Hello everyone,
It’s about time I posted again ! Let’s see. It’s been November since the last post and a few things have happened since then / are happening soon. First of all :
I’m ok. Just felt a bit burned out at the end of year and maybe a thinking that the posts I was writing were a bit all the same thing just minor variations ? Maybe. Oh ! Thumbnail pic.

There we go. Very 14 Feb appropriate and it goes for all of you who are still around and reading this after the big long gap.
I think one reason for hiatus was being pretty burned out on Advent posts too, I think the Elitecember series was probably the last of those that I’ll do. (Plus the advent calendars haven’t been so good). Enough about hiatus, what’s been happening ?

I’ve been doing the Space thing again. I’m off around the galaxy but this time I’m taking the big fleet carrier with a selection of ships. So Tiamat’s Chariot is along for the ride and had a little run out for a short 700 or so light year hop.
Christmas has been and gone during the break, it was great seeing family and dogs again. Perhaps a quicker run than it could have been ? I think that’s part of feeling run down, wanting to escape back to the sanctum to be able to fully switch off. Work’s driven part of that, it’s been busy but also rewarding. We’ve been getting Stuff done and the feedback I get is the polar opposite of what was happening in my last team.
Yep. Good seeing the family again.
Last time in the current car too … Yep. That’s one of the bigger news things from the break. I’d been steadily getting more and more unhappy with the current car. The main issue is that it’s too long and therefore really tough to manoeuvre. It also suffers from the Lexus apparent tendency to beta test their cars before settling on a Good car, which is weird because they got it bang on correct with the CT. Issues with the current one include that it’ll go Wibble as soon as you drive over a broken up road surface. Apparently the back suspension is completely revised on the facelifted model.
Which car is next ?

That car was number one in google search results for Tardis Blue Car for a good while. I was happy with that. The next one will be in red and has more toys. More pictures in a few weeks.
Oh – one crazy thing with the current car is that it literally got lost. I’d broken a work journey up to get a leg stretch and coffee. When I started up again, the GPS track was steadily diverging from the actual road, until it found a side road and merrily thought it was heading down that. And then that got worse as the car literally got more and more lost. I was fine. I was on the A road heading to where I needed to be. (And I switched over to Android Auto as a fix) It’ll be good being in a smaller car again, although I am sacrificing power for the size.
I’ve been devouring books again. Figuratively, not so much literally. (Ipads are crunchy). I’m going to see if I can read through a 52 book year this year. I’m already at a reading streak approaching 100 days now on the Kindle app. The year started out with 2 Starship for Sale books by M R Forbes. Blue Burn finished on such a cliff hanger that I had to go straight into the next book, Eight Ball. I’ve since read book 7 of the series, Kill Spree. They’re good fluffy space sci fi books that speed through a story. They’re pretty pulpy but I’ve been enjoying them.
L J Cohen’s Halcyone Space books are a little more serious and have had an interesting universe and story developing. I enjoyed book 4, Parallax, and I’ll be back for the concluding book in a few weeks. I’m properly engaged in the characters and will be looking for more from the author.
Maybe dipping a bit was the third Thrawn book by Timothy Zahn, Thrawn Treason. It held the attention, including shining more of a spotlight on how the Chiss (a Timothy Zahn introduction into Star Wars) do their space war business. It did feel perhaps a bit contrived though.
The dip continued with Galactic North by Alastair Reynolds. This is a collection of stories in the Revelation Space universe and to be honest, I could have done without reading this one. The stories aren’t great and I actually skipped one of them after giving it the chance of a few pages.
Another book I grinded through was The Satan Bug by Alastair MacLean. That’s a weird thing to say isn’t it. A renowned author who’s books I’ve enjoyed previously. The film and others including Where Eagles Dare and Guns of Navarone are legendary suspense stories. The Satan Bug sets up a super scary premise …. and then flip flops between investigation elements that never feel as if they’re going anywhere solid. A disappointment but I’ll go back for others of his books when I find them cheap. Santorini is one I’d highly recommend, HMS Ulysses is an incredible WW2 naval war story.
And then there’s the huge highlight of the year so far : Artifact Space by Miles Cameron. This was the most I’ve enjoyed a book for a Very Long Time. It’s a space sci fi again, with the central character being a young lady who has had to run away from a terrible situation and finds herself heading off round the galaxy with a huge conspiracy erupting around her.
It’s a curious mix of space navy procedure and character development. I hugely enjoyed Artifact Space and I’m looking forward to when the story is continued.
Other stuff ? I got back into the Idle Champions game. And space has been happening again too. The laptop continues to go through the music in there, I’m approaching having listened to half the library now.

That was a different part of the trip. One of the additions to the game has been planets with thin atmospheres which you can land on. Here’s me checking out an Osseus plant with the little Warp Factor Potato. Not so good an experience because it lands very close to the ground, which makes it difficult to get the buggy out.
I think I’m running out of things that want to come out of my brain. Time to close off with … 14 Feb is for very good friends and … I found a frond.

I’ll leave it there. It feels good to be writing a post again, there’s like a pressure that steadily increases when you have a hiatus like this. You want to write but there’s also “I haven’t written for a while, a bit more break is ok”.
Definitely be back with pics of the car when it arrives and I need to figure out a photoshoot location. Sainsburys car park isn’t the best place :-D.
Last thing ! Current book : Leviathan Wakes by James S A Corey. First book in the Expanse series. They did an overall good job with this series. Bits are great, bits are poor. But they set up their world building in the books incredibly well and they pull off a very fitting ending.
Laters everyone !