Energy … terminated ?

I feel like I’ve been hit by the bat which takes all the energy away.

Not quite sure why, perhaps it’s after effects of :

All these problems with my outsides;
The long working day on Wednesday (although not nearly as long as some people’s were !);
Getting over this cold (the ManFluPlague is still with me although it’s going)
Perhaps needing a decent long rest ?

Not sure how much my last week off counted as a rest. I’ve recovered a fair bit since then and was still suffering somewhat that week. That was a decent week off though for rest.

Let’s see –

Outsides are steadily improving. I think it may be possibly just weeks now until I fix, instead of months. However, each time I worry at an imperfection, it’ll set the healing back more. And after years of a long term illness, it does get to you. It’s a mental strain on top of the physical strain of things just not being Right. It is that much closer though, just need more discipline to get over the finishing line to recovery.

Wednesday was a 13 hour working day (you’re not really supposed to do those) with lots of information to assimilate and lots of acting clever to do. We’re there to quickly figure out the ramifications of what we’re hearing at those meetings and to steer the discussion towards figuring out problems or identifying the problems. And sometimes there’s a lot of problems to worry about. (I can’t say anything more there … gotta have my secrets !)

Oh I’m also seen as some sort of expert on acceptance thingys too having lived and breathed it for most of the past 5 years. But that’s boring compared to what I did before, which went beyond this but can be summarised as getting multiple highly complicated computer systems to work together. Computers are very literal beasties. They’ll do precisely what they’re instructed to do. They have no room for interpretation and it’s when we assume there’s capacity for interpretation of vague and unclear instructions that things go wrong.

I think this bug is almost gone now with it going into the chucking out the dead bugs stages. Perhaps some good sleep over the weekend will see it clear out properly. That’s why I’m rather glad I haven’t had to go to the more extreme treatments for Psoriasis. It’s a condition where the body’s immune system goes nuts, so one solution is to suppress that immune system, leaving you more susceptible to colds, flu’s and all the other viruses and bacteria out there.

That’s something you don’t realise about the Psoriasis sufferers, your sniffle may knock them flat for days. See comment about gravity.

I think that’s enough whinging for just now though. Good things ?

I had today off work, mainly to avoid the chaos which is Family’s Day. It’s where we get invaded by all sorts of people who have no business on a secure site. It’s a Public Relations exercise, partly for a subset of the people who work there. But what it is is a nightmare for the people trying to get some work done. And we’re very busy at the moment.

I got to watch some cricket in the morning, with England doing pretty well in this game against the old enemy, Australia. We might just win this one …

After the lunch break, I headed into town to … watch Terminator and drink something Very Cold. The troll up there is a Discworld character called Detritus the Troll. He’s wearing a cooling helmet because troll brains work better when cold. And there was me kinda wishing I had a troll brain as my Mint Choc Cooler Thingy was steadily disappearing into me, freezing my brain as it went. I’m becoming a fan of those.

(There is a shop which the pic got raided from but … I suspect they have nothing to do with Rhianna or Terry Pratchet so … credit for the pic goes to the fella with the original idea : GNUTerryPratchett)

Terminator ? It’s a pretty darn good movie. Most of the Terminator movies have been excellent to be honest. Hopefully you haven’t seen the second trailer as it gives a massive plot point away. It borrows some things from the other movies but … it’s free to rewrite the history of the franchise and does a great job of it. However … it’s mixed depending on the performance of the characters :

Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor – tough, cute, driven, sensitive. She does a hell of a job here as Sarah Connor. Very watchable and brings the character to life.
Arnie as the Terminator – supreme. He keeps up with the action and there’s the typical dark humour and those lines too. Where did I sit ? “Aisle B, Back”. Not really. I was right in the middle in the seats with lots of leg room.
Jason Clarke as John Connor – nah. Doesn’t work for me and I don’t really know why. Flat, unengaging, not believable, felt a bit phoned in maybe.
Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese – he ain’t no Michael Biehn. Even less engaging than Jason Clarke or Sam Worthington’s Terminator-With-A-Heart. He was awful in Divergent/Insurgent too but I thought that was mainly the character, turns out it may well be a robot actor.

But that’s me talking about something I don’t do. I don’t act. What you see is what you get, a playful guy who wants to make people laugh, chuckle, snigger or just plain smile.

Smiles are contagious ?

