Who needs date accuracy anyway

TBB just shared this one on Facebook which made me laugh :

Especially as it’s the perfect follow up to yesterday’s apocalypse now post 🙂

Oh – I’d need another car if an apocalypse came that wiped out the tech. The Lexus is a great car, after 6 months I’m convinced it was one of the best car decisions I’ve made. But … one whiff of an EMP and all that tech will go byebye.

Now Chloe in my mum & dad’s garage … That’s another matter. Chloe is a Triumph Spitfire Mk3 much like :

(Chloe is a blue one too but hasn’t been out of the garage for many years due to crash damage)

In its day, the Spitfire was a direct competitor to the Spridget (Sprite & Midget were effectively the same car) and was a 2 seater convertible quite similar to today’s MX-5. It’s much more suitable than the Lexus for surviving an apocalypse as the only thing inside with a transistor is the radio (I think it’s a transistor radio!). Not quite so sure about it having the room to carry Apocalypse Supplies though and from what I remember, there’s not much room for an Anti Zombie Shotgun behind the seats.

It was a great little car though, which makes it time for the picture attribution : You could hire one like it here 🙂 – Greatescapes.co.uk. Chloe stays in the garage for now, awaiting its rebuild.

PS Since it appeared on FB, that calendar pic seems to have gone viral …