European servers would cause trouble. Interesting though, UK must get a choice cause one of my good online buddies was in the UK when I met him. It was hell for him to line up ‘times’ to play with us, but he did it.
Yeah… one thing I’ve always appreciated with the Paladin class was my ability to diversify which they’ve really strengthened in WotLK.
I healed from 1-63 and that was a bit of a mistake (healing is not so good for leveling by yourself as I’m sure you’ve endured with your priest). Then I went Protection (tank) spec and found myself really enjoying being the WALL everyone else hid behind. Nothing like taking 100-200 damage from something that would do 800-900 damage to someone else, not to mention I dodge, block or parry enough to take less damage than that.
Lately I’ve tried my hand at our Retribution spec which is for DPS and have enjoyed it thoroughly. Nothing like dropping a monster with 10K health in about 10 seconds.
*nod* I hadn’t heard about the 2h weapon 1handed… I faintly recall some rumors of it but that’s a pretty awesome bonus. You do need to try a Death Knight if you haven’t yet. Being a class who is used to BOTH of my status bars depleting in combat there’s something about being able to go… and go… and go and only worry about health (which they worry about very little). They are also superb at dealing damage and I pitted my lvl 61 against a lvl 63 elite last night and had him to 500 health (from 30K) before I croaked.
If you have some guides you’d like to share I’d be more than happy to accommodate you on the forum (I built the site) which is the ONLY working link on that first page (upper left). When you sign up you have to wait for an admin approval so please just use a name I’d recognize and I’ll approve you and set you up with moderator rites. Honestly having a ‘guest’ writer would help and I’d be willing to accommodate you so that the website wouldn’t be so ‘guild’ based so you could bring in your own friends as well. Actually using phpBB (the underlying software) the sky is the limit. I could give you your own forum.