Hello everyone,
Day 12 ! It was good to get the little rant out of my system yesterday. I needed it for a bunch of reasons.
Also really tired at the moment ! I think that’s the usual thing of seeing a long break coming up and my body and mind anticipating it. No idea still what will be happening over the break. As I got supplies in on Thursday and those usually last a fortnight, I’ll need to plan a little because that schedule will see me run out on Christmas Eve … Going shopping then would be a Bad Idea. I also don’t know if any traveling will happen, although the family is well aware of the need for distancing and isolating.
But … advent ! What’s behind the door and what’s the game today ?

Yes. I’m going to go to Hell for that caption. It’s a Porg today ! And I still need to ask google how to make the phone focus on what I want it to instead of the stuff in the background. (Or I need to pull the camera back a bit and crop the sides instead of just resizing).
And the game is Skyrim. Link being the bird critters. They’re in Skyrim too, except at the much revered and holy turkey. Do crimes against the populace, they don’t really care much. Harm a turkey, they’ll hunt you down and take your head.
Skyrim has been around for a pretty long time. That copy there is the boxed original PC edition (Oldrim), which was released in November 2011. It looks like I wasn’t too late to the party, with my first screenshot for Oldrim dating back to Feb 2012.

It’s one of those rare times when developers got a game so incredibly right, it gained instant popularity and is still being worked on 8 years later after being ported to a whole heap of different platforms.
I think part of that is because they drop you into a world with a beginning that you barely escape with all limbs and extremities intact and then go : There you go. Explore the world. Knock yourself out finding everything we’ve placed here. Main story ? Doesn’t matter. Just have fun in the world we created. And it’s a pretty sizeable world too :

Ahh, from an era where we got more than a leased digital code for our money … I must have a look at the manual again at some point.
I gotta admit, I never finished Skyrim but I still occasionally go back into it to explore some more. Although one reason for not finishing is that I’ll usually make a new character and start again. It is curious though … This is another 2012 screenshot :

And …

It looked great back then. Since, there’s been the Skyrim Special Edition released which improved the game engine and a multitude of mods have come out to improve the graphics, animations and interactions with the world.

Note, it’s from a different time of day and weather (yep, it has that too) which is one reason why the more recent shot looks so much brighter.
I think the mods are one thing that has kept the game alive for so much longer than you might expect, although they did an incredible job making the world come to life. I might well be going back in there later. (If not in Mars Horizon, Per Aspera, or Elite Dangerous!)
I must look to actually finishing a run through as well.

Someone needs to sort out the local dragon problem.

Or just look at that sky.
Back again tomorrow with … something ! Be well, stay safe.