No politics here please


It’s only … so many days since Parliament broke up and it’s been wall to wall politics ever since.

I try and avoid politics and politicians as much as possible. Decoding what they say and judging whether or not it’s trustworthy is massive effort.

We have a pretty bankrupt political system over here. The two main parties are entrenched, not in ideals, but in the search for your vote. And they’ll do anything, say anything to get that vote.

No – I don’t trust them. But I also judge them by their outputs :

Conservative – have steadied the ship after the economic chaos of the last decade but … I’m a civil servant (see below) and I haven’t had a worthwhile pay rise (1% each year only, which is effectively a pay cut) since they’ve been in while the MPs have (don’t mention expenses).
Labour – are why the country was in such bad shape. Leaving notes like “there is no more money” on the desk for your successor to find is … irresponsible, idiotic and a sign of your own incompetence.
Liberal – ruined themselves with this coalition. Both from the broken promises and the reality that some of them are raving lunatics.
UKIP – just as I was talking about the raving lunatics.
And that’s just the big ones, there’s also the SNP who will have an influence on the next parliament. There are the Greens and Plaid Cymru (the Welsh nationalists) as well.

Note – those are all my personal opinions. I said above that I’m a civil servant, which puts certain limits on me at these times because we’re supposed to be impartial at work. That’s true, whichever group gets in, I’ll ignore them all the same as the last mob. I’m at a certain level that lets me get away with that. It’s rare that the politicians get involved with us although I’ll dig up info for questions and their decisions affect whether we get to buy the stuff we want to get.

So I’ll not tell you which way to vote, I’ll not even say anywhere which way I’m intending to vote. But I will advise :

Make up your own mind.
If your vote is affected by prejudice (including location), examine that prejudice.
Listen to what they say …
… ignore the spin the media put on it …
… decode whether or not to believe it.
And most of all, don’t think the way other people want you to think.

(This path leads to sheepishly voting in people who are not your preference, they’re the preference of who you listened to).

Yep. After this post, I’ll hopefully ignore election type stuff here. You’ll be sick of that from the main media … hmm … already probably !

But there’s better things to think about today (and I needed a pic for the thumbnail) :

Happy Easter everyone !

Oh ! Before I go … I have a couple of amazing songs for you. Both Bunny themed.

First – Bat For Lashes with “What’s A Girl To Do”
Second – The Cardigans with “For What It’s Worth”
Both are amongst the best in my library.

And … relax

Hurrah ! Easter break.

It seems like it’s been a long time coming. Oh and yesterday’s post ? It was a brilliant (to me at least – lol) idea for an April Fool which I simply couldn’t pass up.

Being in a band would actually be pretty awesome but … you didn’t hear the practice recording I did for my potential 1000th post. That got deleted as soon as I listened to it back. Putting my voice on Youtube … crime against humanity. Honest.

Oh – here’s the pic, courtesy of robbing it from a Facebook person earlier 🙂 :

I’m off work now until after Easter which means :

Lots of relaxing.
Lots of music listening.
Making a dent in what’s recorded.
Seeing if I can get enough moulah in Elite to finish fitting out my Asp Explorer ship …

… and setting off around the galaxy.
But it’s not all about play :

Got a lot of tidying up to do as well to make this place fit for visitors again. Cos it would be nice to have someone around. Especially if it’s someone just over 5 foot tall, highly cute, with a great taste in music and is one of very few people I can take my emotional armour off when I talk to her. I think I know someone like that.

Lots of work to do before then though and I’ve been too tired/unhealthy to even think of doing it before now. I’ve been improving, so I need to kick my butt into gear and stop being so lazy.

I hope people enjoyed yesterday’s April Fool Band post as much as I enjoyed writing it. All the codenames in there refer to real people I’ve mentioned before. If you didn’t see yourself in there, I’m so sorry ! I tried to fit in as many people as I thought I could get away with, without making it a megamonster post.

I hope people enjoy whatever time off they get over Easter, it’s tough for some because places like retail demand people to be in over a really busy period. So if you go Egg Hunting or sales sharking, have a thought for the poor harried people behind the tills. They want time off too !

