Hello everyone,

Not feeling so good this evening, so it’ll be a short one from me today and generally keeping the lights lower and the sound deadened. Might even go to bed before the cricket starts ! (England in New Zealand at 10pm UK).
I’ll be ok, I just felt like I got hit in the head with a bat after completing doing a presentation thing for work earlier. So instead of heading into town to have a Xmas munchie with the team, I’m staying away from bright lights, noises and overstimulation.
I suspect a good few people reading will fully understand the effects when that happens.
Just gotta avoid that brain temptation of wanting to dive into a game again. I did start a new journey yesterday …

Err yeah, I shouldn’t continue with that tonight ! It’s the prologue mission from Mass Effect and that’s become a legendary game series from the last couple of decades … but it does go for the flashing lights and some strobe effects.
If you somehow haven’t played Mass Effect, I’d thoroughly recommend taking a look at it. The game series is regularly given massive (90% off) discounts as well. The first person cover shooter style gameplay is very tight and it carries an excellent story through pretty much to the end.
For now though, dinner’s on the way, Woahhjess is doing a chill Rimworld stream over on Twitch and I’ll be looking forwards to seeing what Tashnarr has for us today over on the Instagrams.
I should improve again tomorrow, I’m able to turn on what I call a survival mode which gets me home in cases where the lights are starting to swim in front of my eyes or if I’m in an overstimulation. Plus I closed my eyes earlier and opened them again after 2dKiri (a lovely Austrian chill gaming streamer) had switched over to someone else.
And I’m rambling again – enjoy your evenings everyone ! See you tomorrow 🙂