Advent Day 12 – Porgrim

Hello everyone,

Day 12 ! It was good to get the little rant out of my system yesterday. I needed it for a bunch of reasons.

Also really tired at the moment ! I think that’s the usual thing of seeing a long break coming up and my body and mind anticipating it. No idea still what will be happening over the break. As I got supplies in on Thursday and those usually last a fortnight, I’ll need to plan a little because that schedule will see me run out on Christmas Eve … Going shopping then would be a Bad Idea. I also don’t know if any traveling will happen, although the family is well aware of the need for distancing and isolating.

But … advent ! What’s behind the door and what’s the game today ?

Two things that go well on campfires

Yes. I’m going to go to Hell for that caption. It’s a Porg today ! And I still need to ask google how to make the phone focus on what I want it to instead of the stuff in the background. (Or I need to pull the camera back a bit and crop the sides instead of just resizing).

And the game is Skyrim. Link being the bird critters. They’re in Skyrim too, except at the much revered and holy turkey. Do crimes against the populace, they don’t really care much. Harm a turkey, they’ll hunt you down and take your head.

Skyrim has been around for a pretty long time. That copy there is the boxed original PC edition (Oldrim), which was released in November 2011. It looks like I wasn’t too late to the party, with my first screenshot for Oldrim dating back to Feb 2012.

To adventure ?

It’s one of those rare times when developers got a game so incredibly right, it gained instant popularity and is still being worked on 8 years later after being ported to a whole heap of different platforms.

I think part of that is because they drop you into a world with a beginning that you barely escape with all limbs and extremities intact and then go : There you go. Explore the world. Knock yourself out finding everything we’ve placed here. Main story ? Doesn’t matter. Just have fun in the world we created. And it’s a pretty sizeable world too :

How much hidden treasure on there ?

Ahh, from an era where we got more than a leased digital code for our money … I must have a look at the manual again at some point.

I gotta admit, I never finished Skyrim but I still occasionally go back into it to explore some more. Although one reason for not finishing is that I’ll usually make a new character and start again. It is curious though … This is another 2012 screenshot :

Castle !

And …

Whiterun, from 2012

It looked great back then. Since, there’s been the Skyrim Special Edition released which improved the game engine and a multitude of mods have come out to improve the graphics, animations and interactions with the world.

Whiterun, 2018

Note, it’s from a different time of day and weather (yep, it has that too) which is one reason why the more recent shot looks so much brighter.

I think the mods are one thing that has kept the game alive for so much longer than you might expect, although they did an incredible job making the world come to life. I might well be going back in there later. (If not in Mars Horizon, Per Aspera, or Elite Dangerous!)

I must look to actually finishing a run through as well.

Dragon in the distance …

Someone needs to sort out the local dragon problem.

Good place to camp

Or just look at that sky.

Back again tomorrow with … something ! Be well, stay safe.

Advent Day 11 – Danger Falcon

Today might have been a good day to talk about Falcon 4.0 !

Instead, I’ve brought forwards talking about a different game that you’ll probably recognise instantly. The draft plan had the original game right at the start and the new game at the end but I’ve been swapping things around a little bit as I go.

What’s behind the door ?

Don’t tell them the odds

At some point, I’ll figure out what arcane combination of thing to do to get the focus how I want it. Or while the Pixel 4’s cameras are better than the Galaxy S7, it isn’t quite as good at doing super close up photos.

Millennium Falcon today ! Venerable workhorse of the series and fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. Home of scoundrels and leader of squadrons.

This ship type found its way into the various games too, not necessarily as the Falcon, usually as the Corellian YT1300 light freighter.

The ship made me think of Elite Dangerous. A ship roaming the known tradelanes, going from place to place looking to make a quick profit while avoiding the attentions of the authorities and casual pirates. Bit like Elite ! Come to think of it, bit like Freelancer as well.

I’m going to do a little side note here though … I’ve been struggling lately. Been feeling the effects of this year building up on me and can hear that burn out clock ticking away again. I’m on duty for work until Thursday evening next week, then off until the new year. “On Duty” ? That’s one thing we’re getting used to with this pandemic. I struggle to call it “in work” if I’m working from home. On duty feels like it covers it better.

Our place has been continuing to work as before, just distributed around working from home instead of in the office. It’s been an odd difference … It’s let me experiment with protobeards (the current one comes off soon, itchy factor is rising) and not having time lost to the trip in to work and out again is very welcome. So work is still fine.

It’s everyone else’s attitudes to the pandemic and other things that is continually wearing. I don’t like talking about that too much here because you get too much of it from elsewhere. We should be handling it far better than we are. The controls on infection rates should be getting put in earlier and stronger. And they should be getting followed by the general population.