Give ’em a smile instead.


I’m really excited.

I have news. An announcement. A seismic shift in what I’ll be doing. Beating a new path even.

Yep. With a very special group of friends, I’ve decided to give up that day job and form a band. It’s going to be called Dragon Dreamers, or The Dragons for short. What else could it be ? Perhaps the Another Mondays :

Actually, I quite like Another Mondays now that I think of it.

I’m going to be on the drums.

Yep. That’s me. Oh and there’d be a mic there too. You know me, a catchy tune, a good rhythm, great atmosphere, I’ll be joining in the singing for sure, rumbling away in the background.

On guitar, we’ll have my very good friends Cyberkitten and the Bionicdwarf :

There’s CK as a youngster, practicing that lead guitar which will knock your socks off. Bionicdwarf is all about that bass. Great tunes. You’ll love it.

On keyboards and another of our main vocalists is the Pixie. She suffers terribly from joint pains, so can’t stand up for long (you must understand when we take our bows at the end of the set) but she’s a wizardess behind the ivories. Great voice too.

Lead vocals … now who could that be. We tried to call in Hannah from the Yogscast but she’s way too busy. Besides, we really don’t know her that well. Not well enough to pull her away from the videos. What a voice though. Any band would be well blessed to be playing along with her.

Nah. It’ll be the lovely Alex from the Warcraft people. I heard this lady singing on the guild voice chat server and it was so good, it got me joining in too. And I’m very shy about exposing people to my singing voice. And I can guarantee that it’ll have you joining in too.

That’s the main band. But there’s always room for more. How about that saxophone ? I bet Cupid’s Gift would be perfect. Not so much the blues, more a sheer joy that she’ll bring into your heart.

You can’t keep those backing singers out of the picture either. They support us in soo many ways.

First up has to be Crazie Queen. She keeps us on the right track. She’s our manager. The person who’ll protect us from the machinations of the industry. A legend amongst women.
Next is the original finance Angel. Great with the figures, fantastic with the high notes.
And our last performing member is the indomitable Snow Queen. She’ll also be the one who makes sure all our kit gets set up just so and with a practiced ear, tuned from listening to great music. We’d never keep her off the stage. Those heels she wears are not heels. They are shoes with spears. Not arguing with those !

There’s more too. I’ve known Bobkat* for years now. Decades even. She used to be involved in professional theatre, setting up the stage and making sure all the behind the scenes stuff ran smoothly. So while Snow Queen will have got the electronics set up perfect, BK will get everything else sorted and will be the one fussing over the bits and pieces to make sure they stay good during the show.

* (Bobkat took her online name from her much missed black and white cat. She lost him to old age a few years ago and he’s still missed but fondly remembered. So if you see the odd random picture of a lovely little kitty around the stage, that’ll be us remembering Bobkat by touching the picture for good luck on our way on stage.)

You need people to get your bits and pieces to where they need to be – I just happen to know a lady who is an absolute expert in logistics. And we have an expert marketing coordinator in Dianne, the Fork Lady, who will be sure to have us front page news in the USA when we tour there.

Can you tell yet that I’m excited ?

We could even try and get Real Musgrave (creator of the Pocket Dragons) out of retirement to make us some new dwagons !

Who are our influences ? Sleeper for sure. A little bit of Alisha’s Attic. Definitely the Cardigans. Alex brings in those Abba roots.

We won’t have anything for you to listen to just yet. But wait precisely 1 year from today (exactly this date in 2016) and we’ll have an album out and we’ll be embarking on that first tour.

Keep a look out for us ! We will rock you.

On the bright side

I’m feeling better today after yesterday’s post about me struggling.

Part of it is rationalising the thoughts about that dear friend who’s had that major trial. A lot of that is trying to understand what they’ve gone through and how they’re dealing with it.

If someone’s struggling, you shouldn’t be telling them how to deal with it. Unless you happen to have gone through that same trial yourself. That goes for everything, from pain, to illness, to the impact of psychological or physical attacks. Unless you’ve experienced the same, you can’t tell people how they should be dealing with it because you don’t truly understand it.

