Hello everyone, what’s behind day 7’s door ?

Apparently it’s a minikit from the Lego Star Wars games, something you break to get game currency.
Because today’s model has come from a game, I thought I’d talk about games I’ve been playing recently today. First up …

That’s taken from Euro Truck Simulator 2. I’ve been enjoying being back in the Truck Games. Something about the set up of taking a delivery mission from a huge choice (I usually pick the one paying the most £/mile) and then going from place to place appeals to me. Opening a bit more of the map and getting money to expand the truck collection gives me a bit of progress from each session.
Don’t know what’s happening with the bushes there, I think a recent mod has broken some textures or a mod needs to catch up. I think it’s kinda amusing when that happens, there’s no impact on gameplay and I’ve been watching the expansion of our new alien overlord purple glowing bushes.

That’s from Cobalt Core, which I first saw DistractedElf playing a little while ago. It’s a Roguelike game, structured around a timeloop mechanic where it takes about an hour for each run. It’s a good one to dip in and out of. Each battle is done with cards, this particular ship uses the Jupiter’s Moons to shoot the enemy. Each ship takes turns shooting the other and hopefully we can demolish the enemy before they demolish us.
I’ve been enjoying this one, it’s a fun little diversion to dip into and out of. Talking of spaceships …

I had another little dip into Elite Dangerous again, with fleet flagship Tiamat’s Chariot coming out of the hangar for a new paint job and some trading. I haven’t been interested in the recent Thargoid arc at all but they’re showing info at the moment about a planet colonisation expansion coming soon and … that’s got my attention.
It was a good little session going from station to station taking goods from place to place.

I may have slid into doing another Little Big Workshop run again. I really love this game, it’s an easy to play chilled out factory builder where you buy workstations for your adorable idiot little minions to use to put together various items that you sell for profit. (They have issues with sticking to tasks, hence affectionately calling them “idiot”).
I’ve been playing and enjoying Little Big Workshop for a huge number of hours (1538!) because it’s just so easy to play and it’s also very addictive. I set myself up for challenge runs now to see how quickly I can get them to finish all of the objectives.

Of course there’s been a bit of Motorsport Manager in there. This one is another that I can pretty watch play and occasionally intervene. A dinner time game ! I’m in the midst of another very long campaign here. I’ve won the championships with the endurance car, the GT car and the single seater cars and am now in a second single seater racing team, building that one up so it beats the rest of the competition again.
I think I might have a pattern there … I’ll attach to games that I get really, really good at and then not play anything else. I guess there’s a bit of enjoying the games with that too, is that what really counts there ? Variation is good though.
Last one of this set … I rebought Deus Ex Human Revolution last month. This is probably the number 1 first person shooter story style game for me. It doesn’t do everything another game would do … but what it does, it does extremely well with super tight gameplay. And the story is pretty decent too.

I may have completed all of its achievements in just one single run. I’ll be back for Deus Ex Mankind Divided (the sequel) at some point, I like to space them out to in part reflect there being 2 years game timeline between the two games.
They’re a cracking pair of near future games, where augmentation technology is becoming a big part of life. Definitely worth a look and the games are practically given away at sales time. Like the Mass Effect set !
I dropped a screenshot of Mass Effect Legendary edition the other day so I’ll hold off on doing that again now. These are games from a good few hundred years ahead, first person shooter style games driven by story. Perhaps a controversial one saying that I prefer the Deus Ex games ?
I think that’s it for me for tonight. Oh ! We survived the storms ok ! My bin stayed up too (or was propped up again by CK on his way to/from shops, cheers CK).
Have a lovely evening everyone.