Hello everyone,
I think I’ve pretty much crashed today ! Not felt like I’ve had the energy to do much today, which has seen me just watching videos (still catching up) and then be enjoying watching the ever lovely and fun Tashnarr as she’s been streaming for us all day.
She’s hunting dinosaurs in the ARK Survival Evolved game. What’s behind the door today ?

There we go. It’s Mr Darth’s fortress, as seen in the Rogue One movie. Must watch that again.
I’ve had some more news, after having decision paralysis all day ref attempting to contact. News is ok, although I’m still very unsure about what’s going to be happening over the next week. We’ll have a gathering but I’ve been feeling so burned out that I don’t feel I have the energy to look after myself, let alone help anyone else. And my psychology meaning that I have a deep need to help people out works against me as well there, because it adds some weight on to that depression when I have to withdraw from helping people out.
This is in danger of extending a bit past the quick in and out I thought it might be but I think I needed to get those thoughts down in some sort of order.
The general exhaustion is why I haven’t been getting out and about as much as I’d have liked to. I’ve been a bit starved for star gazing opportunities (bought lens, permanent cloud since) plus I’m that deep in that burn out hole that I’ve been needing rest time after a trip.
The cruises have been great for that, because you get to the ship and then it’s completely just chill out time and they do everything for you. North Wales was a good trip (probable covid not included) for the castles but I could have done without the mayhem of the one car park, being around British drivers and especially not the drive back … which took 7 hours instead of 4. (Oh and I was also in trouble with a poorly tooth)
Anyway, I’m missing out on the last little bits of Tashnarr streaming. Time to hit post and go back to stream. There’s the link to Twitch again and there are links to her Instagram and other socials over there too. She doesn’t stream so much now but it’s been lovely keeping up with the Instagram updates, especially with the advent calendar series. She had a delicious looking chocolate one from work and the dice from the Trayed and Tested advent calendar are turning out even better than expected. It’s cheered me up seeing the delight when the doors have been getting opened. Trayed and Tested are over on Etsy via the link there (and in the links list). I’d thoroughly recommend checking them out too.

There we go, picked up at a show I greatly enjoyed earlier this year.
Time to disappear again now, have a lovely rest of evening.