
It’s been a while … About 18 months since I last posted anything here.

I’ve been putting stuff here : VR blog for a while but I’ve gotten a little uncomfortable about posting more stuff there as I’ve never actually been a part of that guild … I had a chance to be but in the end, I couldn’t leave the Mercs.

Why have I kicked off the blog again ? I guess my January itchy fingers have pushed me towards wanting to tap stuff into a diary again. I seem to get itchy fingers around January time every year, it’ll often manifest as me getting new games, poking them for a week or so and then putting them down again, never to be picked up again. This time it’s a Golden Oldie – Baldur’s Gate 2. Had that for ages, never got as far into it as it deserves.

Will use a Thursday Thirteen tomorrow as a devious way of compressing 18 months into something that’ll only take a minute to scan !