invulnerability earlier. Yep. Zombie apocalypse comes and you need people to take out zombies silently, get these ladies on your team. The skateboard people were like your typical cool street kid. It’s good to see them get their chances on as big a stage as this.
That’s the thing with the Olympics, it’s a fantastic festival of sport, where you find yourself watching things you’ll only watch every 4 years or so and they’re so compelling due to being right there with the competitors baring their passion for what they do.
Like the triathlon starting in a few minutes ! Things kick off early tonight so I better wrap up.
Bit more internet spaceship … I’m still invested in Elite. It offers a good chilled out alternate reality space to escape in to. And that can be valuable, especially in times like this. Wonder what I’d be like as a trucker in this world ? That would be a massive shift. And then it also has its exploration and combat side too.
But there are so many bugs … The most frustrating one is in the lighting system, where you’ll be heading to a planet and not be able to see anything at all due to it just appearing jet black. As in, it’s a hole in space occluding everything behind it but you can’t see the thing blocking the view. That’s perhaps the biggest actual bug in the Odyssey expansion. The abysmal performance isn’t really a bug, it’s just utterly flawed output from the developers. Here’s another of those bugs …

This is the bar, inside the concourse which is common to all of the space stations. The concourse is usually inside the space station … not floating around outside where the reflection of the station gets caught in the window. Where is that though ? Is it a reflection or a ghostly form of the station and planet ?
Who knows.
So many bugs. But it still has that hold on that part of me that enjoys flying around in spaceships.
Stay safe everyone ! Be well.