But I’m tired right now, looking forward to a chilled out weekend where I’ll be :

Having as much cricket as possible on the desktop (because the desktop handles SkySports way better than iPlayer)
Watching the tennis on the telly. Well, half watching because we have no British interest now. Come on Federer, you may have put our boy out but you’re a total artist.
Listening to lots of music.

Yep. Little Boots has a new album out today and I had to get it. She’s awesome. Check out Better In The Morning from the new album. Hmm. She’s done better but it still has that dainty lady with the pure voice. Taylor Swift’s 1969 also escaped with me and I’ve been steadily listening to Ed Sheerhan’s X too after finding it cheap.

Lots of music but there’s always room for some classics, like David Bowie’s Space Oddity which is random track at play of the moment.

ZZZzz. Better leg it before the sleepies get me.

Enjoy your weekend !

It's meme time and harder than you think! No c…

It's meme time and harder than you think! No cheating & using Google. every answer must start with the first letter of your first name.
Boys name:
Girls name:
Something you wear:
Something you find in the bathroom:
Reason to be late:
Put a blank copy in your comments so your friends can play too

Did somebody mention meme time ?

From the Facebook feed :

It’s meme time and harder than you think! No cheating & using Google. every answer must start with the first letter of your first name.

I’m actually going to use 4 names and letters here. There’s Sleepy, there’s Pete, there’s Dwagonman and then there’s Iceangel, my favoured game name. (Yeah, some of you know me as Keela too)

But first – there’s been a new budget announced today and … someone who sets that budget is something that rhymes with runt. (That is a word that I will never utter in company but you know precisely what it is and the connotations of it as a swear word – it’s possibly the worst swear word in the vocab which accurately describes the feelings towards him.) It makes you want to join the union so you can go on strike, or escape ever worsening conditions and working expectations (I’ve been doing 3x posts for 6 months now and 2x posts for much longer than that) and head into the private sector.

That’s bad stuff though !

Meme time …

Name: Pete, Sleepy, Ice or Dwagonman. I’ve adopted all of those, a couple are by choice, a couple were given.
Dwagonman – from donating one of these as a raffle prize, plus most of my avatars are Dragon related.

It’s my Twitter handle too. If you know my real name and get contacted by someone on Twitter using that, it’s not me. Twitter asked me to confirm an account made in my name and with one of my emails, which came as a surprise to me. Beware impersonators.

Animal: Dogs are awesome, watch what you say around Parrots (it may get repeated and haunt you), Snakes are smooth and I don’t think Iguanas would live in igloos.
Boys name: Paul, I know a few of those. Stephen, David and Ian. Not sure why I’ve put the Ian there but Stephen and David are special names.
Girls name: SKYE ! Hello Skye 🙂 I know an awesome Pamela too and then there’s Ingrid and Debbie. Don’t actually know an Ingrid (name off top of head) but a Debbie pointed me at this meme.
Occupation: Slave (what I’m feeling at the moment after seeing the budget info), Pleb (see budget comment), Downtrodded and Indignant. There’s also Public Servant.
Colour: Purple is always epic. Silver is for shiny things, which are always pretty. Indigo is almost purple, so that’s pretty epic too. And … Dark blue. (Couldn’t think of a colour without the descriptor as a cheat)

Beware red.

Something you wear: Denim summer jacket, Pants (although I may know someone who runs around commando), Sleeveless jumper, Invisible Aura of Cool (it’s there, no one can see it)
Drink: Pepsi (I know brandnaming but it tastes better than coke for me), Irn Bru, Doom Bar (a beer) and Beer.
Food: PIZZA !!! What else could it be ? Donuts (I know, unhealthy, you may tut but see pic), Ice Cream and Sausages. That’s a weird combination, although technically you could have it in a cinema.

Something you find in the bathroom: Shower rail, Pole for the shower rail, Indecency (depends how much steam you’re making – haha), Deodorant (ok, I cheated and stole an answer)
Place: Portsmouth, it has ships. Desk, chained to it without proper reward (can you see an angry theme slipping out through this post ?), India and Sofia Gardens where England are playing cricket at the moment (ok, it’s called something else now due to company sponsorship but Sofia Gardens is its original, true name)
Reason to be late: PIZZACOMA !!! Sleeping Sleepy, Dragons burned my homework and … Inconvenienced (could cover all sorts of misdemeanours)
Band/Singer: Pretenders are coming up soon (thematic song link), Sleeper were awesome when they still did music (here’s one from way back), Dirty Vegas have one wonderful acoustic track in their repertoire (Days Go By) and then there’s classic heavy metallers Iron Maiden (Infinite Dreams).
Sport: Pool, Snooker (hey ! you can wake up now !), Dominos (pokes the people who are sleeping again), Irritating Fools (yes, it’s a sport and I happily indulge in it when the mood takes me)
Put a blank copy in your comments so your friends can play too – will do !