I should not be getting double glazing salesmen knocking on the door.

The later the controls come in, the more hold the infection will have taken and the longer it takes for the fire to go out. Personally, I think people have given up on trying to keep a lid on it and are now treating a very serious illness as nothing worse than a cold or the flu. It’s not just here, the England team just came back from South Africa after the cricket tour there was cancelled due to increasing covid infections occurring in a supposedly bio secure bubble which was anything but. The England people gave probably too many chances … yet are now being accused of coming home when they shouldn’t have.

So I’m annoyed at that.

I’m also not angry … but very disappointed at the attitudes around a couple of big games at the moment. One just got an expansion, one is benefiting from rabid levels of hype. People are falling over themselves to play both. Yet the new game is getting its notoriety partly from disgusting marketing methods and the expansion one had everyone coming out in arms about their treatment of a protest.

Yep. Not angry, just disappointed. I won’t ever be playing either of them. Mind you, “not angry, just disappointed” sums up what I think of The Outer Worlds too. It had massive hype … but I found it dull, disappointing and indulging in the laughs through lowest common denominator humour that seems to be a hallmark of Epic Store exclusives.

Elite ?

A Shadowy Start

I’ve apparently gone rather overboard on the screenshots since restarting … That was an opportunity shot after emerging from one of the starter system stations into a rather glorious eclipse.


Since then, there have been many stars.


Many bases to explore. And plunder.

Where buggy ?

Sadly no buggy on this occasion, it didn’t fit …

Yellow star, third planet

Visited familiar places along the way.


Had Outside Context Encounters …

Charge the shields

And done a little archeology too.


And there have been some very pretty locations to visit too.

Elite Dangerous has been a great game for me over the years I’ve been involved with it. I’ve hugely enjoyed getting up close to the various astronomical phenomena that have been included in the game.

And it’s expanding soon too with extra features that let you step outside the ship and bounce over the ground on foot. That should be pretty good. We shall see !

It feels like that Odyssey expansion has gone from A Long Time Away to Wow It’s Coming Soon ! I think that’s another sign of how time has gone very strange this year. It doesn’t feel like it’s 9 months since the pandemic situation properly broke out here in the UK.

That feels like it’s enough for today though.

Tired. Hanging in there. Enjoying the games when my body lets me. Definitely enjoying looking back at and remembering some older games. And winter break happening soon.

Stay safe, be well everyone.

Advent Day 10 – Warring Robots

Hello everyone,

Door number 10 ?

Good on you there BD-1 with the hat. This one is a curious one … you usually build up Lego from small components but this one is just one piece for BD-1, sitting on a 2×2 circle to stabilise the little one.

BD-1 is a kit I’ve been tempted by, although I’ve slowed down my lego acquisitions lately. It takes up too much space.

The games of the day are mostly the Battletech series, which started in a tabletop battle form before being converted to computer gaming. The original came out way back in 1989 running in MS DOS … Ancient ! This is a game that I completely missed, coming into the series with Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries, which I can remember enjoying playing through a few times.

Robots ! In 3d !

This one was from 1996 and had you as a small time Mercenary Mechwarrior pilot trying to make your way around the fringes of the galaxy, taking jobs as they come and attempting to stay solvent enough to keep the Battlemechs in good repair and yourself in one piece in the missions.

It was a good little game too.

I skipped over a few more, before finding the two Mechcommander games. I can’t remember the first one much but I enjoyed playing through Mechcommander 2. This one was a real time strategy type variant, converting the tabletop rules to run in that time frame instead of the big handfuls of time that turn based games run in. At that time, the popularity of games like Command and Conquer and Warcraft meant strategy games were all about being real time based with turn based going out of fashion.

It’s probably an easier transition than it seems, instead of turns being minutes, you split them up into seconds instead, have a lot more turns and give the illusion of real time.

Kaboom !

While the previous games had you in the pilot’s seat, the Mechcommander games elevated you to the godlike position, commanding all of the mechs in the lance. Instead of you aiming the guns and steering the robot, you told them where to go and what to shoot at and probabilities would determine whether they’d hit or not.

Different game styles for different people. I like both … at the right times. There’s times when I want the disconnected position and times when I want to be doing the pew pew.

There were a few more games along the way of varying success levels. I think Mechwarrior 3 came along at a time when I couldn’t afford to own a machine of sufficient power to run it. This was the time when PC components were rapidly advancing in power and performance and by the time you’d upgraded the machine to catch up, the games needing high performance had been forgotten and there was a new Shiny around.

Or I was just deep in the Master of Orion 2 addiction and didn’t have time for other games. I missed Mechwarrior 4 as well and avoided Mechwarrior Online as it was one of those shallow online things instead of following a storyline.

