Hello everyone,
I’m having a bit of a curl up and not be particularly human day today, so I’ve pretty much hidden in Little Big Workshop and quietly lurked in a couple of streams with not too much source of input going on.
Hold up, what’s behind the door today ?

There we are, it’s the speeder from the first Star Wars movie. And today’s dodgy shift from picture to text is … (drumroll)
This year feels like it’s been speeding along … The time seems to have flown by but it’s also felt like an exceptionally draining year. A lot of that is stuff from behind the wall. Some of it is, you know I’m very wrapped up in the streaming and gaming community world and consider a lot of them friends. Insomnia was a brilliant event at the start of the year and the failure of the company that ran Insomnia hit especially hard, I think because the discontinuation of the event had a massive impact on the lives of those friends from the online communities.
That’s from the people who ran the event (hello Tashnarr), the people who were employed on stands at the event, the people (hello Billietrixx) who were the core of bringing us such a massive highlight in the Session Zero live dungeons and dragons show, people like Aby of Trayed and Tested who … I bought dice at Trayed and Tested and nowhere else at Insomnia because Aby was such a lovely person on the day (link to Etsy on the right).
I think I’ve mentioned before that I tend to mirror people when they interact. If they are lovely people, I find it much easier to engage with them. If they’re … not nice, I’ll find myself somewhere else to be. I’ll enjoy staying around people with the good vibes.
And the interesting people too. Interesting people are fun to be around. What defines interesting ? Not sure there. It’ll be something unique to that individual.
I think that’s enough from me for today. Not quite sure what I’ll be up to over the next few days, we’ll take it one day as a time and hopefully have a little fun family gathering. And then I’m back to trying to disconnect and chill out before we all head back to work in a week and a bit.
Have a lovely evening everyone 🙂
Oh ! Back to events for an epilogue … I somewhat decided last year that I probably wouldn’t be going back to Boatlife in 2025 but I did peek at what was happening yesterday, to discover that it too was an event that had gone in the bin. Not sure about the circumstances there, it felt like it could have been a really good event. Although the reason I thought I wouldn’t be back was because I thought the exhibitors had evolved into overgrown tenders and away from the workhorse liveaboards that I’m interested in.
I think that if Boatlife can fail as well, with it being run by NEC’s own events company, then it shows how rough the events world is at the moment. Which makes the very promising Creator Events group even more important for keeping the fun alive.
Definitely that’s it for me now – have a great rest of your day and if you’re out of contact for whatever reasons (good and bad things happen this time of year), I hope it’s a positive time for you.