But what does that leave ?

Gentle support. Let them talk through their issue. Let them explain their pain. Remind them that they’re strong enough to stand up to the people attacking them.

We all have that strength within us, although we sometimes forget. We can remind those who have forgotten that they’re strong.

For me, it really does help to at least think through my problems. And sometimes the problems of others. I’ll write things out here, like I’m doing now. But I don’t write everything here, some of it stays within my brain. Like the trial my dear friend has gone through, like the trials other dear friends have faced (and still face) over the years.

We can listen, we can support, we can tell people how brave they are in being that awesome person. We can step back in amazement that they bend, not break under that strain.

And when we can’t give them their answers, due to not totally understanding their pain, there’s always the all-enveloping bear hug. I hope I give good hug. I definitely give good smile, it’s contagious.

I’ve definitely cheered up today. And there’s a few reasons for that :

Expressing the feelings yesterday. We have to do that, bottled up feelings just fester and make the strain worse.
Lots of good chat. Hello SQ and LTK !
A fantastic friend who tolerates my geekiness and often challenges it (Hi CK!)
And more friends too.

Not to mention – messages from Cupid’s Gift that turn a slightly pained shamble into a hyperactive bounce and a struggle :

Into :

In fact, I just saw the pic from Comic Con again and … instant Silly Grin.

Yeah – I’ll struggle. But I bounce back. Usually when people remind me that I have a certain strength inside.

So if you have a friend in need, if they’re struggling, give them some help. Don’t tell them how they should deal with it, you may make their situation worse through misunderstanding. Let them explain what they’re going through. Let them talk through it.

Support them. They’ll appreciate it. And they may well return the favour when you need a little help too.

I know I have those friends I can send random stuff to and they’ll make me feel valued with a little chat back. I’m a lonely guy, that chat back is the fuel that feeds my smile.

PS There’s an announcement coming here tomorrow morning … be sure to check it out.

Quietly Struggling


Time for one of those again.

I’m really looking forward to Easter. This time of year is always especially hard for me. It’s a long drag from Xmas across to Easter and I believe I’m one of the hordes that suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Perhaps getting a special day lamp might help me out. The light I get in my main room is a little dingy (it’s an energy saving bulb and they’re always dim) and more yellow than it should be.

So yeah, I’m grimly hanging on until I can rest up over Easter.

The daft thing though is, I should have enough reserves in me to have lots of energy. That is, I’ve gained the weight back so there should be energy waiting to be unlocked. Perhaps that’s two sides of a problem ? Chubby = lack of energy = low metabolism that doesn’t burn off the fat ? Could be.

There’s more though. I’ve been thinking of one person in particular lately. She’s been through something that no person should ever be put through. I’m not saying much more there because the trial is … severe. You might be getting the idea that it’s pretty major though. So major that while I have my own need to talk to people about it, I’ve kept what’s happened with me and only me (which is how it will stay).

My need to talk is coming from what my unconscious empathy has picked up. I do that. I’ll pick up on what other people are feeling and it’ll often either confuse me or I’ll go numb to defend myself from it. All unconsciously …

My thoughts are definitely with that one person. Right now typing this, when I’m trying to get to sleep, when I wake up, when I hear a notification on the phone “yey ! message !”. You get the idea. It’s daft, I have trouble saying things like that to people, yet I can write it here. I think she’s one of those irregular readers that keep coming back, so I hope she reads this and takes it as a safety-hug.

But what I can do is :

Never think of someone in one of those trials as broken, they’re not. They have strength and it’s up to us to remind them of their strength.
I can gently support.
I can be a friendly ear to let them talk through the trial. This is more necessary than people think, bottled up feeling (like what I’ve done a few times) is very harmful, especially when it breaks out.
And I can offer all enveloping safety bear hugs.

And there’s the daftness I try and inject when I talk about things.

So yeah. There’s a very special and impossibly strong person out there who I have in my thoughts, from waking to sleeping. I’d like to help her out.

