Book 23 Between Planets, between ….. taps …

Short one tonight cos I’m behind on these book posts again !

Book 23 was Between Planets by Robert Heinlein, not one of his best. Not quite as bad as what Farnham’s Freehold turned out to be (a great premise but went in a really bad and highly racist direction). But nowhere near the standard of some of his other books like Starship Troopers, Time Enough For Love and The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. Oh and Friday too. Friday is an exceptional roller coaster of a book, may have to read that one again.

This one follows young Don Harvey as he escapes Earth just at the …. spoilers redacted … Ok. Less spoilers. The story is about attempting to get between Earth and Mars, to reach his parents …. while ending up in other areas of the solar system.

The books dates somewhat, as a book written in 1951 is missing much of the innovation that followed. That rarely matters in a Heinlein book though, he writes exceptional scifi about characters, political systems and the somewhat shady arms of enforcement (not necessary legal enforcement) that back up what the political systems are attempting to achieve.

One consistent factor in Heinlein books is that his characters have to survive by either application of force or they have to evade force being applied to them. And often his characters are on the wrong end of Who Has The Bigger Stick.

That’s definitely the case in this one where our Don has to escape Earth mostly on his own resources and across the solar system definitely by his own initiative.

A bit of a slog this one, even for a 170 page story. I wouldn’t recommend it but do check out the books above, plus a few more in the Lazarus Long sequences and the multiverse sequence. The Cat Who Walked Through Walls may well find itself in my reading list soon.

Oh … the reason why I’m somewhat squeezing out this post is because I’ve already read Book 24. But that’s one for another day.

Taps ?

Not that kind of tap.

I’ve been doing the plumbing again … I think the mains water pressure has gone up over the weekend as a consequence to them fixing something and I believe that’s too much for one of my old taps. It has been dripping …

I have the replacement tap and know how to fix it but. The new pipes are the wrong size ! And I can’t use the old pipes because they’re brazed into the old tap !


It has defeated me tonight but I shall return anew. With different pipes. I’ve left things in a state where there are no drips so the old taps will be good for a few more days. Water pressure is a bit low though.

And it’s still too warm ! Also humid. Hopefully it’ll cool down soon but after doing a little walk to Arnos Vale cemetary on Friday for another Gromit viewing :

That’s number 6 for me, Dias De Las Perros. Oh … after realising that my jeans are a little too heavy a material to go walking long distance in. Will have to investigate options before embarking on the very long walks.

Film was good too. I saw Skyscraper as the only person in the showing (Avonmeads is like that and it’s why I keep going back there). I’d sum it up as enjoyable garbage. Dwayne Johnson does have a habit of making highly enjoyable films to watch. Sure, the plotline and background is complete garbage … but they’re fun to sit through and they cheer you up.

Mindless fun if you will and it set me up well for the weekend.

Concorde ! And More !

Oh well so much for the football. I actually watched the game this time. I don’t tend to watch much football because it’s a pit of dishonesty and the players are by and large, the opposite of good sportsmen playing totally without honour.

But it’s been a good world cup so far with some unpredictable results. Predictability is boring.

And I never predicted what I’d see at the Bristol Aerospace museum last week …

Although I did know that the lovely lady of the skies, Concorde would be there. Beautiful aircraft, hopefully we’ll see something similar in the future. In this case, form fitted function and function led to a design which was one of the most gorgeous, iconic shapes there has ever been for an aircraft. A technological marvel too, overcoming so many obstacles and making a success of the concept.

But Bristol Aerospace wasn’t just about the Pretty Plane. (Did you like the segway from World Cup to Fun Stuff by the way ? 😀 ). No. I was hunting the slide rules. Most of what you’re about to see was designed before the computer age. Minimal technology, just rulers, protractors, skilled draftsmen and …. (hushed tone) …. slide rules. The calculators of most of the 20th century and before !