There’s been a little theme running through this post. I’m genuinely angry at a certain politician and his privileged life and I’m happy to say I didn’t vote for the …. (very naughty word deleted). One last pic for Mr Osborne.

Too much anger for one day, fun is better. Hopefully you can pick out the fun from within the angry stuff :-).

Remembering back to 7/7

Britain today is being all about remembering possibly the worst terrorist atrocity visited on us

On July 7th 2005, a group of terrorist loons blew themselves up on 3 London Underground trams and 1 London bus. 52 died and over 700 were injured.

I quite rarely talk about current events on here, although you should know I keep a very close eye on them. When I’m not watching anything else, the telly is usually on Sky News (I know – it’s Murdoch-twisted but all our news is twisted in its own way), although it’s on mute to protect my ears from the lunacy of some of the presenters.

Yep – I saw that hate campaign against one of the presenters – I won’t defend her (see lunacy comment) but imagine how she felt about it ? Be nice. It’s easy to join in with the howling mob but be sure you have all the context.

Nah – I don’t talk about the current events much because there are so many other places you can get that from that are far better informed than me. After all, I’m getting my info from the same places that you are. Just remember … Take what you read, see or hear with a pinch of salt. Can you trust what they’re saying ? (See lunatic comment above) Are they telling you what you want to hear instead of what the truth actually is ? Are they trying to bend your opinion their way, away from what is beneficial to you ?

Besides – this page should be all about me and what I observe around me, there’s better places to go for stuff about the world although I might pitch in an opinion sometime if I have something valid, interesting, funny? to say.

Yep. Ask those questions, determine for yourself what you want to trust. The most valuable lessons I learned at school were in history, where our teacher (the incredible Mini Hitler*) gave us the factual knowledge we needed to pass the exams but also impressed upon us the need to question, decipher, unravel, interpret the evidence before us.

*Mini Hitler was a maybe 4 foot 6 inches tall scary lady history teacher. But she was possibly the most respected teacher in my all boy secondary school. She was a legend. And we called her Mini Hitler because you most certainly did not want to incur her wrath. She never did anything while I was there but there were rumours … many rumours … She didn’t need to raise her voice at all with us and this was a mob of hormones that made an English teacher straight out of training burst into tears.

But I’m rambling when I should be remembering.

We do remember what happened today 10 years ago. Here’s BBC’s story today.

I also remember what happened 2 weeks later, where 5 bombers attempted to repeat the atrocity but failed due to incompetence. The bombs had degraded to duds and only one minor injury resulted from the detonators going pop. Here’s the wiki info. We got away with that one.

I can remember hearing huge amounts in the past about Al-Qaeda. They’re barely mentioned today (IS have the attention and the crazy people now).

There was a story locally about a bomb factory just down the road from where I work. It was in Westbury-On-Trym. A loon wanted to blow up the Bristol city centre shopping area and got turned in to the coppers by the local Muslim community. Here’s the Wiki info. (The alternative was a Daily Mail link and I’m not going to inflict you with that). That situation was dealt with fairly quietly and no one was hurt. Although from what I heard from the various sources, the bomber would have probably blown himself up due to ineptitude.

You hear other bits and pieces around the news about other potential terrorist incidents around the country. I saw on the news the incident where a bunch of supposedly rational people drove an SUV laden with fuel and (I think?) explosive into Glasgow airport. If they’d got in through the door, then they may have burned down the building. But these supposedly rational people failed to account for the bollards in front of the door that stopped the SUV. The scary part there is that I used to fairly regularly use the airport terminal that they tried to burn down.

I guess the important thing I’m trying to say is :

It hasn’t happened again. Not in the scale of July 7 or, going further back, the IRA campaigns of the 20th Century.

