Training – Motivation required

Another one from the “Facebook made me lol” collection :

Definite lol from that one.

(Aside – now watching the cricket highlights and thinking “when did bowlers throwing the ball become an accepted part of the game ?”)

It’s getting close to that time of year when I need to start thinking about getting ready for the season. Previously, I’d rely on a combination of :
Natural Fitness (I’m a fattie but can still pull my weight around with little preparation)
Pre season nets
Running around at lunchtimes at school

These days the running around at lunchtimes and pre season nets don’t happen. Plus I’d be challenged to get as much quality training in with nets because of the shoulder issues. I used to be one of the first to turn up and I’d be bowling all through the session (except when it came my turn to bat). I’d get full value out of the nets time, it let me try new things out or groove my bowling action until it was ready for matches. I found my away swinger by accident but nets let me learn how to bowl it properly. I was literally one of the first to turn up and the last one to leave. (Half the team didn’t know where the light switches were)

I can’t rely on the natural fitness so much now, I used to be in Much Pain for about 2 days after the first game of the season. Much Pain time was closer to a week last year … even without doing a full allocation of bowling overs.

So what I need to do is to start getting miles into my legs. I have a good training circuit available for that, with a set of roads near my place set into a triangular pattern. I think that it’s maybe about a mile and a half. It should serve first as me walking around it, followed by jogging when more conditioning is back in my legs.

That’s what it needs really, the power is still there in my legs plus I can really feel the benefit of being a stone lighter. But … what’s cursed me over the years is lack of stamina and being prone to cramp. The diet has caused a bit of an imbalance that’s increased that proneness to cramp too. (It’s settling and going away)

But most of all – it’s motivation.

And the Pink Hat Project for the summer may well be the key to unlocking that motivation. Can’t rely on being chased by dinosaurs any more !