The exhibition opens with a pair of biplanes, which look in so good a condition they could probably still fly. And land. Landing is important, especially landing without crashing. Above is a Bristol Fighter and below is a Scout Replica :

These planes were designed around 100 years ago. Not just planes :

If my memory’s good, that’s a Hercules 9 cylinder rotary engine. Crankshaft is in the middle and drives the prop, probably through a reduction gear. There’s a display on how they used to build the propellers too.

And the tools used to design them. Still haven’t found that slide rule yet.

A Centaurus rotary combustion engine. This one weaves another bank of cylinders in around the crankshaft.

And the Bristol Beaufighter cockpit that would be in the middle of those engines. (Until the Merlin arrived!) Curious to see what conditions our airmen would have fought their wars in.

Early twin rotor transport helicopter, a forerunner of the Chinook. I believe the front end had a Bristol postcode and the back end had a Bath postcode. This was looooong!

No computers in that airliner cockpit … Oh – click for bigger by the way !

They didn’t just have planes and helicopters there … This is the Bloodhound missile. Kerbals would be proud of it. More boosters ! Not enough ? Add even more boosters ! This was our long range air defence missile last century.

And more missiles :

From left to right that’s :
Rapier – British Army short to medium range surface to air missile;
Sea Wolf in a canister – Royal Navy short range surface to air missile;
Upper layer – Sea Wolf out of its canister. Thought it would be bigger !
Upper right – Sea Skua, a small scale Naval antiship missile.
Lower right – Sea Dart, a medium range air defence missile.

Good stuff !

As was this, the Olympus gas turbine engine which powered planes, ships probably trains too. Bit big for automobiles and I think it got retired in favour of engines like the Trent because it’s thin …. the wide body diameter of modern gas turbines is due to a bypass fan which is of much higher diameter than the rest of the engine, which leads to the much quieter operation demanded by pretty much all operators and airports now.

An old Harrier, we believe Sea Harrier (I should have looked more closely !) because the nose is big. As a rule – Sea Harrier : has a big nose hiding a big radar that’s used to do targeting for missiles. Harrier GR series – small nose without much of a radar in it. Sadly the Harriers became too expensive to keep going so we had to give them up. Looking forward to good stuff from the F-35 though.

There we go. The museum is great but the main even is definitely the retired Concorde.

There’s a quite informative and interesting set of movies played on the skin of both the front fuselage and :

Showing the innovation in those engine systems that allowed effective and efficient operation across the whole speed range of the aircraft.

First civilian fly by wire cockpit managing all of the technology. They had a few standalone displays off the aircraft, showing how much the pilots and crew would need to manage to engage safe and efficient flight.

More cramped than I thought it would be …. Both my elbows were touching the sides here.

All in all, I had a great excuse to spend my Friday afternoon cooldown time hunting a Gromit and checking out an exhibition of aerospace in Filton tracking its history over the last 100 years.

I would thoroughly recommend giving it a visit. Oh and until September, it will have my excuse to visit :

Gromjet !

PS Never did find the slide rules.

Book 22 – A Mercy Kill (and other things!)

Book 22 – Mercy Kill by Aaron Allston.

This one is another Star Wars book, picking up the story of Wraith Squadron in the old (non-canon) Expanded Universe about 10 years after the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong war. I have to admit, I stopped reading the Expanded Universe books sometime around the middle of the Yuuzhan Vong books, so I’ve missed a lot.

But that doesn’t really matter that much here. There are a series of flashbacks that bridge the gap from the earlier (up to about 5 years after RotJ) books up to this one and it’s centred after one returning character in particular with a couple of cameos from older characters as well.

I really enjoyed this one. It’s a worthy successor to the earlier books and is a great addition to the series. The really sad thing is : the author died a few years ago at an early 53 so there won’t be any more ! He didn’t write many books outside of Star Wars EU but this book made me remember the earlier Wraith Squadron books and I’ll be reading those again sometime soon.

What is Wraith Squadron ?

