A to Z of me

Meme time 🙂 Or should that be Me Me Meme ?

I’ve been stealing ideas again, this time it’s from my neighbour Cyberkitten. He hasn’t got round to doing his yet though. Right – this one could be a long one, here goes 🙂

A for Allrounder. For the cricket, I’d be able to do everything 🙂 I’d have seasons where I’d open the batting and seasons where I’d be a main bowler, although it always seemed like I’d be good at one and not the other. I could bowl spin as well as swing and seam. For the indoor side, I was most effective keeping wicket. And as long as I stayed reasonably close (and was awake!), I could terrify batsmen with sharp fielding.

B for BBC B. I’ve always been a computer person and it was Acorn’s BBC B Microcomputer which started it all off when I was 5. Learned a lot from this special machine.

C for Cricket. Although I don’t play any more (mebbe next year ?) the cricket still dominates. Hoping that England continue their amazing form (amazing cos it’s a surprise ?) in the ICC Champions Trophy.

D for Dwagons. I like Dragons, of the various mythical beasts out there, these are the most majestic. You don’t mess with dragons. That’s dragons with an R though, Dwagons with a W is for my avatars. I’ve been using Pocket Dragon (link) avatars for quite a few years now. Big shame they’re not still being made.

E for Evil Overlord. Much of my misspent youth was spent going for strategy games. Lots of mental exercise in subjugating those poor defenceless Bit Creatures. I tended to be a bit more Builder though than Evil Overlord.

F for Fragile. I have to admit, I’m rather fragile. I carry various long term disabling injuries from my ankles all the way up to my neck with sore shins, bad knees, groin trouble, back trouble and shoulder trouble in between. Some days are better than others.

G for Gamer Geek. Definitely a Gamer, definitely a Geek 🙂 I take things apart with my eyes without touching them, I can usually figure out how they work before resorting to invasive methods (translation, without taking them apart). Definite engineer (also see N below). I also get quite a bit of fun out of the weekly gaming sessions 🙂

H for Hunter. As my Facebook page says, “Incorrigible Hunter of pizzas, teacakes and muffins.”

I for Injuries. I’m usually carrying at least 2 and there’s usually another that’s waiting in the dark looking to jump out and surprise me.

J for Jokes. Always on the lookout for jokes and for trying to make people laugh, although my humour is more reactive than scripted.

K for Kind. I think I am. I’m not overly generous but I like to help people out where I can.

L for Lonely. No relationship for a while, Facebook helps keep me sane as well as the occasional dabbling in online games. I know some amazing people too, like the Snow Queen, The Boss, Ms Sunshine and the Crazies. But I do miss being able to share things with another person.

M for Music. I suspect that a music addiction has replaced my gaming addiction … When I’m not watching telly I’m almost certainly listening to music 🙂 All sorts, from Enya to Iron Maiden with a lot of pop in there too. Lene Marlin coming up on the iTunes shuffle.

N for Nutter. Note of Warning : Keep Sleepypete away from caffeine. I’ll usually go for the unorthodox solution where I can, purely because the unorthodox is more interesting.

O for Omnivore. I’ll eat anything, although I prefer simple, traditional and doesn’t run away when you chase it with a fork (like Spaghetti).

P for PIZZA !!!!!! (see H)

Q for Quiet. I’ll usually go by a Yorkshire motto : “See all, Hear all, Say nowt.” Quiet people can pick up all sorts of gossip, although my quietness is usually down to struggling to turn rapid thoughts into slower speech.

R for Round. Hey ! Round is a shape too. Perhaps not as good a shape for a person as one more chiselled but it’ll do for me for now.

S for Sweet. This one’s from our Snow Queen 🙂 Usually after I’ve said something related to K above, although it’s rare that my words form an adequate description.

T for Toys. I don’t go out of my way to get all of the latest toys but I definitely appreciate a well crafted toy. That’d be toys in terms of gadgets that fit their function without too much fanfare and without too much awkwardness. Most important with that “awkwardness” bit, as however fancy a toy is, if it’s nasty to use it gets put to one side.

U for Unrelenting. (See Evil Overlord). Could also be used to describe what I can be like when I’m going at a task. Especially a task I’m not too interested in doing so that I can get it out the way quicker.

V for Vampire. When I broke my nose playing cricket, a few weeks later I had an operation to have it straightened so I could breathe better. A side effect of the operation was Vampiric Eyes 🙂 Literally blood red eyes that lasted for a few weeks. You can probably imagine how much fun I had with this, especially as a number of people on the project were rather squeamish 🙂 🙂 🙂

W for Warcraft. Took over my life for rather a long time this did. I think the addiction is fairly well kicked now, hopefully I’ll be able to resist getting the next expansion. I have to say there were a lot of good times with the bad but I’m glad I managed to escape a game that has a tendency to consume and twist those who get too deeply involved with it.

X for eXcitable. Ok, that’s cheating but I don’t play the Xylophone. I can quite happily go hyperactive, especially when there’s caffeine involved 🙂

Y for Young looking. One of my favourite games is Guess The Age. People always guess low 🙂 Will be playing this one again in 6 weeks when I bring in the cakes for my birthday.

Z for Zoom. Live fast, play fast. Run fast too. My bowling wasn’t the quickest but due to building up lots of leg muscles from a paper round, I can run Real Fast. For a short distance and then the coughing, spluttering and wheezing kick in.

So there we have the A to Z 🙂