Hello everyone,
I’ve been blessed with something quite lovely today. They’re guesting on today’s Advent pic …

Isn’t it lovely ? Also adorable. How about a better look ?

I love it. He’s a custom dwagon made for me on behalf of a very dear friend, inspired by my own dwagon pics. I was still in work mode when he arrived but now that’s dropped I’m genuinely a little bit emotional :-).
A lovely and very special gift. THANK YOU !
I have been struggling a bit lately, probably because Brain wants to go on Xmas leave already. But Dwagon has picked me right up.
I’ve been doing internet spaceship again over the last few days. The objective was to get to the first waypoint in “The everlasting expedition”. It’s way off to the Western edge of the galaxy. Here’s the map :

The more dense line scrawl to the middle right is where we live in our galaxy and the rest of the scrawl shows where I’ve been since resetting. I’m hoping to circle the galaxy on this outing. Only about 250,000 light years to go. It gets pretty difficult to navigate when you’re on the fringes of the galaxy like that and Searching For Dragons needed another little refit to give her the jump range required.

Yep. Long way. And I suspect being off angle like that is going to really upset some people who see this :-D.

It’s an odd sight too, because there are usually many more stars in sight than what’s in that picture.

I think that might be the Andromeda galaxy painted on there in the lower middle.

And that’s us looking back at our galaxy from the extreme edge.
I don’t think I’m going to be talking about the games I intended to mention tonight. (Master of Orion 2). They’ll wait for another day.
Dwagon is such a thoughtful and lovely a gift and I’m still massively going Aww 😀 <3.

That’s where I left the ship tonight. Stay safe everyone, be well.