Whereas the normal Star Wars thing is about heroes, this one is about the misfits. The original trilogy picked up from the earlier Rogue Squadron books, by having Wedge Antilles (ace pilot) recruit a set of misfit characters who were decent pilots but what he really wanted was intrusion specialists. So whereas Rogue Squadron had elite pilots with average intrusion skills, these were characters who could operate behind enemy lines with minimal support and get the job done.

And along the way, much fun is had with these very special characters. You get attached to them, you laugh at the unexpected japes that pop up throughout the books and the books always surprise you with their humour. And then they’ll also surprise you with how you feel for the characters when they get hurt, trapped or … die … Yep. While the normal Star Wars characters like Han Solo, Luke, Leia, Chewie have a certain plot armour*, these characters definitely don’t … And that adds a certain tension to the books.

*Chewie’s end in the first Yuuzhan Vong book is spectacular – you’re unlikely to read it so spoilers : he’s left behind on a planet which is having a MOON dropped on it by the Yuuzhan Vong. The Falcon leaves, with Han Solo unable to rescue his life buddy leading to PTSD through the next few books. Chewie howls his rage at the moon before being engulfed.

Yep. Wraith Squadron Mercy Kill – great book. I’d thoroughly recommend it for the Star Wars fan but …. definitely read the earlier Rogue Squadron books by Michael Stackpole and the other Wraith Squadron books first.

Other things ? Here’s a taster :

And ….

 Shiny things were looked at yesterday. It is darn hot though :

See that 34 degrees C ? I’ve seen hotter temperatures from the sensors in the car but not that much hotter. To be fair, this was taken when coming back to the car after Bristol Aerospace and the car was facing the sun.

Let’s just say I checked phone stuff for a few minutes before attempting to drive so that the cooling systems could cool the cabin (and the steering wheel) down a bit. Safety note – picture was taken while the car was technically engine on (Ready light) but if you take a peek, the P says it’s in Park mode (not going anywhere) and the red indicator is for the parking brake. Oh and the EV on the left is declaring that the engine isn’t on too ! Running on battery at that point.

I have a few posts lined up for writing too – I’m almost through Book 23, which is a Heinlein book and I have a good few more pics to show from Bristol Aerospace.

Apart from that – busy viewing today with cricket, Formula 1 and …. perhaps even football on. Oh and the new washing machine has arrived !

Gromit is Coming

I’ve been remembering 3 years ago today.

Not 2nd July 2015 but a more generalised period around that time. It was the time of the Great Shaun Hunt :

I managed to get around 37 of the various Shauns dotted around Bristol, I’d have liked to do more but I hadn’t quite recovered enough at that point.

It’s curious to remember back though. I was comparing Shaun Counts to a few people. Can’t remember how I did compared to their Shaun Counts. I know that the treasure that is Snow Queen managed to see the lot. I ran into the Snow Queen again today and she’s still a little wonder.

LTK saw a few more than me I think, as did the Eve fanatic that is Luth. I mentioned the game Empyrion to Luth today. Maybe tempted him. It’s in my Steam sale shopping cart now, haven’t quite bought it. It’s been amusing to watch the FuzzyFreak (see link to the right) stream Empyrion for the last week or so. It was a shaky start until she got into the spaceships but it’s a game that’s all about the space ships.

And it’s given me a few ideas and thoughts for ships that I’d build. A few of them would resemble the scifi spaceships like the Babylon 5 Starfury, BSG Viper is a bit boring, the Star Wars ships are definitely candidates. Oh and a couple of capital ship ideas that would look suspiciously like a Death Star (call it the Dragon Ball) or the Galactica (call it the Dragon Star).

We shall see. I happen to have a template for what could become the Dragon Ball :

Oh ! There was another person who couldn’t take part in the Shaun Hunt when it was on because she had suffered a badly broken ankle and wasn’t mobile. So it became a mission to do the walks myself and get pictures across.

At least as far as I could get around the trails.

This was 2015 when I was starting to get into the recovery phase for my battered arms and legs. I think my legs had returned to their normal sizes instead of being swollen and my arms were starting to repair too. And it’s taken another 3 years for repairs to continue … and the repairs aren’t quite finished yet.

