Small is beautiful

A little bit of random telly I caught a while ago that now has me hooked is Leverage.

It’s not what I usually go for, there’s no lasers, jetpacks, teleporters or other bits of sciency-fiction technobabble in here. Just a lot of style and clever smarts in how it sets up the scenarios in each episode.

They also have a lot of fun with how the episodes play through to. The 5 main characters don’t necessarily totally like each other but there’s a lot of respect for each other’s abilities. It’s a series where the cast works really well together. But one catches the eye early :

That’s Beth Riesgraf who plays Parker. Very definitely a Bad Girl. She’s the thief of the bunch and certifiably crazy.

Maybe that’s why the twinkle catches the eye. She’s actually not that small but that’s the way it looks on screen. Perfection (even with the craziness) in a very tiny package (like a few others I could mention !)

Anyway – just really enjoyed watching the pilot episode again and I’m now looking forward to watching the rest of the series. Hell, I even bought season 2 unseen and I very rarely do that.

Here’s another character who joins in with making this a cool series to watch :

Very true. The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth.

PS Boy does surround sound make you jump out of your skin if gunfire goes off on the soundtrack taking you by surprise. Jeez !
PS2 Feeling a bit better today for some reason I can’t fathom. Must be the bacon sarnie in the morning and the prospect of the weekend to come.