Apparently the latest game, Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries has a storyline keeping it together but I think I’m avoiding that as well due to issues with how the game is set up. I’d usually look to clear opposition from levels in these type of games and then be able to operate freely (or depart) … I get annoyed when endless waves come in when it doesn’t make sense for this to happen, which is a characteristic of MW5:M.

It’s all coming up lasery

And then there’s the recent Battletech game, which I enjoy quite a lot still. I’m a bit on and off with it again but it’s one I’ll keep coming back to.


There’s lots of variation in Battlemech available, although you tend to go towards one theme or another. I tend to reduce the guns and increase the armour. Each mech has a weight limit that you have to stay within and the guns, armour, heatsinks and jet packs all have their own weight.

Plus while having a full set of guns would mean an incredible first shot, they’d overheat your mech and you’d actually only be able to sustain fire from 2, 3 or maybe 4 lasers, guns or missiles. Kinda like asking if you’re getting value out of what’s fitted. If the guns aren’t being used, they might as well have been armour instead.

Good game. The story was criticized as being a bit dull and long but I enjoyed the story missions cropping up along the way. The game is not well optimised, with long loading times unless you have it on an SSD. It also eats memory and with the Roguetech mod, was unplayable on Pumpkin with its 8GB of memory.

But I liked it, warts and all. I didn’t like Roguetech for another whole heap of reasons, not all of which were to do with what they did to the gameplay.

What’s that in the first picture ? Haha, I intended to have Michael Stackpole’s Ghost War book from the Battletech universe back there but I couldn’t find it. So the game adaptation of Robot Wars came in as substitute.

Hmm. Should I be polite about it ? Nah. The Robot Wars game was a buggy mess and one of those merchandising cash ins on the very popular TV competition series of the time. It was playable … but instantly forgettable and just not that good.

Even if Robot Wars ran, I wouldn’t bother now.

Instead, it’s likely to be Mars Horizon for the end of that game or the also new Per Aspera where you’re playing as an AI construct in charge of terraforming Mars. I enjoyed a first look at that one the other night.

Need food though. Shopping first. Back tomorrow.

Stay well, be safe ! Wait … that’s not right. Be well, stay safe !

PS There’s another massively hyped Big Game out today. I’m not talking about or playing that one for a whole heap of reasons.

Advent 2020 Day 9 – Knights of Rey

Day 9 !

Behave 4D !

What is that dragon getting up to ? Next thing you know, he’ll bring his friends in. Now there’s a thought.

It’s Rey making an appearance today. I liked Rey. She had a great entrance leading us into The Force Awakens as a scrapper junker kid with attitude and an instinctive (from taking ships apart to loot the best bits) head for starship workings.

There could only be a couple of games to feature today for Rey. Well, perhaps the Jedi Knight games and Jedi Academy too but I don’t think I owned those. (I tried the Dark Forces 2 Jedi Knight demo but I don’t think I got the game).

So … Knights of the Old Republic (aka Kotor). There were two of these games … They were set 4,000 years before the movies in a similar but different universe. Instead, the galaxy is balanced between the hordes of the Sith and the legions of the Jedi. They really don’t like each other.

You could put someone’s eye out with those

Like Rey, you don’t start as a Jedi though. There’s no lightsabre as you wake from a coma with no memory, escape an exploding starship and find yourself marooned on the city planet of Taris.

And the adventure launches off from there as you find your ship, the Ebon Hawk, before heading off around the galaxy in search of answers to your mysterious past.

Along the way, you pick up Bastila (the lady on the cover of the game), with the incredible voice of Jennifer Hale who was later to become the only Commander Shepard of the Mass Effect games.

There we go. Jedi and fella with apparently no jaw.

HK-47 is there as well, as the assassin droid with the best lines in the two games.

I played through Kotor once, enjoying the way they turned d20 mechanics from the Dungeons and Dragons system into something that played really well as a faux-real time system on the computer. The game had decent writing, good characters and was probably when the publishers Bioware were at the peak of their powers, producing an excellent game that didn’t outstay its welcome too much. Modern games can be a bit too long.

Kotor spawned a sequel, Kotor 2. I do actually own this game after coming to it a bit late but it’s a digital copy so no box to take a picture of. One reason for not getting it back then was because it had picked up a reputation for being a bit broken. It’s since had the fans having a go at it, patching it up and restoring some cut content.

