This one’s from Cyberkitten’s blog, check out his answers here … I can rarely resist a decent meme (plus I’m listening to new iTunes tracks so here’s mine :
Where you named after anyone ?
Not that I know of, although my proper name was originally going to be what my second name is (Robert). SleepyRob doesn’t quite have the same ring to it though.
When was the last time you cried ?
Hayfever tears probably don’t count – but the last time I had serious issues there was Tuesday, which triggered the post about drugs. Films get me sometimes but I have too much Yorkshire in me to acknowledge tears …
Do you like your handwriting ?
Definitely not. If it wasn’t for the empathy I sometimes display, I’d probably be a doctor. The handwriting fits. Oh to be able to write my signature consistently or to be readily understood by handwriting recognition systems.
What is your favourite lunch meat ?
Corned beef, it’s a bit different to the usual ham or chicken. (And the sarnies are cheap !)
Do you have kids ?
Definitely not.
If you were another person would you be friends with yourself ?
I think so yes – I get on well with honest people who have time for others and I’d like to think I fit both of those descriptors.
Do you use sarcasm a lot ?
My humour tends to depend on bouncing off what other people do or say and sarcasm is one of the options there. But I only use it when it can be made humourous, I rarely set out to upset people. However, driving does tend to pull above average sarcasm out of me …
Do you still have your tonsils ?
Would you bunjee jump ?
Bunjee jumping might do me good, temporarily at least. One of my various injuries is an unhappy back and bunjee jumping might straighten it out a bit. Otherwise, no due to all those injuries again. It’s an unnecessary risk and could well end up with something else getting broke.
What is your favourite cereal ?
I rarely eat breakfast, I can’t actually remember when I last had a cereal. Buttered toast for me, although I used to have a soft spot for Frosties.
Do you untie your shoes before taking them off ?
Do you think you are strong ?
I have or used to have well above average power in my legs, to the point where I’d be able to push a small car fast enough to let it gain enough momentum to get it bump-started. That can’t be bad My arms are a bit weak though and my shoulder injury is approaching a status that can only really be described as “crippling”.
What is your favourite ice cream ?
Mint – especially Minty Cornettos.
What is the first thing you notice about people ?
Their “aura” as the New Age people would call it. It’s the sense of what a person is like, how they look at other people. I get on well with people who treat others fairly and not well with people who just don’t give a damn about others. But mostly it’s whether they catch the grin and smile back
Red or Pink ?
Red Wunz Go Fasta.
What is the least favourite thing about yourself ?
My physical fragility becoming only a slight second to be not actually implementing things I need to do.
Who do you miss the most ?
My brother.
What colour shoes are you wearing ?
No shoes at the moment – I’m at home loafin’ Outdoors it’s either black (work shoes) or mostly white (trainers & cricket spikes)
What was the last thing you ate ?
Minipancakes as a substitute for a proper lunch/breakfast. Although after I finish this meme, I’ll be putting the oven on for dinner.
What are you listening to right now ?
Last iTunes track was the second part of Oxygene by Jean-Michel Jarre, now it’s Popdorian by Dubstar from their Disgraceful album.
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be ?
Green or blue. There’s got to be a psychological reason for those being what popped into my head.
Favourite smells ?
Butter on the Popcorn, freshly baked pizza.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone ?
A work mate looking for info.
Favourite sports you watch ?
CRICKET !!!! And sailing because the sailors aren’t just battling each other, they’re trying to get the best out of the conditions too.
Hair colour ?
Blonde going on brown, depending on how much sun I’ve been exposed to.
Eye Colour ?
Do you wear contacts ?
Never have, although it’s an interesting option. I’m a little too used to wearing glasses I think.
Favourite foods ?
Pizza ! And anything with bacon in it.
Scary movies or happy endings ?
Depends whether or not the ending is telegraphed. If I can guess what’s going to happen, I get bored. Babylon AD was a good one for keeping people guessing. I’d prefer Action movies to the two types above, as I can sit back and enjoy the ride in those.
Last movie you watched ?
Star Wars – Return of the Jedi. I like to watch old classics every once in a while. I’m currently making my mind up as to what will be the Next Movie, as I’ll be chilling out to a dvd while my dinner’s in the oven.
What colour shirt are you wearing ?
T-shirt of the day is a bright red one with a large Skull And Crossbones motif on the back, along with the words “Surrender the Booty”. It nearly got adopted as the motto of an Eve corporation I used to be involved with.
Summer or Winter ?
Cricket is played in Summer.
Hugs or kisses ?
I like hugs.
Favourite dessert ?
Anything with brownies in it. Or chocolate log
What book are you reading right now ?
Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. Seen a couple of series based on that book, never read the actual book. Time to remedy that
What is on your mouse pad ?
I don’t use mice pads at home, I find they get in the way. I use the trackpad on this laptop and the optical sensor on my desktop’s mouse gets on pretty well with the texture of the veneer on my desk.
What did you last watch on TV ?
The climax of the English cricket season. Notts got beat by Hampshire, while Durham beat Kent to go on to win the title.
Favourite sound ?
The beeper on the microwave, although that could be because I’m getting rather hungry right now and the beeper will mean my dinner’s ready. (At least half an hour before then though !)
Rolling Stones or Beatles ?
Beatles – will have to root out Eleanor Rigby for adding to the iTunes Party Shuffle.
What is the farthest you have even been from home ?
Orlando, Florida. Or the various pocket universes that are the domain of my Moo2 empires.
Do you have a special talent ?
I grin at people and they can’t help themselves but to grin back.
Where were you born ?
Birmingham, England.