And if the call came, all tiredness would be (temporarily !) forgotten and you just know I’d come running to help out.

Cos that’s who I am. I think more of helping others than I do of helping myself. It goes further than that, the problem with my outsides has continued so long because I’ve neglected myself, making it worse instead of helping it.

How is that ?

I’m definitely improving on the outsides. Skin is gradually normalising, some patches have been reclaimed to soft, pink skin. More patches are steadily improving. But I have to allow it to heal, which is tougher than it sounds due to my “IMPERFECTION DESTROY” compulsion.

House still needs a lot of work and it seems like the jobs are piling up. I may need to rip out the bathroom and replace it … The reason, lots of wear and tear and there’s a leak under the bath which may need destruction to access. I also need to get the heating sorted still. The system can heat the water but not the house … and it makes a racket while heating the water.

The house is something I really need to get sorted. It’s a mess at the moment and I’d be too ashamed to have anyone come in the front door. See that comment about me jumping to help others while ignoring the help I need to give myself.

I always like to end these downer posts on an upper though.

Despite the depression attempting to have it’s way, I can still count those blessings.

Lots of friends who I can talk about (most!) stuff with
Friends I can joke around with
An imperfect, painful body but a body that’s steadily getting better and is mostly intact

But most important – there’s a little lady out there who brings out, not just the Standard Pete Grin, but the Silly Grin that banishes all bad thoughts and brings out joy. She’s being a bit quiet at the moment, which I fully understand.

May you all have that person you can turn to that banishes the dark and brings out the light.

A to Z – X is for Xylophone (also has Y’s, Z’s and 0’s)

We don’t hear enough of the xylophone in modern music.

Create a new cause ! Bring Forth The Xylophone Bands !!!

So what have we got in X ? I am going to cheat too. There will be Y’s, Z’s and Number Albums here too because we’re that close to finishing off.

First up is Coldplay with X and Y. Another good album from them but their main problem is that so much of their stuff just sounds the same as the last track. Which is sad. Great individual tracks, bit of a bore of an album. But still very listenable to.

Next one up is a game soundtrack, this time from Xenonauts. Very creepy soundtrack, rather fitting to the game, which is an Aliens Invade And We’re Not Ready game. It’s set in maybe 80s time and typically for these, you’re outclassed at the start and racing to catch up and then keep up with the technology the aliens have to play with. If you’d like to see more, there’s an excellent playthrough from Scott Manley (linky).

The XX are a group that emerged a few years ago. They quickly stood out with a fairly unique sound, with the two vocalists blending in with the instruments in a way that was inspired and sublime. Their self titled album is a cracker to listen to. Highlight ? Crystallised was the track that introduced me to them, it was a freebie from iTunes single of the week.

And we’re quickly into the Y’s with Franz Ferdinand’s You Could Have It So Much Better. This one’s a great one to listen to as well. I’ve been listening to several Kings Of Leon albums too, their Y is Youth And Young Manhood. Again, a decent album but … it’s not that female soaring vocal archetype that gets me sitting up and listening.

No Z’s ? That doesn’t seem right for a Sleepy Person. Must see if I can find some Z albums.

The Beatles have always been an incredible band and I picked up their 1 album quite a few years ago. Still enjoy it, it’s loaded with cracking songs like Eleanor Rigby, Yesterday, Something and Let It Be. They made some very sweet music in their time.

I picked up Air’s 10,000 Hz Legend which is another decent album but none that really stand out sadly. Still worth a listen if you can find it cheap. Air are different enough to be very interesting :-).

In seeking to expand my classical collection, I picked up the 40 Most Beautiful Classics album. Classical can benefit from collections. With vocal music, I prefer to avoid collections and get the main albums but classical collections cut out the filler and just have the excellence.

Kasabian’s latest is 48:13. Again, a really good album but the songs mush into each other. It doesn’t have the character of Velociraptor. Another mushy together album was Kate Bush’s 50 Words For Snow. It’s a shame Kate Bush reached her zenith with The Sensual World, the rest of her albums were missing that early brilliance. (Must listen to The Kick Inside again soon).

