Thinking Valentines

We’re coming up to one of the nastier commercially driven celebrations of the year …

Yep. I mean Valentines’ Day. Kinda weird saying it’s a nasty celebration but that’s the way I feel about it after seeing what commercialism has done to it.

The idea – that one day in the year, couples do something special. It’s a nice idea but as with most Day’s, as soon as the market men get their fingers on it, it jumps out of control.

The problem – is that you’re made to feel obliged that you should be doing something on that particular day. If you’re not then you’re made to feel that there’s something wrong with you. Even worse if you’ve been single for what feels like forever, like me. You’d like to go out somewhere to let someone to feel special but there’s no willing, interested or interesting partners out there.

The reality – everyone else gets the need to head out somewhere on the Day, leading to the restuarants being totally crammed and tickets for things becoming difficult to come by. If you do get in a restuarant, you’re not in for a romantic intimate dinner, you’re heading for Sheep Dip dining where the restuarant want you out the door so they can get more people through.

It doesn’t lead to it being a good evening. Don’t get me wrong, some of the few memories* I retain of the time with Evil Ex are centred around evenings out. We make each other feel better by having a relaxed evening in each other’s company. But around Valentines Day, there’s too much pressure coming from the surroundings to really enjoy that time away.

*(time has eroded most of them but there’s also the lingering after effects of my brains being scrambled by a cricket ball)

Plan A for this year’s Valentines Day was to head over to CQ’s place for the evening to chill out with pizza and dvd’s. We’ll be doing that on Thursday instead when all the Crazies are available.

But I will mark it in my own way … Unless I get the shock of a better offer coming around I’ll be stopping in. But I’ll put up a music post with the soppiest songs in my library. Here’s a taster …