Our security forces do a good job of stopping the threats before they develop. Say what you will about invasions of privacy but they have been keeping us safe all these years. I’ll leave that there before the conspiracy theorists jump on it.

What was I doing 10 years ago ?

I don’t really remember the same way as I can place where I was on September 11 2001. Back then, I was attending a design review for one of the systems I was keeping an eye on integrating and was listening in disbelief to the news about the Two Towers while driving home. They were still standing when I got in the car and had fallen by the time I got home.

2005 was different, I’d just got back from the USA Orlando holiday which was the last time together with my reasonable time partner. She walked out as soon as she got back (You can guess how that made me feel). I was emotionally numb from that for many months after. Years maybe ? I can’t rightly remember*. I was also reaching out to quite a few people at this time and getting very confused and distressed when they turned away, put up the walls and stopped talking to me.

*(this was also perhaps 2 years after Nose Job 1 which caused long term neurological memory damage and I think my memory is still affected by it)

So I’m somewhat sad to say that I can’t remember what I was doing 10 years ago. I think I was at work, listening in disbelief with the rest of us but also within my own little emotional cocoon from the personal stuff.

Selfish ? Perhaps. But that’s the honest truth of it. I remember the events that took so many lives but my head was dominated by the emotional turmoil much closer to home.

A much more sombre post today – but I hope you understand why. No piccys either, it wouldn’t be appropriate. And about that word “worst” at the top. All terrorist atrocities are awful. The scale should not be used as a comparison between horrible events. Numbers are a side issue when it comes to misery. And that’s not to belittle anyone’s loss – I feel all the loss equally, whether it be 1 or 1000s.

Last thought – Would you believe I’ve perhaps been 200 yards away from a bomb that went boom ? It was in N.Ireland and it blew the front off a store. I dunno actually, that could be a different memory that’s become real, I was about 8 at the time ! Fact is though, bomb threats were a fact of life when I lived in N.Ireland but for our last graduate, who hailed from Belfast, that country was far safer and bombs were a thing of the past.

Progress is a good thing.

It’s the plague !

Or manflu.

Or something equally virulent where I’ll get into trouble for bringing into the office where someone will probably catch it and then take several days off work until the symptoms fade. People can be like that.

Not me though. I was feeling ropey this morning but coffee and a teacake started getting me right again. I could start to feel them on Saturday but had the runny nose, … blocky sinuses and headache resulting from the blocky sinuses coming in Saturday night and most of Sunday. I was below par today but able to ignore most of the symptoms. Probably better actually than when the skin problem was at its worst.

Coffee power ?

Aside – tonight’s music listening just started with Bohemian Rhapsody. Great start to the evening’s listening. It’s now the epic Mad Max soundtrack.

Yeah – so Sunday was a bit of a survival day. What have I been getting up to since Thursday’s post ?

Dealing with the Ants Invasion. Great song but not something you want to see in your house. There’s the various schools of thought on dealing with ants. Stepping on the buggers didn’t seem effective, there seemed to be more of them coming in. Next step – deploy the chemical weapons (Ant powder). And now I’m not seeing ants walking in but did have a bit of an ant graveyard by the front door.

One of the joys of home ownership.

Anyway – I was looking for an excuse to have something cold from a coffee selling place and there happens to be one of those right next door to the place I could get the ant powder from. I had a Mint Choc Chilled Cooler and I think it was freezing my brain into icicles.

Will go back there for more.

My outsides have been improving again. The damage is steadily repairing and where I worry at the bad bits and make them worse, I’ve got something new which is really helping there. It’s Aveeno moisturising cream. The way my body seems to work, Stuff works for a little while then the effectiveness goes away. It hasn’t had chance to assimilate the Aveeno yet, so the New Gunk is making my skin happy.

It was a gift/suggestion from Cupid’s Gift and I think it may benefit me more than the birthday gifts I got her. I wonder how many biscuit fines she’s been able to extract so far for interruptions on coffee breaks …

It’s genuinely helping actually. I’m wondering if I can now measure recovery in weeks rather than months. Some of the damage repairs in days. Other damage takes more time, especially when I self inflict more damage in the cause of IMPERFECTION DESTROY.

But – getting there.

Saturday saw me doing the Space Truckin’ thing again with the Internet Spaceships. There was a Community Goal going in Elite where you take metals to an away from civilisation space station. This one hadn’t been hit too hard by the players due to it being a bit difficult to find the materials. My Python was able to land at the outposts that sold the metals but the biggest trading ships couldn’t. So the big trading people didn’t join in so much.

