Advent Day 20 and a speeder speeds across the ice

Day 20 !

I think it’s a speeder !

I’m still having a real hankering for putting together a big lego set again. I like the building.

I’m watching the film Life at the moment, after breaking from Stellaris for some food. It’s a scifi movie set in space, in the International Space Station, where the astronauts on board are checking out an alien life form that’s been picked up by a space probe.

It didn’t have a great reception when it first came out but I like to make my own mind up about films. So far it’s …. ok. Not much more than that but we’ll see how it develops.

The Stellaris game is developing nicely. I’m playing my Fanatic Purifiers again who have their own special challenge due to everyone hating them. With good reason too … the Fanatic Purifiers are out to murder everyone. But they’re also a spiritualistic kind of race, with the purpose of communing with Something beyond.

And the first war is coming very soon too …

But not tonight. I’m going to attempt to keep to a fairly normal sleep schedule for the next few days, which means not speeding my brain up with gaming. Watching stuff is fine, playing stuff will mean I’m still playing the game behind my eyelids when I try to go to sleep.

And Life is building up too. Time to get the popcorn !