One album of sheer brilliance is Suzanne Vega coming in with 99.9 degrees F. This one is loud, tuneful and showing off some unusual ways of making the music. Possibly her best (after Solitue Standing) and the highlights just keep on coming, including Blood Makes Noise (which makes impressive use of stereo) and the sad songs like Blood Sings and Bad Wisdom. Highly recommended.

Last one for the A to Z’s :

2001 was a great movie. Ok, perhaps it was a little slow in parts but it still stands today as one of the best movies ever made. In my opinion :-). The special effects still stand in excellent stead in today’s era of computer graphic animation. And what ties it all together is a soundtrack that shows off some of the best classical music. I’d thoroughly recommend watching the film and listening out for that soundtrack.

That’s it for the A to Z’s ! I may do another at some point for all the music that’s appeared since I started these. All those albums that missed out the first time around. I think The Staves with Dead and Born And Grown was one of those. I’m enjoying working my way through listening to their new album but I’m listing it here just so I get an excuse to listen to the amazing Wisely And Slow. Great harmonies.

Great music.

I hope if anyone’s been reading these, they’ve been introduced to some new music they’ve taken a liking to. That’s the main reason I do the music posts, to expose people to new stuff that I hope they enjoy.

As I hope you enjoy this one ! (Listen to the Staves …)

Raiding Comic Con

Yesterday was a great day.

We raided Comic Con in Birmingham. We ? Cupid’s Gift came along !!! In her words : “woop woop”. 🙂 Happy Pete Was Happy.

Still happy actually.

What happens at a Comic Con ? Some would say the attraction is in the stars that come along. Quite often it’s stars from series long gone or stars not that well known from more recent shows. To be honest, the only one I recognised was Virginia Hey, who was an especially beautiful flower from Farscape. But the blue was having terrible effects on her skin so she was written out. Nah. I don’t go to places like this for the stars (who charge lots for autographs).

The main attractions are split into the writers, illustrators and creators of some very special comic art. I wrote about the lovely Nina Serina from the last Comic Con, who couldn’t be there this time around. That’s a shame because meeting her and nattering was a highlight of the last Comic Con. Plenty more on show though.

There’s a lot of merchandising happening at the various Comic Cons. It can be anything from t-shirts, to art, to badges, emblems and statuettes, to videos/dvds, to games, to computer games, to imported munchies (just finished a brownie – yumyum Cheers CG!). You get the idea. CG picked up some pretty Kitty bowls and a few more bits and pieces too. T-shirts. I’m a bad influence (definitely!) so more t-shirts escaped than otherwise might have. Including …

Yep. After hearing Cupid’s Gift say those words “Evil Fluffy Bitey Thing”, she had to have the t-shirt. It’s not the words, it’s the addition of Hypercute to them in the delivery. Definitely heartmelting. She’s an immensely strong one that also brings in that adorable cuteness too.

Yep. I’m considering myself immensely fortunate to have crossed paths with her.

Where’s the t-shirts come from ? These and the next couple are from Genki Gear. (Linky). They sell that Covered In Germs mug too which attracted more than a few groans at work today. Which was the exact intention behind buying it. Hahaha.

Release those attack kittens ! There will be no escape. Or maybe later :

The words in the bubbles are :
“Was that a gentle breeze or your so-called fire breath ?”
“We deride your mayhem causing abilities”
“You’re barely 120 foot tall”
They will pay. Mark my words.

I bought a couple more but I’m not going to show pics because I intend to surprise a few people with the one on Friday. It’s quite mild compared to some Friday subversive t-shirt specials I’ve had. Come to think of it actually, it better be because it might end up on my next passport photo !

The last bit about Comic Cons is the cosplay. There weren’t as many at London Comic Con but it was maybe 30% in Birmingham. The level of effort varies. There’s some simple ones which are pretty much just onesies. There are nearly-there’s. There’s some scary ones (like the Everquest girl who was very large and not wearing very much – my eyes ! my eyes !) and some intentionally scary ones like the pair of Predators. That was cracking cosplay. There’s the nigh on perfect, like the two Nialee’s (a League Of Legends character with fur bikini).

