A long time ago …

In a galaxy far, far away …

Classic lines – everyone must know where they come from !

Been beta testing today. That’s when you use a bit of software that’s just about complete but the developer’s not quite ready to unleash it on the world. Started at about 4.30, logged off at 9.30. Didn’t even feel hungry, just knew I had to get some munchies inside me sooner or later. Good games can get you like that, they don’t take it out of you physically so you just keep on going.

What’s the game ? Star Wars The Old Republic.

In a moment of madness, inspired by one Totalbiscuit and a steady diet of Star Wars movies, books and games, I pre-ordered this one. It’s expected around Xmas time and I’m now seriously considering extending my leave period to get some more gaming in 🙂 I won’t. I’m not quite that bad plus however good the game is, it’s not worth sacrificing being around some of the people at work.

Plus the canteen do great sandwiches. (Yes I have eaten, that’s not the pangs talking!)

How’s the game ? It’s pretty awesome so far. Well, awesome wrapped up in the limitations of beta software and a look and feel that’s immediately familiar to any player of WoW. It’s heavily story based, far more story based than WoW.

WoW – quests are a way of tying together moving around where the mobs live. Apart from maybe the Cataclysm zones, which had a little more story involved. The story stuff felt very loose and fluffy.
SWTOR – you’re playing through a story, the mobs just happen to be in the way.

I played through about 7 levels of Jedi Consular earlier, I’ll try out one of the other classes later.

But for now, will head back in game soon and hope to extract myself before the sun comes up.