Part of that is my fault again due to redamaging the bits that are struggling to heal. Part of it is down to just how extensive the damage I got ended up being.

Almost healed now. There are a few hold out bits on my knees and toes but … almost there.

I’m holding off on doing the trails just yet though. It’s still freakishly warm in a very uncomfortable kind of way. Felt perhaps a little better today wearing my light coloured jacket while outside though.

They’re around for a couple of months. If I could find a downloadable map, I’d post it (sadly no map online although it’s in the app). I’ll hold off a little until it gets cooler, plus I’m planning to take some leave in August which should be a good opportunity.

Some of them are spread around a bit in car trip kind of range. Possible coffee shop crawl ?


PS In other news – XWing Wraith Squadron Mercy Kill – finished. Excellent read, must post review soon. Robert Heinlein Between Planets is next.
PPS I had another PS but my brain melted before I could post it.
PPPS That was it ! Golden Globe round the world yacht race started yesterday. Definitely following that one and cheering on Brit lady Susie Goodall. She’s in the middle of the fleet at the moment, early days.

Toasty Melty

Bit warm over here in GB at the moment.

Could be the perfect opportunity to do that at the moment, although I suspect the opportunity to run away would be particularly short.

How hot ? Not so hot compared to other parts of the world but we get hit hard by it over here because we just don’t expect it. Our bodies aren’t built for it and our homes are designed more to keep winter warm in instead of remove excess heat in the summer.

Anyway, the car was reporting 30 degrees C in the shaded car park over at the Mall on Monday and high 20s yesterday (can’t remember how much !). I do remember that the steering wheel was scorching because I’d made a partial misjudgment of parking with the windscreen facing where the sun would be when I got back to the car. Shade was a bit lacking.

One thing I don’t understand is that people see car steering wheel warmers as being highly desirable. I’m the opposite … I’ve been enjoying the seat coolers and their ability to rapidly take the scorchy bum feeling away. I’d kinda like something similar for the steering wheel.

I think I’ll be bringing out my white jacket next week as the heatwave is expected to continue. I’ve only worn that jacket a couple of times, it’ll be curious to see what it’s like in the summer.

Yep. Look out for yourselves and other people/pets in this kind of weather.

Me ? I’m coping with it my managing how much energy I’m putting out because energy needs heat. I like to think a disciplined mind can control what it thinks about the conditions it finds itself in and that means I just try not to think about the heat. Because if you think about it, you start noticing it and your mind starts to play its tricks on you.

That said though, I’m also trying to do the right things to allow my body to cope with the heat. Sleeves rolled up at work (and the arms have improved to the point where they don’t scare my coworkers as much), drinking lots of water, drinking less of the hot coffee and :

Potions Of Brain Freezing. In that case, it was a strawberry milkshake to go with a steak for dinner after doing the initial washing machine scout. But yesterday it was a Mint Choc Cooler Frostino before getting a weekly shop in.

They’re good stuff.

I thought the heat was disrupting the computer as well the other evening. I have slipped into another Stellaris playthrough … this time as the Rootlin Devouring Swarm who aim to avoid many of the more annoying mechanics brought into the game by … eating everyone they come across. Literally. The Rootlin Swarm has a strong appetite for runs. Runs ? Erm, that would be who they’re named after. I may have been watching cricket while creating the race. I hope they don’t eat anyone who gives them the runs.

Oh and check out that randomly generated starting system … one of the updates has allowed for more variation in the star systems, in this case it’s a triple star system. Disrupting the computer ? The game was running like treacle in the Thursday session … but it recovered well in the last session I did yesterday. The Rootlins have reached the point where an Equivalent race barely even gave them a speed bump as they were overtaken and eaten so the interest has somewhat gone out of that game now. There is more challenge though, the game hasn’t reached the Midgame or Endgame crisis points yet where stronger enemies appear.

