Ok, so I’ve done some fairly painful music posts lately. At least that’s what I think of them ! The A to Z’s have been pretty long, they’ve not had many links in and even with the length, I’ve had to squish them.
I think I’ll keep doing them though. Started so I’ll finish and all that. One question was “how come it’s A to Z of album titles ?” There’s two good reasons for that :
It jumbles up the artists, the other way would be to sort on artist name but then I’d not get the variation that comes with swapping between artists.
Albums with lots of different artists … Sorting by albums helps to keep track of those.
But I thought – maybe a top ten (erm – looks at post in before-publish-read – OOPS !) of my favourites so far ? A chance to get back to my favourite type of music posts, where I share the music I absolutely adore. Here we go :
The catalyst for this post – it’s Alison of Goldfrapp’s birthday today ! I’ve already said happy birthday on Twitter and a thank you for the picture that got their track Clowns running round my head this morning. But … I prefer Road To Somewhere. We’re all on that road, may your destination bring you joy. Could it be the Road To Mandalay ?
Alisha’s Attic – The Incidentals. If I ever find someone so desperate that she’d consent to be my wife, there’s a few songs I’d like played at the wedding. This is one of them. And this is another ! You Make It Easy by Air.
The Cardigans and Nina Persson have done so many amazing pieces of music, lots of which I’ve linked. Here’s Algebra from the A Camp album.
I’ve got a few notable Scandinavian singers in that library, there’s the Abba who we all know. Plus Lene Marlin from Norway with songs like You Could Have and Lisa Miskovsky with a few amazing songs on Falling Water, including Midnight Sun (bit bland but a voice I could listen to all day).
My dear friend Craziequeen introduced me to Mindy Gledhill, who I Do Adore. And that big smile at the end drew out an answering chuckle.
The earliest group I became besotted with was All About Eve and their centrepiece Julianne Regan keeps us updated with what she’s up to on Facebook. They made so many songs that I could call favourite but I think Shelter From The Rain is most appropriate. We’re having what you could call “mixed” weather. Sunshine, then showers … heavy showers ! Usually as I’m looking to run for the bus …
And just as I was about to find Shelter From The Rain, Tracy Chapman pops up on the iTunes pseudoshuffle with For You. Wow. Kate Bush was another of my favourites from that age, that voice makes you go Wow.
I’ve been quite taken with Natasha Khan’s Bat For Lashes too. I’ve linked Laura a few times now but my favourite is the beautiful Moon And Moon.
Before you think it’s all female vocalists, there are blokes in my favourites too. Namely Dire Straits with tracks like Romeo and Juliet, so much interplay between guitar, keyboard and voice. And Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here tribute to Syd Barrett.
I like the unusual too and the Gorillaz are definitely unusual. Here’s Empire Ants from Plastic Beach, it starts slow and … explodes midway through.
And keeping with the unusual, I’m keeping my eye on Hannah Peel and that music box although I’d kinda like someone to not Don’t Kiss The Broken One :-), even if I am that Shy Boy (Katie Melua).
Oh my, I’m nearly listing my whole library again. Someone stop me ! Oh – that’ll be the Police knocking on the door cos of the loud music. Better put something on for them : Every Breath You Take.
And before I do list that whole library, there are exceptions. But not Paramore. They may have come to the attention through Twilight but they’ve done so much more since then. Here’s The Only Exception. And as I listen to that, I realise I can’t leave Tea and Toast (Lucy Spraggan) off this list.
Last one – honest. Wednesday tomorrow ! Obligatory Tori Amos track link