I’m not sure why but I didn’t really take to Kotor 2 and only got perhaps halfway through. I might have to try again at some point. Maybe because it felt like it was following a similar line to the one before. Not sure. Perhaps like some of the others here, it’s tough to go back to the old games again. New games have come out and do everything so much better. There was also a game that should have been Kotor 3 … but it got overtaken by the trend towards turning everything into Massive Multiplayer Online games and became The Old Republic. I did try that … but it kinda sent me back into Warcraft.

One thing for that is the expectations around How To Play.

The old games would have manuals and keyboard reference charts in their boxes along with the cds. My Mass Effect Andromeda box didn’t even have a disc in it !

Nowadays, the games have their tutorials built in. Games still steadily build up the mechanics that you play in, rarely throwing you in at the deep end. But instead of it being in a book, you’re led by on screen prompts.

I’m not complaining there, this is progress that is good :-D.

Now wondering what’s behind Door Number 10. That’s one for tomorrow. Maggie K’s just updated her discord and twitch emotes and said nice things about the animated and edited versions of those that I do, so I know what I’m doing after hitting the Publish buttons 😀

Be well everyone, stay safe.

Advent Day 8 – Crimson X Falcon Wing

Hello everyone,

Lots of games to chatter about today. I had a sudden random thought about needing something more though. What’s behind the door today ?

The Iconic Marshmallow Wing

It’s the iconic XWing today. Introduced in the first Star Wars movie and ever present in the films that came after. A balanced starfighter, agile with excellent firepower from guns and missiles, protected against glancing attacks with shielding, an astromech droid for repairs and navigation and good for atmospheric flight too.

Oh and perhaps a small cross section profile too, making it more difficult to hit. Many little boys (including me) would have grown up wanting to fly these, which probably contributed to the XWing game being such a success back in the day.

What was the random thought ?

An eXcellent follow up

Ah there we go. I read the Timothy Zahn Expanded Universe books first but a little earlier in the timeline came these, by Michael Stackpole and the later Wraith Squadron books by Aaron Allston. These were brilliant books. There was a huge amount of homage and information about how the XWings worked from the Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron books, although this just added to the character stories in the novels. I’d thoroughly recommend these, if the Timothy Zahn books were the rightful Eps 7, 8 and 9, then these would have been the basis for an excellent series.

About the games ? One thing George Lucas had been aiming for with the space battles was something akin to World War 1 dogfights. So Brain went to some of the flight sim games I have …

Yep. That’s a map of Korea and Southern China …

Luke you’ve turned off your targeting computer

It looked good as well, for the time it came out. Flight sims have been on computers since the early days of the BBC, which had the game Aviator. This one saw you attempting to repel an alien locust invasion in a … Spitfire. Good game. Excel used to have a flight simulator hidden away in it.

Military jet flight sims have been a thing for many a decade too, although they reached a peak and went away after Falcon 4.0. They’d start with a small, artificial map and as the games improved, the map would get more and more detailed. Hills would be added. Towns and other features.

And then Falcon 4.0 models Korea … And has a fictional war break out where the North has invaded the South and you’re a small part in attempting to repel them. Your F-16 Fighting Falcon was fully modelled too with a manual almost 2cm thick. (I will do penance later for abandoning the glory of the Imperial number system).

There was a Bubble system, where the closer you got to places, the more the combat would resolve from Macro scale to Micro scale. This concept turned into flashes on the horizon at long distance resolving into individual missiles flying across the sky as you got closer to the combat zone.

It was a cracking game too, although I didn’t stay in it long enough to learn the systems fully. There was an active fan patching scene for Falcon 4.0 as well until that was apparently stopped in a pre-DMCA style STOP THAT order involving an update called Falcon 4.0 Allied Force.

The next one there is from 2001 and it was a misbegotten Eurofighter Typhoon sim …

Bit Icy in Iceland ?

As a Brit, I’m more interested in flying what we have instead of what the other countries have and this led me to being very interested in the Typhoon sim when it was released. This saw you as part of a detachment of Typhoon pilots stationed at Iceland … when the Russians invade.

It seemed like a very promising game but was deeply flawed. This covered things like the AI being unable to pilot properly (they couldn’t land at one airport due to a hill in the glideslope behind. But it was also a damage model that was just horribly wrong, leading to needing 2 missiles (Brimstone) to stop each tank. That was annoying.

What really made me bounce off this one was that it was extremely shallow, essentially an arcade game (like the MFDs there) rather than a simulation on the scale of Falcon 4.0. The expansion, Operation Icebreaker, tunneled even deeper into the “Oh you did not do that” level of bad with Super Typhoons on an Aircraft Carrier.

I did manage to acquire a copy of Joint Strike Fighter (the one that turned into the F-35) but didn’t manage to get that playable.

Crimson Marshmallow

That brings me to the second picture and Crimson Skies.