My Python still needs a name :

Not a particularly pretty ship is it … Too functional, too trapezoidal. “Independent Trading Vessel Brown Trouser Alert”. That’s for how it docks at the outposts. They’ve changed the docking computer so that instead of coming in on a fairly sane trajectory, it’ll aim the nose straight down at the landing pad, go really quick until the ship is maybe 50m from landing and then pull a high g pitch up maneouvre to line you up on the pad properly. Good job the ship isn’t more than 50m long.

It’s ok, the docking computer knows what it’s doing. I think, although it did get me fined 500k credits for not doing the docking fast enough while I was carrying a huge amount of smokeys. Tobacco is bad for you.

So that was Elite, I’ve given up on Fallout Shelter because :
I think I have the winning formula now – the food, water, power situation was stable tending to max.
When the population hit 100 out of a possible maximum of 200, performance of the game tanked.
It wasn’t fun after knowing I’d beaten it, especially with it being nigh on impossible to control.

So I need to feed the iPad with more games now. The current one is Spellfall, a match 3 game which is funded by microtransactions. Because I refuse to do microtransactions, that means a wait of half an hour between games for the character to heal all the wounds back up again.

Any recommendations ? Tried Candy Crush Saga but … meh. Boring. The 3x Sorcery games and 80 Days are on my list.

Didn’t feel too much like playing games on Sunday – the bugs were having their effect. I think I’m coming out of bugs today though. My chest is still congested but nose is less bad and I can concentrate more. I didn’t do the Internet Spaceships much on Sunday cos my head wasn’t in it.

But I’m doing better today. Even if I did think I should have a “PLAGUEBEARER” sign around my neck. And curse you Games Workshop for making it tough to find good Plaguebearer funny pics.

If you’re well, I hope you don’t get sick;
If you’re sick, I hope you get well soon.

Cya !

PS From the difficulty levels of one game (Plague Inc) that gave me some amusement :
Brutal – sick people locked up in prison.
Normal – sick people ignored.
Casual – sick people given hugs.
Kinda glad our world is Normal and not Brutal. The only time people really noticed my bugs today was when I did a really loud and long coughing sequence (more like my traditional sneeze). But that Casual world sounds great.

Moar music or … what is the sister missing ?

Can’t believe it’s around a month since I did a music post and even that was Eurovision inspired.

Bit tired at the moment and struggling for inspiration (not been sleeping much this week despite trying and the warmth leeches the energy away) but the random neurons have been firing again :

Sister’s found the blog after just over 1000 posts and 10 years (with an 18 month gap). It’s not that I’ve been keeping it secret, I just didn’t tell anyone in the family. I know, I know, splitting hairs and all that.

She’d also like me to say a little about the two pooches they have there. There’s :

Murph, captured there as a totally adorable gangly growing puppy with huge long legs and head attached to an ickle body. There was about to be bacon raining from the sky from my dad (left), hence the attentiveness. It was obvious then he was going to grow into a very handsome fella but he needed a friend. Enter Icey :

I hear that Icey’s quite an affectionate pooch with a very active guard dog instinct. It’ll be good to meet her some day. And look at Murphster there posing for the camera. “I don’t always lounge on their sofa but when I do …”

One of the things we usually do when we meet up is compare libraries. We share similar music tastes, me and the sister, although it’s not identical. More like a big overlap in the middle. So while I like female vocals above most everything else, the big sis will go for people like Muse who I find a bit samey. Yep. Heretic reporting in. We’ll often give each other ideas which result in us buying music we wouldn’t have thought of getting before. With me, that’s been Goldfrapp, Bat For Lashes, KT Tunstall and a few more like that.

But we haven’t had chance to do that compare for ages. So the idea – what’s she missing out on ? Here’s a selection (and I may add in youtube links later after … tired)

Kacey Musgrave – Same Trailer, Different Park. Interesting voice, nice songs. Not listened to the album proper yet (bit new), highlight is Keep It To Yourself.
Queen – Flash Gordon. Haha, very cheesy film, soundtrack matches it perfectly. One of Queen’s best albums.
Zero 7- The Garden. Big sis put me on to these people. You have Sia’s vocals, she’s an unusual one. It’s a fragile voice but so beautiful. Not listened to this album yet and I’m looking forward to it. May pick out a favourite when I do.
Massive Attack – Protection. I’ve had Unfinished Sympathy for a while which is amazing but have just recently been reminded about these guys by our Snow Queen who posted a link to (what was it ?) I think Teardrop. Soooo gorgeous a track with combination of piano and that ethereal voice.
Massive Attack (again !) – Mezzanine. This one is way better than Protection with Teardrop. I’ll keep collecting Massive Attack albums when they get cheap.

