50 Things You’ve Never Been Asked meme

A meme ! I used to post a fair few of these but haven’t seen suitable ones to steal for a little while, or I’ve just plain missed them. Until today !

Here goes !

1. What is the colour of your hairbrush? It’s a yellow comb.
2. Name a food you never ever eat? Bananas and anything that’s been near cucumber.
3. Are you typically too warm or cold? Too warm. I struggle to dump heat.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? I closed the work laptop just over an hour ago, 45 minutes ago I was lurking in 2 streams. Fuzzyfreaks on the laptop and Xaliiah on the desktop. Xaliiah‘s just getting started again in streaming.
5. What is your favourite chocolate bar? Mini Eggs and big Toblerones. That reminds me ! I have a big Toblerone that has not yet been opened.

Oops. It has now been opened.

(pic note – be very careful with anything chocolate like given to animals, it may well be toxic to them)
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? Several. If the Interservices T20 games count, that’s the last one. They’re professional at other things though, not at the cricket. Otherwise, it’s Wembley and football.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? I just mumbled “Hmm”. Can’t remember actually, I’ll often unconsciously talk out loud if I’m thinking through something.
8. What is your favourite ice cream? Mint choc chip.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? I currently have coffee.

10. Do you like your wallet? It is my wallet. There are many like it but this one is mine and it does the job I want it to do and hasn’t fallen apart yet. This is good.
11. What was the last thing you ate? Erm … I may have discovered an unopened Toblerone but it is nearly dinner time so something involving chicken soon.
12. Did you buy any new clothes this weekend? Erm … nope ! I started my isolation early.
13. The last sporting event you watched? Live ? Formula 1 testing and I think that’s one of the last sporting things that’ll happen for a bit.
14. What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? Buttery popcorn ! But the health people have pretty much shut that down in GB so it’s salty popcorn for me as a preference.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? The Sleepysister.
16. Ever go camping? Not for a couple of decades but I was contemplating whether it would be the option for the eventual Le Mans 24 hour trip.
17. Do you take vitamins? My diet sucks so vitamins and Magnesium tablets it is.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? No.

19. Do you have a tan? My friend who donated this meme answered : “IN the UK in March?!!”. Seconded.
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? Pizza is better. But the Chinese is within walking distance and has someone where who likes to sneak extra prawn crackers out to me.
21. Do you drink your pop with a straw? I’ll use a straw if it’s provided but normally no.
22. What colour socks do you usually wear? Black, although I’ve been varying the socks I buy because it helps to match them up when they come out of the laundry.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? No. I got trained out of doing this by old cars that could be favourably described as bangers. If you went too fast, something would drop off them.
24. What terrifies you? People being hurt by my actions, especially if it was a conscious action and not something I didn’t realise was bad. Particularly pertinent in this time of virus lockdown.
25. Look to your left. What do you see? Laptop with Fuzzy playing Mount and Blade on it.
26. What chore do you hate? Pretty much any type of cleaning !

(usual thing applies with copyright – I raided this one from Amazon. I don’t think they or the seller owns the copyright and I have no idea who does. If you recognise this, please let me know so I can attribute and link)
27. What do you think of when you hear any Australian accent? Hello Mr xxx ! We have an Aussie on the team, he’s a good guy.
28. What’s your favourite pop? Something something coke/pepsi related.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I’ll sit in their place and munch it there. I rarely take food away from them.
30. What is your favourite number? Not sure I really have one ! Although I avoid letting prime numbers if I can.
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? With voice, it was a fella called Jim. In text, it was a prescription of tea as the lovely Xaliiah was wrapping up her stream.
32. Favourite cut of beef? Medium rare steak.
33. Last song you listened to? Little Light of Love from The Fifth Element soundtrack.
34. Last book you read? Old Man’s War by John Scalzi and I’m in the first quarter of Ignition! now.
35. Favourite day of the week? “Any day I am not at work.” Same, same.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? Yes. But … w.w.w.why ?
37. How do you like your coffee? In a mug. Also warm and milky.

38. Favourite pair of shoes? Probably my work shoes at the moment ! They’re good shoes. The fuzzy cold weather boots did me well too, although they were a pain to put on.
39. Time you normally go to bed? Not until midnight and then usually a bit later.
40. Time you normally get up? About 7am ish.
41. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunset? Depends if you’re having to drive in to either. Driving in to low sun is a pain.
42. How many blankets on your bed? Quilt only.
43. Describe your kitchen plates? Orangey with a pattern on the outside.
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? I don’t really drink alcohol much at all. White wine is what I’d mostly likely to be caught with.
45. Do you play cards? Very little. There are a selection of competitive card games on the computer now but it’s not a genre I tend to go in for much.
46. Car colour: Shiny and Red.

47. Can you change a tyre? Yes. I sadly don’t have a spare though, I’d be using a repair thingy which essentially destroys the tyre.
48. Your favourite destination? Places with interesting things to see. Comic Con is always fun, although I think it’ll be delayed this year. Lords for the IST20 is always a good day out and I enjoyed the semi random outings like Raglan, Legoland and SS Great Britain. Need to find some more places to wander around when the lockdown finishes.
49. Favourite job you’ve ever had? Probably the first long term one in my current organisation. I was able to learn, absorb knowledge and see something amazing taking shape. The current one is pretty good too and I’m hoping things I’m seeing and analysing will lead to changes that will improve the final product.
50. How did you get your biggest scar? Most of the damage has healed but there are still leftovers from the long term skin condition, so this is probably : An infected bite.

One last picture before I hit post. I found this while looking for another and really, really want an excuse to use it :

Haha ! As far as technology goes, I’ve had to abandon attempting to stream sound to two separate Bluetooth devices from my laptop. It can do it … but the Bluetooth device stuff was starting to crash and otherwise have issues. It hasn’t had a problem since I stopped using the Bluetooth speaker, so I’m assuming that sending to two devices was over working it. Which means I need another solution for the music !