This was pure arcade sim action, with modernised World War 1 style planes duking it out from airships.

I didn’t play this too much but did enjoy what I did. Perhaps it felt a bit shallow again. One really notable feature in Crimson Skies was being able to skip missions if you couldn’t satisfy the victory conditions.

I managed to finish Tie Fighter and the XvT Balance of Power campaigns but hit solid walls with the campaigns in XWing and if you couldn’t satisfy some really tough victory conditions, you didn’t progress in the campaign. This is how they extended the gameplay time in those days. If you got stuck in Crimson Skies, it would give you the option to skip and progress anyway.

I think I appreciate features like that much more nowadays where I’m more interested in playing through the story than in satisfying some daft GitGud urge. I don’t need to prove the skill, I’ve done that time and time again. (This is why Concussion 2 scared me with the lagged reactions)

I’m there to enjoy the game, especially seeing the story progress.

Brave New World is on the telly at the moment. I’ve stuck with that to see how the story progresses as well and … if there’s a season 2 I don’t think I’ll come back for it. The story has been a bit meh.

I’m hoping that a second season of the lovely Ghost In The Shell SAC 2045 comes soon. It’s the version of that story which I’ve enjoyed most so far. It doesn’t mine into the origin story like the live action movie and it doesn’t lose you in dull, overthought oddness like the older anime. It went for fast, light hearted (most of the time) fun instead.

Entertaining stuff is good. Hopefully the entertainment doesn’t come at the cost of others though ! (There’s a big AAA game out imminently that I will not mention here for many reasons)

On that note … I need food, time to put the dinner on.

Stay safe everyone, be well.

Advent 2020 Day 7 – Red Mass Trooper

Hello everyone,

Day 7 – what’s behind the door ?

Red for Danger ?

A red trooper today. Apparently this is a Sith Trooper from the last movie. Do red troopers shoot faster ? Does this make them miss even more ? Maybe the red ones are the ones expected to get shot first ?

Yep. The memes might be coming out today

So … about that game ? Mass Effect hit the gaming scene and took it by storm in 2007. Gosh, that long ago ? You entered the game as the leader of the ground marines of the SRV Normandy, a brand new experimental stealth frigate dispatched to check out trouble on the colony of Eden Prime.

The cornerstone making this gaming universe different was Element Zero, a mysterious compound that allowed changes of mass. The science never makes sense but what it really means is characters that can shoot goops of light from their hands and otherwise be a little bit superhuman. Oh and it also helps mass accelerators if the mass is reduced to near zero. Pew Pew and light speed becomes possible.

A previously unknown set of alien entities is uncovered and their purpose is to return every 50,000 years or so and eliminate all spacefaring life in the galaxy. Their reasoning is that they have to prevent some almighty calamity coming in the distant future.

(Maybe they stole that background idea from the Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space trilogy, although the reasoning for the AI enemy there is properly explained)

Oh and you get a message from the last remnants of the previous cycle with a map that you can’t decipher.

It was a great series in its day too. The original story went from discovery in Mass Effect 1, to story development in Mass Effect 2 and then all hell breaks loose in Mass Effect 3.

However. The branching storyline was a bit messed up and they couldn’t pull off an ending that satisfied the hype.

I played through the first two games quite a number of times. Loved them to bits. The prologue of Mass Effect 2 was jaw dropping. (I’m not going to say much more because it’s a mammoth spoiler for games that have a remastering coming soon).

But while I did play through Mass Effect 3 once, I tried going back to it and couldn’t stay with it. There are a number of reasons for that, the big one being knowing the ending, knowing the emotional hoops that it puts the player through and knowing that some of the most beloved characters don’t make it.

It’s also because they messed up the continuation as well. Things that should not have been broken were massively broken in Mass Effect 3, like the quest system. The biggest complaint there was that it would send you to places that you just couldn’t get to in the game at that point.

It’s a really controversial opinion but the Mass Effect game I’ll play next is …

Bit dusty

Yep. It’s Mass Effect Andromeda.

No skinnydipping without acid blockers

Pretty game. It arrived in a broken state but patches improved it and it was a very solid, well presented game when I played it earlier this year. And I massively enjoyed it too. I’d thoroughly recommend it to people who like a little (well, a lot) of story with their shooter.

New colony what’s this ?

But I think the reason I most like it is that whereas the first 3 games were leading to an apocalyptic future, this one is the opposite. Your people arrive in the Andromeda galaxy after a long voyage to find …

Chaos and mayhem. Instead of golden worlds, we have a dark matter scourge spreading across the Helius Cluster. It has damaged the worlds and you drop on to a planet hostile to human life, with aliens already there who are definitely not interested in having a cup of tea and talking things over.