I reopened Elite again as well today and did some bimbling around the star system cluster I left the ship in. I was surprised by how much Empire rank I’d reached, there are only about 3 to go before the big ship is unlocked. I didn’t stay in game too long though, the heat is making me not really want to go to that tunnel vision state I go into when I’m well into a game.

I’ve been buying more things … It’s the Steam sale at the moment and I’ve picked up the first person game Prey and top down fast tactics game Heat Signature. Both show themselves to be cracking games when on stream/videos.

That reminds me ! Gotta update the links on the right to include a FuzzyFreak person who has been great fun to watch on streams. She’s a crazy one, definitely enjoys the games and is why I’ve bought Prey … Possibly the spaceship building Empyrion too.

Musicwise, I’ve picked up the Deadmau5 collection. It’s a different type of music to my usual but I’ve always admired how well made their music is. As far as the ones picked up last week go :

Snow Patrol – good … but I think some of their inspiration has gone. I haven’t heard any of the amazing tracks like Set the Fire to the Third Bar, Chasing Cars or Lifening.
Chvrches – very good (I have to admit my mind has tunneled into the games while their stuff has been on !). They make fun, energetic music to listen to.
Banks – very good again, great voice there.
Jack White – not bad. Again, nothing special like Seven Nation Army.

And I’m currently listening to the end of Jean-Michel Jarre’s The Rendezvous. There’s also a Heychrissa stream on and a KatherineOfSky video while Idle Champions does its grinding thing.

To the book now though ! X Wing Mercy Kill is proving to be very good so far. I’d recommend you start with the first Aaron Allston Wraith Squadron books though, they were mad.

Book 21 – Afterlife and a … fair few semi random things

Book 21 !

Cracking through them still, although I sense a slowing in the summer with the heat we have now. Car was reporting 30 degrees C in the covered car park at the Mall earlier.

Book ?

It’s Blake’s 7, Afterlife written by Tony Attwood who compiled the Programme Guide. The book was publised in 1984, following up on the series which ran from 1978 to 1981. It was one of the classic 70s/80s sci fi series. Good stories, little bit (often very) weird, minimal budget to support it but keeping it all about the characters who were an edgy bunch for this one.

This one only has 5 characters returning from the series and concentrates on a much smaller cast. It picks up on and explains what happened at the end of season 4 (spoilers!) and then carries on a story from there.

The good parts of this book were that the characters were instantly recognisable. From ruthless Avon, to cowardly Vila and then tyrannical Servalan (plus 2 more!). When reading the dialogue, I had that minds eye picture of the original actors playing out the scenes. And I haven’t watched Blake’s 7 in years.

The bad part was that it felt like a miniseries worth of episodic sections, all pretty separate from each other with tenuous linkages between them. It felt like the author didn’t really know what to do with the great characters or where he wanted to take them.

That said though … this is a far superior book to Lucifer which didn’t belong in the Blake’s 7 universe. Oh – I remembered what the other thing I labelled like that was : Alien Covenant, although that was a decent movie (unlike Lucifer) that shouldn’t have had the Alien tag on it.

Next book ?

XWing Wraith Squadron – Mercy Kill by Aaron Allston. Enjoying it so far after 63 of 414 pages. I didn’t want to put it down to go to bed last night. Honest ! More later.

Random stuff ?

Washing machine – need a new one. It’s been wearing down for quite some time now but on Saturday it went the WHAM of a probable failed bearing and the drum doesn’t really want to turn any more. So I’ll buy one of those and get it in over the next fortnight. I got away with it on the wash … there was only about 2 minutes to go before WHAM occurred.
Music buying – tonight’s Mall run saw cds from Jack White, Chvrches, Snow Patrol and Banks appear. Looking forward to listening to those.
Waiting for music buying – Kasey Musgrave’s album is wanted and listening to Gorillaz Humans yesterday has changed my mind on getting their next. (Still not getting Arctic Monkey’s new one though). Still waiting for Ed Sheeran’s latest to go cheaper. It’s taking a while !
Not cable buying – Jessops guy didn’t want to know. I found them a tad rude and I won’t be going back any time soon. Besides, there’s a camera shop in town who were very helpful when I acquired my camera.
Not laptop buying – no issues, the John Lewis lady who has answered my questions a few times is very helpful. They just don’t have what I want. Although the Dell XPS reduced to £880 in clearance was VERY shiny. Too expensive.

