Appreciation time !

Hello everyone,

Apparently it’s International Women’s Appreciation Day today. Which gives me a good excuse to say nice things about people. But first … a thumbnail is required …

Ladies of NASA ! Did I really never post these ? Oops. This was a good little set with some interesting history within the material that came with it.

Let’s start with a few amazing people who I know. First up there is the ever wonderful LTK, who listens to the jokes, natters away and loves the various screenshots coming through. And then there’s the Lark, who has been a great cinema buddy (not much lately although I really enjoyed The Handmaiden – special film), hopefully there will be another Comic Con this year although that depends on the organisers and a certain virus that’s doing the rounds. They’ve both been amazing friends over the last few years.

As for virus stuff – I think I’m outside of the danger period that I was keeping an eye on ! The incubation period is supposed to be something like 14 days and I’m ok. It’s now 14 days since getting off the flight from Canada and I was seeing that as the danger period times. Mind you, I did forgo heading into Cardiff on Friday but that was more because it was later than ideal and there was nothing interesting in the Cardiff cinemas, less due to the case of virus that’s been announced for someone in Cardiff.

Still, it’s ok to be cautious. (Not ok to be crazy about it though, there’s too much panic buying happening at the moment).

Back to ladies ! Special mention for the Sleepymum and Sleepysister too. I’ll see them again in a few weeks for the Mothers Day weekend.

Special mentions for the Purple Pixie, Snow Queen, Fork Lady, Alex, Sarai and Krinza. Especially Krinza who helped me through a few really rough times with the various Warcraft dramas that happened over the years.

Before I go any further though, if you know me and don’t see your name here … that’s cos you are far more amazing than my brain is and it’s full of holes due to cricket balls.

There’s a few amazing ladies who have recently joined the team I’m in too, in the project, in commercial and in finance too. And then there are the Finance Angels who have been extremely patient over the years with me too and perhaps taught me a few things along the way too.

We get fantastic support from the ladies in the wider teams at work too, although we’re switching teams at the moment so we’re switching to different people to help us out.

Mind you, there’s also a couple out in the wider world of people who make it possible for us to keep doing what we do. I’ve named one of my ships Strength of Atlas but these two are definitely the strength of atlas. One of them has pulled an airliner down a runway for charity …

Where to next ? I’m definitely still well invested in the gaming world and am doing that thing again where I have two streams on. (One’s on laptop). Huge shout outs for :

Fuzzyfreaks – who is always massive crazy fun watching the streams. It’s always something different, something amusing, maybe shocking too, always whole hearted. May she keep streaming for many years to come. When she does role play streams, you’re never bothered if the plot doesn’t advance because it’s just too much fun watching her character interaction.
Also Teacakes – who is as lovely as both varieties of nommy teacake.
HelloitsKolo – is on the laptop at the moment playing Breathedge, a wonderful human being who is just so nice ! She’s also built a wonderful, generous community who just did wonderful things for the Special Effect charity.
HeyChrissa – wonderful Chris who has sadly walked away from the streaming scene now and we definitely miss her. But she’ll move on to bigger and better things I’m sure. Chris was the one who is the reason I started talking in stream chats, to join in with her own lovely community.
Tashnarr – is a relatively new streamer for me. I never really watched while she was doing the creative streams, although those were still excellent streams. There were just other people on ! Tash is another lovely person, with a cheeky, chirpy, giggly, definitely no nonsense attitude and a pleasure to listen to.

And then there’s Maggie Krohn and Random Tuesday. Plus Community Leader Susie who has been wonderful to follow on the Twitters. Oh ! Pip Warr too, previously of Rock Paper Shotgun and they lost their best, most interesting person when she disappeared from there. It was great keeping up with the adventures of Humhum, simple and excellent drawings, great character, lovely humour.

The various streams have been great to listen and lurk in. Definitely beats any telly you can think of.

Dwagon commander salutes you all.

I just had a look back through those Elitecember pictures too – varied quality but there’s a few in there that I really like and I owe a lot to Steph (@sourfruitjunkie) and Aria (@genkisoda) of the Inklings for encouraging me to try drawing more by showing techniques and above all, showing Fun in drawing.

To the wider world ? Let’s see :

Sarah Taylor is an inspiration in the world of cricket. Her wicket keeping (retired now) was a joy to watch. There comes along a player in every generation who is special, who does their thing in sport just so much better than everyone else. And then there are the once in a lifetime people who take it to a whole new level. I don’t think I’ll ever see a better wicket keeper than Sarah Taylor. She’s battled the mental demons too, (the short with Katherine Brunt is pretty special there too) which is tough for anyone. She’s quieter off the field but when she does post, there’s someone wonderful there.

Of the twitter people I follow, Marina Sirtis is another very special one. From Star Trek TNG, to Stargate, to numerous other parts over the years, she’s always bringing that presence to the screen. And she’s fun (and different) to follow on Twitter.

You can’t mention Stargate without talking about Amanda Tapping who is quieter on Twitter but still fun to follow. I suspect the quiet is due to busy. She’s been involved with a number of fun, interesting shows, with Sanctuary being another highlight. She always seems like she has a lot of fun doing what she does. Always try to have fun with whatever you do.

Susie Goodall and Dee Caffari from the yachting world have also been inspirational. It’s been great following their progress in both the Vendee Globe and Volvo Round the World race.

Yes. It felt like it was time for a gratuitous picture of a boat. It had almost gone round the world at that point, with just one more leg to go to the finish.

I think that’s my brain emptied for now. These are but a selection of wonderful people. There are many more. Including those who I’ll think “I should have added them too !”, probably 5 minutes after posting !

See you next time. I may have pictures of black holes.