Portishead – Third. Not their best, they must have been running out of ideas by this stage. Listenable but not as emotionally cutting as their earlier work.
Melody Gardot – Worrisome Heart. Gorgeous album that’s a collection of tracks that work together. Recommended. Highlight is Love Me Like A River Does.
You+Me – Rose Avenue. Not bad, a good recommendation from our BrumPixie but it didn’t really grab me that much. Maybe on more listens ?
Lucy Spraggan – We Are. Surprised that this one didn’t grab me either after the brilliance that was Join The Club. Too much attention from the non-music people ?
Pretenders – 5 albums ! Lots of good stuff here but to be honest, get their singles collection. You won’t miss much from the rest of the albums. And I have to listen to Brass In Pocket again.

Madonna’s Rebel Heart didn’t really grab me that much either – highlight is Ghost Town. I guess I’m measuring Madonna’s albums by the exceptional Confessions On A Dance Floor and Ray Of Light.
Siouxsie and the Banshees – Spellbound. She has a reputation this one but is it deserved ? Not sure.
Plastiscines – About Love and Lp1. About Love has the stellar track Barcelona. It’s worth buying just for that :-). Perhaps mediocre outside that.
The Veronicas – The Veronicas (the newest album). Another cracker from the Aussie ladies. Highlights are Let Me Out, Teenage Millionaire and More Like Me but … I need an excuse to listen to the stunning Untouched again.

We’re getting back to March now … Yep. I’ve bought a fair bit ! But I try to get all my music cheap :-).

The Clash are an example with their Singles. Think Sainsburys had this for maybe £3. You know the Clash, Rocking that Kasbah.
Ed Sheeran is one I’ll keep an eye on. His + album was a great start, hoping for more from X, although I’ll wait for that to go cheap again.
The Staves are another group I’m keeping an eye on, their If I Was is still in that best seller selection. And it’s a good album too with tracks like Don’t You Call Me Any More and Let Me Down.

That’s probably enough music for now ! Before I get to the Elvis collection that appeared …

Or that. But that album appeared in the collection way back and I think the sister has deleted the copy I think I snuck on to her laptop. And then burned the hard disc.

PS Minions film – enjoyable, felt like it was missing something. Possibly judging it by the standards of the outstanding Despicable Me 2. Lots of laughs.

The ABCs

I have that feeling of wanting to write something tonight but … the heatwave we’re having in Blighty at the moment is driving away most rational thought.

There are plenty of irrational thoughts happening (as a few people found out over the messenger service today !) and I think I managed to reserve some sensibility for the work stuff. Some at least.

I think someone’s done that in the sky. It’s darn toasty out there. Even toastier on the bus which is a bit like an oven at the moment.

ABCs ? I saw this one late last week on the Facebook and I can never resist a good meme like this. The answers won’t all be the same as then but … here we go !

A- Age: 6. Oh wait, you wanted my physical age and not the mental age ?
B- Biggest Fear: Isolation and being ignored. That sense of reaching out to people and not getting any response.
C- Current Time: 20.11 UK British (it’s actually) Summer Time.
D- Drink you last had: Diet Pepsi with TONNES of ice. And no Mentos this time.