What else ?

It’s warm out at the moment. Looks like we’ll have this for a week until it breaks into rain. In the meantime, pass the ice cubes !

Right – too hot to play the games at the moment (and I’m wary that opening Stellaris now will lead to closing it at 1.30am. Or later). Book plus videos, possible stream watching if an interesting person comes online !

Oh and … sneak preview of a later post :

Could that be part of Book 22 ?

The tiniest X Wing

Bit more Lego therapy today.

There’s more of that to come because a Rather Large Parcel arrived in the post … More of that later. But first …. teaser pic !

What could the new arrival be ?

From humble beginnings …

A sturdy shell.

An elegant fuselage.

Four powerful engines.

A pair of wings … Wait. Something’s missing ?

There we go. And it’s already off to battle the Empire.

Cruising to the scene of the battle … (and yes, that is an envelope providing my contrast background !)

S Foils to Attack Position …

And form up in formation, STAY ON TARGET ! And watch out for those Tie Fighters.

This one was from Comic Con and it was a lovely little quick build. If you want one, Ebay should point you in the right direction, here’s the packet with the kit number !

But I’ve had the mini XWing waiting for me for a while. What arrived today ?

Something shiny. Looking forward to putting both of those together.

Book 20 – a Story of Battletech (plus more from the weekend)

Is it cheeky claiming the story of a game as a book ?

Perhaps. Some games are blurring the line there though. Either it’s a game that’s more about the story or it’s a visual novel with gameplay elements within. And then there are the old Fighting Fantasy style books that were a game in a book.

But Battletech … a common element of strategy games like this will be to use a story to tie together the missions perhaps with a good few randomly generated missions thrown in too for either padding the game length out or to give your people something to do between story missions to make them stronger.

I’m going to start off with a : The story isn’t awful.

That’s a really bad thing to say about it isn’t it …. The story in Battletech starts off brightly with you having to flee the planet where you are employed, escaping just ahead of a coup. It is a classic set up where the bad guys take over at the start and your role is to gather strength so you can counter usurp them later. Oh and the bad guys are really really bad. Our people are plucky mercenaries pretty much on the neutral side of neutral. But we’re getting paid the big bucks to help out the former leader of the Aurigan Reach.

I definitely enjoyed the game … but there is some real boneheaded stuff in the backstory leading through. Sometimes it feels like characters are doing stupid things just to kick off elements of the story.

Mind you, the movie Interstellar was just like that as well and that’s a film I’ll watch repeatedly. Sure, the set up is nasty but what they do with that is fantastic.

There’s good voice acting here, I actually thought it was Maggie Q playing the leader for a while.

So Battletech – a great game, story could have been better as it reached its end but then the aim of the story in these games is to set up great missions and I think it does that. It may actually prompt me to look at some Battletech books. A while ago, I read the Mechwarrior Dark Age – Ghost War book by Michael Stackpole and highly enjoyed it.

But I’m not likely to go straight back in to replay the campaign. I’m actually more likely to replay MechCommander 2 from a good few years ago.

To the weekend ?

I needed the recovery time from Lords. My legs were definitely feeling that. And then I go straight into an all nighter watching Le Mans. Not as good a race this year as the racing has been. Let’s see :

Toyota were unchallenged and their only reliability issue this year was an error in the head of one of the drivers when he missed his “You need to pit now” and almost ran out of fuel.
Jenson Button’s car decided to throw a bad sensor, which put them 50 laps behind. They were racing hard when they got back in the race but the car expired about 90 minutes before the end. A shame. Hope he’s back next year.
Aston Martin’s car just didn’t work for them this year. They said it was very good with speed and handling up to a certain point … where it felt like it was hitting a brick wall. So the Aston Martins came nowhere. Hope they figure that one out.