That sets up the situation pretty well. But it manages to emerge from that doom and gloom to have you fighting for a better future to build from.

I liked that. And I’ll be playing it again sometime probably early 2021. (Deus Ex HR and maybe Prey first).

I think that’s it for today.

Not George ?

Stay safe, be well everyone.

Advent 2020 Day 6 – Elite Starfighter Horizons

Hello everyone,

I have managed to pull myself out of Mars Horizon (It really is silly addictive) to drop Day 6’s post … What’s behind the door ?

Triangle ?

Some kind of triangle starfighter … another variation of TIE brought in for the Rise of Skywalker movie. A curious design … the triangles allow for more visibility up and down to the sides at the cost of a bit of blanking at the level position.

Probably good for combat, not so much for docking up at the end of the mission.

Today’s game is Elite … but I think I’ll be diverting off to other things as well. The original Elite dates back all the way to 1984, for the BBC B Micro. It was a marvel of programming, managing to fit an incredible amount into the limited amount of memory available in that computer while still delivering quite a decent little game.

Wireframe 3d !

The graphics were the limit of what could be done at the time, so a bit of imagination was needed to fill the gaps. No worries there. They started you off in a pretty basic Cobra Mk3 and the aim was to trade up to build a ship capable of bounty hunting and then grind up the combat ranks towards Elite.

There’s a bit more about the game here (including pictures that I’m not going to steal). Linky !

Ahh there we go. You’d get a “RIGHT ON COMMANDER!” on screen every time you got 256 kills. You needed 512 kills to get Dangerous ranking. I managed to stay in to get Deadly a couple of times (2560) but always resetted before going on to Elite.

I still like the early game in games like this, even in the new Elite. I’ve been having those temptations to reset the character again and build up from scratch.

Tea ?

Elite’s come a long way since those humble beginnings 36 years ago. I played on the Atari ST as well, which was a nice upgrade to the original with better graphics and some subtle adjustments to the combat model.

I’ve been meaning to do some more flying in Elite Dangerous too, although that’s kinda holding due to an addiction to Mars Horizons. Let’s see what I posted before …

To infinity ! Well, to the Moon

The sparks and vortices around the side of that rocket were not concerning at all.

Don’t ask what happened shortly after

That was the first shuttle. Oh well.

Someday, Valerian and Lorelei might live there

Must watch Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets again some day. That was a very silly movie but I enjoyed it.

Oh ! There’s my dinner bell going off.

Stay safe, be well.

Advent 2020 Day 5 – Razor Crest Bounty Royale

Hello everyone,

Day 5 ! And …

Where did The Child go ?

It’s the Razor Crest today from The Mandalorian. Gotta say, I haven’t watched any of the Mandalorian episodes. As well as the many allegeds about their business practice (check the Alan Dean Foster led likely class action), it’s just yet another streaming service. There are too many of those popping up at the moment and it’s unnecessary expense especially as the only things on their front page of interest are The Mandalorian and Star Wars Clone Wars.

Still, nice functional ship and there are all those Baby Yoda memes that have brought much amusement.

The marshmallow of the day is Candy Floss flavour.

The Lego of the day made me think of small traders or bounty hunters that travel around writing their own story as they go, so I figured two games today : Port Royale (first one) and Bounty Train.

Port Royale has just had a major release of its 4th edition, Port Royale 4. It feels as though it’s been expanded a bit but from videos I’ve watched, I don’t think they’ve moved on the mechanics particularly since what I remember of the first and it still has the flaws and limitations of the first. Well, apart from draconian copy protection that stopped legal owners of the game from playing it. (It clashed with Star Trek Dominion Wars). Copy protection of the time would also interfere with other devices in your system, like a USB hub I had for additional devices.

People complain now about having to install additional launchers for their games. When I hear that, I go back to the days when all games had their own individual launchers. And the issues happening with the copy protections built in where it became more awkward for legitimate owners of games to play those games than it would be for owners of pirated copies.

Having the copy protect built into the launcher and a named account has helped those compatibility problems no end.

About the game ?

Port Royale was a sailing game, where you’d own a steadily expanding fleet of trading and privateer ships. It was a nice concept, although I’d have liked to see wind angle effects come in to the combat layer more. You’d trade or privateer your way around the Caribbean and along the way, there was a treasure map story developing. Nice game. But I won’t be paying much attention to Port Royale 4 because its asking price of £46 for something that seems just an iteration of a 10 year old game is No. Just No.

The other game of the day is Bounty Train …

Humble beginnings

This one starts you off in Portland of the 19th century. All you have is a very humble little steam engine and a cargo carriage. The massive trading company you were going to inherit has had its assets seized and it’s up to you to figure out what happened and try and get them back again.