E- Easiest Person To Talk to: Everyone. For an introvert, I seem to be able to get people talking quite easily, although I do have a bad habit of turning the conversation round to focus on me. It should be about both.
F- Favourite Song: There’s lots but the one that’s stuck in my head for a few days is Dear Prudence from Across The Universe but that’s because I’d not heard I Wanna Hold Your Hand for a while. There’s also 03.45am No Sleep by The Cardigans, Cupid’s Gift got treated to Wonderful You by Alisha’s Attic and then there’s Moon and Moon by Bat For Lashes.
G- Grossest Memory: My outsides for perhaps the last 5 years. They’re trying to heal up now though.
H- Hometown: Bristol now but for a long time it was a not so little village in Lincolnshire.
I- In love with: Oh there’s a question 🙂 There’s a little lady out there who I hope knows that I really, really like her.
J- Jealous Of: Such a petty emotion. I try and avoid it. You can be jealous of those who have more, those who have what you want, those who have what you had. But … do you really deserve what they have ? Were you the one to earn it ? I think that’s the true root of jealousy. Ok, I’ll admit to being jealous to people who have air conditioning in their homes.
K- Killed Someone? Yep. You will never find the body. Or the pixels that made up the body.
L- Longest Relationship: It must have been 15 years with a lovely Muttley called Scruff. Here’s the old man again.

M- Middle Name: Bob, short for … erm, not Kate.
N- Number of Siblings: now 1, it was 2.
O- One Wish: to have 2 siblings again.
P- Person who you last called: I can’t remember, last one I messaged was SQ to check if she’s ok. Last conversation with a friend was LTK over the messenger. Last phone call was with the boss (cos he’s down south today) and last person I phoned was the mum and dad.
Q- Question you’re always asked: Hayfever ? After I’ve blown out the windows by sneezing.
R- Reason to smile: Other people smiling at me and the memory of hugs. Last hug ? Cupid’s Gift 🙂
S- Song you last sang: Singing along to I Wanna Hold Your Hand.
T- Time you woke up: Hmm. Maybe 7am which was a bit earlier than I wanted to.
U- Underwear Colour: Blue.
V- Vacation Destination: Sometime soon I want to have a narrowboat holiday to check out whether living on one would be a realistic proposition. Also want to go to Le Mans for the race weekend and maybe even Spa for the Grand Prix, although Grand Prix racing isn’t particularly great at the moment.
W- Worst Habit: Not doing me chores.
X- X-rays you’ve had: Several – left wrist was my first broken bone. Can’t remember if Nose Job 1 had an X-ray. Barium meal to check out the acid problem (they found nothing, suspected cause – fat + stress)
Y- Your favorite food: PIZZA !!!
Z- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. They of the sting in the tail.

A few shoutouts to finish with ?

Get well soon little lady who’s off work at the moment !
Hello sister – welcome to the blog 🙂
A big hand for LTK who’s given me so much encouragement over the last few months.
And a big hug for someone who I hope is enjoying her time off in London this week.

Stay frosty ! If you can. And … if you see anyone suffering from the heat :

Help them out (that includes pets that idiots have left in car-ovens too)

Thematic Photographic – Straight Lines

Ok, I’m a little late with this one (oops).

Not done these for a little too long actually ! It’s a meme from Carmi Levy’s excellent blog (linky) and the post for (erm) last week’s Thematic Photographic is here at this link.

I rarely get good ideas for joining in with the Thematic Photographic but I was feeling wobbly in the sun at the bus stop this morning and a rare idea popped into a head that’s usually still waking up at this point.

Straight lines ?

All the straight lines !

It was hot enough this morning that it was genuinely uncomfortable standing on the sunny side of the stop, I was having to lean up against the wall in the shade. But it was fairly ok on the bus and when I was walking from stop to work, that was ok too. Bit nasty on the bus on the way home though. Hopefully they’ll allow me into the car park again soon because … air con.

Air con is cool. Erm. Lovely. Sorry about the really bad pun.

Anyway … Straight lines ! Lots in the wall, many in the bus shelter structure and the road is kinda straight too. Plus there’s those shadows. There are straight lines everywhere we look. And … a bonus ! Early Suzanne Vega song and didn’t she start well ?

Yeah. It’s gotten hot here and it’s going to get warmer too. Nowhere near as dangerously hot as in places like Pakistan are suffering at the moment but still warmer than we’re accustomed to here. I’m feeling it in slightly ill feelings when I eat and in gathering lightheadedness. I can deal with the light headed bit by drinking more cold things. And I’m highly likely at some point to raid the Costa that’s sprung up just outside our work for an iced mocha.

But tonight it was … let’s just grab a little quote from what was appearing on Facebook tonight.

The Harvester waitresses are starting to recognise me …
What could this mean ?

Uhoh. In my defence, one of them used to work where I do and was one of the canteen mob. They’re a good mob down there and they know me fairly well from me legging it down there just before they close.

