Mood breaking

Chuckle – After the frustration of Friday’s and Saturday’s runs, I had a lot more fun today.

In the morning, I had the chance to let my warrior off the leash, this time just seeing how much damage she could do. So out came the pole that had previously only been used for dancing with. The pole hits harder than the weapons usually used, which helps when you’re hitting lots of stuff at once.

Then we hit the Ahn’Qiraj instance, where we weren’t totally invincible but we did manage to get three tough bosses down. It’s a fun place is Ahn’Qiraj. The encounters are all “interesting”, instead of just being a slugfest where the ranged people hammer the boss, the tank keeps the boss’s attention and the healers keep everyone alive.

Nah – today it was Buru, Rajaxx and K Bug (can’t spell the full name). Rajaxx hides behind something like 40 bad guys, so you have to make sure you have the endurance to get through. Buru ignores the tank until he’s at about 20% health but then he does nasty things. Instead of following the tank, he picks one person who then gets chased. The person who is “IT” then tried to get Buru over an egg, which is exploded when Buru is over it for lots of damage to Buru. Challenge is to stay alive to get ‘im :-).

Anyway, fun times – including the pvp battle I was involved in late. Thought about quitting because it appeared to be stalemate but good tactics broke the allies’ hold on the place they were defending and we rolled them up from there.