Gaming – finished Battletech ! See above.
Finished Motorsport Manager too, with the last few races of the season. The other teams were keeping me honest by making sure I couldn’t get away without thinking through strategy for the last few races but my team still reigned supreme. This is a snowballing type of game, where if you set things up right, the team will continue to march ahead of the competition. That gets boring …

All nighter ? I managed to stay awake for the whole of the race ! I wouldn’t recommend that. I think the hallucinations were starting to come in at about 9pm last night and I was definitely feeling it even by around 4pm yesterday.

I may have ordered more Lego too.

The laptop replacement is being pushed right again. The place I’d get it from have pushed the price up by £50 and that definitely tips it over into “ain’t worth it”. Oh and one of the issues with the last one where I thought the screen was burning out has been fixed by ……. turning the brightness up.

Back to work tomorrow ! More chill out tonight.

Sporty Saturday. And Thursday. And Sunday.

Le Mans today !

Actually been quite busy over this week, although busy actually means “busy recovering” for some of that.

Wednesday was a business trip, Thursday was Lords. Friday was recovering from Lords (left house at 7am, got back in at 1am, needed until about 3.30am until sleep would be reasonable). Saturday morning currently sees me watching the build up to Le Mans on the telly* and the cricket in another window on my desktop as I type. I also have the Idle Champions game running in yet another window. Having sport on my desktop means no gaming … but that doesn’t exclude the simple clicker game.

Cricket will continue until probably 7pm, at which point I’ll head off to acquire pizza while I have Le Mans paused for catching up later in the myriad advert breaks. Le Mans racing will go from about 2.30pm to 2.30pm tomorrow.

*Cricket on desktop, Le Mans on telly ? Hopefully it has improved but in previous years it has proved a nightmare to watch the Eurosport on computer. You usually have to buy another subscription for something I already have a subscription to watch. Not doing that.

Lords ?

Was looking great as usual. There was a light drizzle as I arrived, heading through the back of the ground to the main stadium. Off to the left is the Nursery practice ground with that curiously modern Media Centre (wiki link) opened in 1999. Crikey, almost 20 years ago already.

Home of cricket putting its best sides forward, despite the drizzly start. They did very well to get play happening on time.

Army batting first against Navy bowling. It was a tight start but the Army batsmen broke out of the shackles later on to score 149.

As is usual for these, click for bigger. Most of the pictures are from my Canon Ixus 265 compact digital camera, which I love. A picture like the one above was taken at full optical zoom (16x) with it braced rather agriculturally on my knee. It’s great for these long shots when it has that bracing, not so much for close shots where the focusing isn’t quite quick enough to cut out any shake or motion blur. I do like it when I get the timing right to get the ball in shot though.

Navy celebrate the fall of another Army wicket.

A comfortable crowd providing a little bit of atmosphere. These games pull in a few people, both from Interservices support (like me!) and a few Lords regulars who want to watch the cricket in a great stadium. They open up the Mound and Tavern stands to the public but not the other stand on the other side. The Pavilion is for members only. Smart people. Not me !

We had drama throughout the day, including here where the fielder looks perplexed and more than a tad frustrated after his efforts to secure an excellent running in catch were wiped away by it being a no-ball for the bowler overstepping.

Half time and we’re off to hunt down some tea.

Pitch must have been nicely lively.

Especially with the Army bowlers lobbing in grenades.

We had a minute of silence observed on Thursday for the Grenfell Tower Block disaster. The teams paused the game a few minutes early to line up in front of the Pavilion.

And the crowd stood in their own mark of respect. A wonderfully observed minute of silence and I’d particularly note how everyone anticipated it, like this picture being taken a couple of minutes before with everyone standing in respect already. It was more like a 5 minutes of silence.

Back to the cricket and the Army celebrate a steady fall of Navy wickets. This time a batsman looking rather perplexed at being given lbw.

An aggressive stride ! But I don’t the ball has gone quite where he intended … To steal a phrase from history, “What’s wrong with our bats today ?” “Sir, I don’t think they’re using their bats.” Navy come a distant third, losing by 42 runs.