Not pretty but she’s got it where it counts

That’s the engine you start off with, the little Tom Thumb. I have to admit I bounced off this one when I bought it a few years ago and, although I’d been thinking about it, I hadn’t gone back. There’s a combat minigame where bandits will come in and try and steal your stuff, that massively turned me off the game. So I’ve essentially turned that off for the playthrough started tonight.

Start of a big journey

Early days, with just Boston down the coast opened up. The padlocks show where you need to pass quests or pay for licences in order to open up the route. It’s a decent way of steadily working you into the game so you learn how things work and have a chance to upgrade the engine a bit.

Engine depot for upgrades.

But yeah, good little session again in this one earlier. I think I’ll go back in there later at some point although I still have that Mars Horizon addiction, plus Per Aspera looks very interesting too. I managed to get an upgrade in before closing the session. An actually train looking train !

Must check what the numbers mean

I abandoned my first play of this one a few years ago because I fell foul of some of the mechanics of the game, arrived a little late at a destination and suddenly WANTED Dead Or Alive posters started appearing with my character’s mugshot on them. Oops.

Beware the Pizza Bandit

Oh look ! Dinner time.

Stay safe, be well.

Advent 2020 Day 4 – Luke and the XWing

Hello everyone,

Before I start, no food was sacrificed in today’s advent picture.

Must figure out off centre focusing

There we are, Luke Skywalker there and a guest XWing at the back.

I’m going to have to investigate the phone too to see if I can figure out the whys and hows of doing off centre focus. Cos the figure tends to be closer and lower and the focus goes on the back.

Oh and don’t mind the discolourations of my night stand table, it’s ancient and those were there when I acquired it.

Not guilty.

Everyone knows what Luke did … Well. In the first movie. He was still off flying X Wings in the later Expanded Universe (true canon) books as well. Usually on solo missions for the burgeoning New Republic or doing Jedi Things.

There was a game for that …

A New Chapter ?

This one came out in 1993 and is thought of as being the impetus for people acquiring many, many PCs with 486 processors. You know, those old 32 bit processors that occasionally came with a math chip added in. The one I got was a 486 DX2/66, which meant it had the math chip and ran the memory at 33MHz and the cpu doubled at 66MHz.

3d accelerated graphics wasn’t really a thing back then. We had 2d cards with perhaps 1MB on board if we were lucky, so the graphics were extremely simple and resolutions were low. This is 640×480 upscaled to my monitor – ish. (Display scaling often reduces it from 1440p).

Now in 4:3 ratios

They start you off in a flight simulator game thing where you fly through the hoops and shoot the occasional targets. There’s a 3d representation, although the models are exceptionally simple. Such as the platforms above having no depth. Other objects will be polygonal boxes with sides 1 pixel thick.

Must not shoot the friendly

It looked good too when it came out. Note that this is the Special Edition which came out later, using the XWing vs Tie Fighter engine which had actual texture work included. The best that could be done when the games first came out was clever shading.


The game was broken up into small missions, preceded by a briefing. Sometimes it was Admiral Ackbar. Sometimes it was General Dodonna. It worked really well for the time, although nowadays the mission objectives would be spoken in game through voice overlays and targeting indicators.

Set Deflector Shield, double front

An early mission where you’re in an A Wing (Y-Wings were also available with the B-Wing coming later) saw you whooshing through an enemy fleet on a mission to identify everything. I think this got copied in a more expansive XvT mission later where you needed to abuse the Need For Speed more.

Nope out time

It was interesting going back to the old game. It’s still nicely fast but also balanced to be playable. The 4th XCom game, Interceptor, made the critical error of attempting to match the XWing flight and control style to an engine that was just far too fast to be playable. It worked pretty well in XWing.

I was starting to make the precision shots as well. The lasers take a bit of time to travel between shooter and target, so you need to lead your shots to be able to hit. Works well.

The story was good too. It starts up before A New Hope and amongst other things, sees you picking up the Death Star plans and eventually, doing the Death Star Trench Run.

However, I didn’t finish XWing back in the day. I came to it a bit later, having been solidly addicted to Tie Fighter, which saw you fighting for the Empire instead, seeing Galactic security from the other side. The way games worked back then was to pad out the content with occasional insane level missions, which acted as a bump to slow down your progress so I never got to the Death Star missions.

I think there’s another game in the middle that I can’t remember but the follow up to Tie Fighter, XWing Alliance, saw you eventually flying a Millennium Falcon type ship.