The sundae is coming … THE SUNDAE IS COMING …
Yes. The heat may be affecting me.

Yep. It’s not about the shopping. It’s about that sundae. I just happened to have a load of empty cupboards that needed stuff putting in them.

And 8 Mini Cornettos came away from the supermarket with me too. Oops.

Oh well.

One last pic before I put my head into an ice helmet. This one’s from a conversation that was happening at work and I’ve been looking for an excuse to spring it on you :

I shall remember that the next time a Hot Lady comes up to me and asks for help. (And that “hot” is in no way a comment on her appearance, although she possessed that beauty that all women have. She was just looking for where the cold water is after being in a baking meeting room – honest).

Hope you’re not too hot where you are. Warmth is good but we do like it to be a comfortable level of warm.

PS Shoutout to a little lady who I’ve thought of as a little-big sis for 15 years … Feel better soon little lady !

Could it be ?

Let’s see :

Wimbledon’s on the telly.
I’ve been leaving the rain hat at home in favour of :

The Mexican* sunhat
Dumping the ever present jumper all day after getting to my desk
Feeling it was too hot for a coffee on Friday, instead having an Iced Mocha (there will be more)
Dresses getting shorter
Temperatures getting hotter (and hotter to come too)

It must be … (don’t say it too loud) … summer ? Don’t worry, this is Britain. There will be a thundercloud around the corner to return us to reality.

* Mexican sunhat ? This is a present from the sister and her bloke after they had a holiday over in Mexico. It even has a “Made In Mexico” label on it. I like this hat, although it’s strangely about the same weight as my rainhat. It has the advantage of more ventilation and I will definitely enjoy wearing it over the summer.

Cheers sis ! It fulfils (someone else’s) dreams :

That’s a solid lifelong dream. Hats are awesome.

Yep. Half watching Wimbledon at the moment, as most Brits do with the sport of tennis for perhaps 2 weeks in every year. We tend to ignore it at all other times of the year. It’s a good sport, the winner is almost always the better, stronger, fitter player. As in, the one who has worked hardest to deserve the win. And that should be applauded always.

Me ? My various frailties meant I could rarely train, because physical training tended to take the edge off my advantages. I did a series of circuit training last century (yep – I can say stuff like that with real meaning !) and all it did was take the edge off my extreme speed. I gained no actual fitness from it. Where training did benefit me was where I got the repetitions right. So with the cricket :

Being the first one to bowl in the nets and the last one to finish
Getting out in that back garden and hitting the balls I bounced off the wall
And walking wherever possible to get the miles into my legs.

That’s something actually. Last week, I was struggling with a bad back that was increasing in pain levels and stiffness. My walking speed was down due to the back being too stiff to really stride out.

Then there was Thursday and huge amounts of positive energy coming from a darling little lady.

Friday morning ? Pain almost gone. Saturday ? Pain gone. Today ? Almost back to the full stride on the first testing of the skeleton since Friday.

Good times. I have to say too though, there’s another lady who’s been helping me out with making me feel a million dollars (pounds ?) by keeping up with the daft messages and pictures that I’ll send her way. My biggest fear is the fear of being isolated and all sorts of people sending me messages help dispel that fear of isolation that leads to my personality shrivelling up into its own dark place.

But I have a few very good friends who remind me that I can be a Good Human Being. At least some of the time.

Just ask the door to door salesmen who DARE to knock on the door trying to shame me into buying their shoddy wares.

Just kidding. But I did get chuckles from two people today for the Coffee and a Donut pic. You know the one I mean.

Right – back to the tennis and wishing on our Brit girl who is locked in a massive struggle in the second set of her match.

And I think when I resupply at the supermarket tomorrow, I shall have to indulge in a cooling sundae. Yep. Arm will be twisted.

Last thought on the summer heat :

Or tea. That goes for tea too. Cya !

Enjoying your blog. Particularly liked the Banksy…

Enjoying your blog. Particularly liked the Banksy coke bottle. The first natural disaster I can think of that directly affected me was the 1971 LA earthquake. Serious jolt at 6am and then off of work for several days while the schools were being checked for damage. We were caught in a forest fire the next summer driving in the Yukon. Had to drive in caravans when they let us. Thanks for commenting on my Sitemeter problems post. Thanks for the Statcounter recommendation. It looks good and Imay switch. I'll give Sitemeter a few more days to get back working.