Saturday 9

Spotted this one a while ago on TBB’s blog and thought – I must do that.

It’s a Saturday 9 meme :

1. Do you live close to where you grew up ? Why ?

No. Not any more – I’ve followed the work. The first years I can properly remember had me in Northern Ireland, which is a beautiful country to live in. We had a house out in the sticks, which is still there albeit with a new access road, new barn and it looks like a landscape gardener has done stuff to the land around it. But the recognisable features are still there, including the wall where we used to shoot cans off it with an air rifle. My parents still live in Lincolnshire where I went to secondary school but I now live in Bristol where the work is.

2. Have you ever been so angry that you almost lost control ?

With other people – very rarely. I walk away before snapping with others.
With myself ? Hell yeah. One reason for the ongoing damage to my shoulder is that while I rein myself in with throwing normally, those reins aren’t in place when I’ve made an error. So if I’ve fumbled or dropped a catch, a 110% power throw will be coming in from the boundary. I’m in an instinct frame of mind at that point, won’t be able to stop it and will go OW in a big way when the throw is away. At other times, I’ll channel anger into tighter focus. Like Friday 27th when the self-anger got turned into tighter focus for getting things done.

I don’t think people realise that I put the tight control on to myself. It actually hinders my interactions with normal people, although a touch of natural empathy can have me picking up on how other people are feeling.

3. Are you a fan of a musical act that slightly embarasses you ?

Let’s see … Paul McCartney’s The Frog Song will always be a favourite. As well Manamana. I will always sing along to Abba. But I’ll go for Alisha’s Attic. Not for their music, which is consistently outstanding but for the nickname I grabbed while I was a fan of them above everyone else : Alisha’s Addict. People who know me at work will recognise why that might have triggered the embarassment flag over the past year or so 😉

4. Is there a movie that always makes you cry ?

Yes – it’s called Bolt. It’s an animated film about a super dog. The bit that really gets me is towards the end – the burning building sequence.

(Men do cry sometimes, we just hate to admit it – except footballers who have something wrong in the head)

Hey ! I’m a dog person and not afraid to admit it 🙂

5. Who is the most famous person that you’ve met ?

Bumble, aka David Lloyd. He’s one of the Sky cricket commentators and is certified bat-shit crazy. He’s a great guy, brings a lot of colour, fun and genuine enthusiasm for the game into the commentary box. We met him at Trent Bridge 2 years ago when we watched Yorkshire blow it yet again. We were walking around the ground to find seats before the game and coming the other way is Bumble. I got a handshake, although it was a fleeting meeting as I suspect he was late for duty and needing to rush off.

Great guy – made my day that did, the result didn’t matter after that 🙂

6. Before you leave your home, what must you have ?

Keys, wallet, mobile phone, shades (sensitive eyes). Brain (no kidding, sometimes it gets left behind). If for longer than a day : laptop.

7. What do you miss the most about being a kid ?

No cares. Sure, they probably worked us for longer hours at school with the homework but I wasn’t subject to chores etc. Also space, I had the space to practice the cricket in the back garden (there’s still a bare patch in the grass where I stood). I haven’t the space to do that here :

The back yard has a big step so I couldn’t bat in it
Not enough depth for the batting practice
And I’d be throwing a ball at the windows … (Throw ball, whack it when it returns on the bounce)

After school, I’d be nipping out the back with me kit to do 30-60 minutes batting practice with that occasionally broken up by having to fetch the ball from in front of the house if I’d hit it over the top.

8. Tell us about a passion of your’s that your readers would not expect.

Ok, that cuts out anything to do with chocolate, pizza or sweeties … My passion is elegance in all of its forms. That can be a device that just Works, it performs its function with the finesse of something that’s Just Right.

But that’s just the half of it. I watch people. The human body is a machine as well, albeit made of bone & muscle & skin instead of metal & wires & motors. It come in all shapes and forms. And some of them move with such a subtle flow that it’s like watching water flow down a stream. It’s partly economy of movement, part just enough extra movement.

It’s watching the difference between the gawky walk of a starved fashion victim and the “I know what I’m doing … and I KNOW you’re watching it” walk of someone who is utterly comfortable with who she is. Mind you, it’s not always the confident ones who have that elegance, one colleague was desperate to lose weight but still moved with the flow of a dancer.

Doh – getting distracted again. How smoothly I get around depends on how my body is behaving. I’ve trained myself to move with total economy of movement, partly because it protects my knees. But it also unlocked Extreme Speed for me.

Just remembered from a few years ago – there was a person working in the team next door who would walk past the desks normally. Until she reached the desks of Sleepypete and Diablo. At that point, a sway would be introduced into the walk. We think it was unconscious but it had the effect of both Sleepy & Diablo being utterly unable to do any work until she was out of sight.

9. At what age do you think you’d be to think, “I’ve had a great run” ?

I dunno. And I don’t think that time is for a long time to come. Still too much to do. I’ve learned stuff but not passed it on. I’ll not be satisfied until I’ve passed on a decent proportion of what I know. And while there’s still at least one person out there who needs help only I can give, there’s still a place for me.

PS We appear to have snow. Maybe there will be enough for another Snow Thing later …