Tired or bored ?

Trying to figure out which one I am at the moment.

I feel tired, even though I got a decent amount of sleep over the weekend. It’s not physical exertion, because I’ve not been running around that much. I don’t think it’s mental exhaustion either, because I’d managed to limit my online time over the weekend as well. I was online a bit but only because I was bored. (And one of the raids was short, so I helped out)

Maybe I need to find myself another hobby … Kinda like, get myself tired out properly instead of only half tired through pooter games. Must get the golf clubs out of the airing cupboard.

So that’s what I need to do, find a direction to go in and devote my energies towards that. It’s always easier to summon up energy when you have something (or someone!) to direct it towards. Outdoor cricket season will start in a couple of months :-).

Currently watching part 1 of the new version of The Poseidon Adventure. This one looks like it has a similar collection of stars to the first one. Already seen have been Adam Baldwin (Jayne from Firefly), Rutger Hauer, Peter Weller, Steve Guttenburg and Bryan Brown. Ok, maybe not so high profile stars as the first one.