The last one was XWing vs Tie Fighter (XvT), a multiplayer online starfighter game that erupted on the scene perhaps 5 years too early. It was a cracking game too, although the world of dial up modems and higher pings was not ready for it. The Star Wars starfighter games pretty much died with XvT, although they’re back now with Squadrons. This is what modern graphics can do :

Set S Foils to Attack Position

Shiny. I didn’t buy Squadrons though and I understand that even with initial hype, it’s ended up a bit of an underseller. Many, many people were wanting a Tie Fighter 2 or a true successor to XWing, with a strong single player storyline. What we got was a tutorial campaign which unlocked the different ships … and a multiplayer online battle arena game.

Oh and the cockpit displays get in the way far too much (even worse in the Tie Fighters). I thought it was very difficult to pick the targets out of the background clutter too, probably because the modern game can put background clutter in that would just be a starfield in the old game.

It was another one that was good to have a little look at but I sense a recurring theme here will be that Nostalgia is great but going back to the old stuff can end up being a bit of a let down. I was curious that the control mapping had the stick set up to yaw the ship instead of roll it. Brain was going Does Not Computer somewhat at that, although I adjusted somewhat to it.

(I started off in flight sims, where you would roll to initiate a turn. You wouldn’t side slip with the rudder)

One more pic ? Oh go on then. Plus Farcebook demands it :-D.

Can hold keys of most magnitudes

Stay safe, be well.

Advent 2020 Day 3 ! This could be pod racing …

Hello everyone,

We’ve made it to day 3. Before I go too far with the post, there’s stuff in the news today about an explosion a bit down the road at Avonmouth. I live quite a distance away (didn’t notice a boom even) so I’m not affected.

What’s behind the door ?

Yes that is cookie

I think that’s one of the desert dwellings on Tatooine and yes, I may well be continuing the theme of using something edible to stand the models on to get a decent angle for the camera with them.

The cookie did not survive.

Tatooine made me think of a pod racing link. (The other one would be something to do with wrong droids). I did enjoy the pod racing sequence in Episode 1, that was probably the highlight of the movie.

And one of the best of the Star Wars games was the Pod Racing game. What’s that ?

In the garage

They’re basically two massive engines, a pilot pod running behind them and lots of luck to hold everything together. I suspect the image in George Lucas’s mind when he thought of this sequence was to try and pull off something like the Ben Hur chariot sequence.

It worked pretty well as a sequence in the movie and the game was incredible when it first came out. I’ve been having another look at it this evening …

Results with old games may vary

I did get it running in the end, although the Steam version needed an extra file added in (for Google – Star Wars Pod Racer crash on start up solved by adding the Dinput.dll into the game folder). I didn’t manage to get it to recognise my two Hotas controllers (I have no idea where my Xbox pattern controller is !) but it was ok running with mouse and keyboard. It even ran at 1440p.

I tried looking back at this one before, with the copy on the cd (yep, cd !) and found issues with it not knowing where the save game was due to Windows changing how it organised files. Looks like that’s been solved this time.

I’d forgotten how fast it was … Let’s see :

This is actually pod racing

The 462 is I believe, speed in km/h. And the pods go faster in an engine boost mode. I think the speed used to reach 1000+ …

I’d forgotten how much of a rush the game was. Lots of varied courses over multiple Star Wars locations. Places like the deserts of Tatooine, with occasional Sand People snipers. Lava planets … An ocean world where you race across platforms connected by undersea tunnels. And a space circuit with zero g sections.

It’s exciting. I was remembering why I was so addicted to it way back … As you see from the screenshots, the graphics are very simple. But you don’t really notice that as you’re zooming through the circuits.

However, if you’re looking to try it out again, DO NOT buy the Steam version. I’m hoping that the fan project to recreate the game comes to fruition. While the Directx suite should in theory allow older games like this to run, there are issues involved. The game itself came out just as Directx was taking off, so it was looking to use 3dfx Glide libraries to run better via proprietary non Directx hardware. I think that was leading to problems this evening …

I couldn’t get my controllers to work, although got round this by using keyboard controls.

And … I called a halt to play due to the game crashing on me, following steadily decreasing texture quality. I think this is why only 3 screenshots were successful out of the 11 attempts.

There is a saying “You can never go back”. It’s kinda true this time round, although while it was running, it was running very nicely. Everything was nicely presented on screen, even in a much higher resolution than the game would have expected. Of course, that means the low resolution textures look really, really bad in the screenies.

It did work as a game now much better than Jagged Alliance 2 did when I tried that again a while ago. (I’ll talk about that in a later post !)

Good game, hopefully something similarly ultra fast and great will come out at some point. I got the memories from it again of it being huge fun the first time … but with the state of the Steam edition, it’s one for the past.

That’s all for today ! Stay safe, be well. May compatibility with the force be with you.