The winners get a break in this tournament with the losers staying on for the second game, so next up was the Navy vs the RAF.

RAF started brighter but the wickets started coming again. This opener got a tickly one.

RAF get 149 again, time for the Navy to take their turn. They have an ok side but haven’t been in the same league as RAF or Army for the last few years.

Lots of ambition though.

But they could never keep up with the rate as the wickets fell and were well short at the end. RAF win by 49.

There is no lonelier figure in cricket than the Number 11 batsman walking away from shattered stumps at the moment of defeat.

Time for another break and the best tea shop in Lords ! It’s under the new Warner stand.

Game 3 ! Army vs RAF, winner gets the trophy. The RAF batted well here with power and occasional skill :

A subtle guiding of the ball and the RAF finish on 147. Time for the Army !

The Army walked into a bit of a stranglehold, struggling to get any runs away. This was representative of the energy shown by the RAF in the field, appealing vigorously for this lbw. His partner was out shortly after and the Army continually struggled to get up with the run rate.

More subtlety on show, this time from the Army batsmen guiding the ball down to the boundary.

And more lusty blows. Oh and look !!!! SHADOWS !!!!!!! The sun was hiding for most of the day but came out to play a bit later.

It was not to be for the Army though this year as wickets continued to fall, like the sharp stumping above. (I’m especially happy with this shot, the focus is decent, the centreing is reasonable and …. flying bails !)

At the conclusion of proceedings, handshakes all round. Recognition of great play and sportsmanship all round. RAF come out the winners with tea and medals following soon after.

The results weren’t particularly close or tense like in previous years but it was a very enjoyable day at the cricket again. The old master can be proud again of what he overlooked :

I’ll be back again to say hello to Lords and Old Father Time.

Book 19 – A Luciferian Tragedy


Book 19. Oh dear …

Blake’s 7 was a series I was hooked on as a kiddie. It was about a band of intergalactic freedom fighters … well ok, a bunch of criminals who were on the run from the all powerful and totally evil Federation who wanted to take them down.

There was a lot of nonsense in Blake’s 7 with the storylines, as is typical for 70s/80s scifi but you had excellent characters, a classic ship and a couple of remarkable computers. It lost a bit in series 4 (spoilers) but it was still a massive highlight when it came on. I must watch the dvds again at some point.

The theme tune was magic too.

This book is about one character in particular, Kerr Avon and is written by the actor, Paul Darrow. It’s published by Big Finish Productions and I’m now incredibly wary about reading any more of their books. The only thing consistent with the series here are the names of the characters Avon and Servalan. Servalan is consistent … but then it doesn’t take much to portray true, ruthless and vicious evil. Avon is a bit different. The series Avon could handle himself in a fight but preferred to avoid fights … This Avon is a one man unstoppable army.

The setting is different, almost nothing of the technology and universe of the series is carried through to the book. Instead, we have technology that doesn’t make sense. A galactic current that carries ships. Helijets going between planets. And other daft stuff that’s just …. rubbish.

So if Big Finish have allowed this book to come out … and it’s part of a series, what are they doing with their other books ? Are their Doctor Who books actually Doctor Who ?

At the moment, I’m not too interested in checking them out. You could say that the disastrously bad novelisation here is the fault of the author. But I’d prefer to point the finger at the quality control. This particular book shouldn’t have been released with the Blake’s 7 label on it.

The story is actually fairly reasonable … but it doesn’t belong in the Blake’s 7 universe. I seem to remember saying that about another film/series too quite recently ! Wish I could remember what :-).

On a better note ….

Book 20 is Blake’s 7 Afterlife by Tony Attwood who compiled the B7 Programme Guide. When the characters were introduced, they were instantly recognisable. I haven’t seen B7 in years but when … characternameredacted … spoke, I pictured him in my mind saying the words with the character’s mannerisms.

More about Afterlife later. Gotta read it first ! :-).