And there’s the show stoppingly spectacular :

Hail The Emperor, long may he watch over us and protect us from the demons.

This guy must have been seriously at least 8 foot tall in the costing, with the Khorne symbol dominating everything. He must have been baking in that suit but so totally well done. I salute you, even if you are Chaos Ridden Scum. (On the outside, the guy inside is a legend).

Yep. A good day out. For the show but most especially :

Because I helped a Pretty Lady thoroughly enjoy her day and come out with massive smiles.

And that makes it so worth it – and what makes me hope it won’t be as long again before I see her again. Because if a Pretty Lady is smiling because of something I’ve done, that’s me feeling on top of the world. I’m tired now but I’m not feeling it because … Pretty Lady Smile !

What’s In A (Ship) Name ?

I’ve been enjoying playing Elite again. The new one that got released at Christmas.

It’s not complete yet, there’s still a few features that they’re looking to bring in. But it’s already a better game with more in it than the original ever had. (Saying that, it was an incredible achievement that they packed so much into the original.) Yep, I’ve been enjoying it.

The reason I got a little disillusioned before was that it seemed to be taking ages to get anywhere. I was doing low margin trading, going from system to system moving items and not getting much profit. I’ve switched to doing the high margin, low volume rares trading now and I’m hoping to get bigger and better ships soon. And then I’ll go exploring …

Before I dive into the ships, a little about how you configure them. There’s a lot of customisation here. 5 grades of modules and different sizes of module. Bigger guns are … bigger but they’re also more powerful. But that weight slows the ship down and means you hyperdrive jump less distance. My trading ships are built light for maximum cargo.

Ships ?

Here’s the hauler :

Pretty game isn’t it ?

That’s a basic Hauler class ship docked at one of the outpost stations. It’s stripped down for carrying stuff. No guns, no shields. And it’s already been down to 33% hull integrity before FLAMING DEATH twice. What could we call that ? I’m a fan of Iain M Banks’ Culture novels (may he rest in peace, we miss The Culture).

Starbug – that’s from Red Dwarf. Which leads you on to :
Prepare The Brown Trousers ! or
Please Don’t Shoot Me
Only Passing Through

Next ship is the Adder. I had one of these before but I have enough for a long range hyperdrive now (costs more than the ship) and it has very nasty guns on there too. Best for the class of ship.

You could call that the Battlebus. It carries the same cargo amount as the Hauler, which isn’t enough for the rare items trade route I’m doing. But it also brings Guns and Shields and a similar jump range. How about those names :

“I’m small but watch my bite”
Previously Anaconda, Been On Diet
Slowboat to the junkyard
I can do multiplication. Long Division too !

After the Adder comes a Cobra :

And for colour, I chose the one from Google Images that shows how the ship used to look in Ye Olde Times of last century. The Cobra allows more than double the cargo space (40t up from 18t in the configuration I’ll use) and better defences and guns. Names :

Nothing Illegal Here Officer, Honest (some of the rares need smuggling)
These Aren’t The Rares You’re Looking For (Star Wars ref, doesn’t really work does it)
Fer-De-Lance is in the shop
You Feeling Lucky ?
Want Me To Be Your Outside Context Problem ?
Shinies ? Who Hid The Shinies ?

Yep. Culture ship names are known for their eccentricities. Next up is the Asp Explorer. I’m hoping I can get one of these after the first run around the 71 stop route and then I’ll slowboat around with the Asp. It’ll carry 88t because I’ll have it fitted for discovery scanning too. After the second run, I’ll head off exploring the galaxy.

It’s a bigger ship, built for exploring. So what would be a fitting name for that ?

Where Are The Interesting People ? I brought guns
99 Stars Out There To Explore, 99 Stars Out There
Darn, Left The Snacks At Home
It Was The Third Star On The Right Wasn’t It ?

I thought of a few more earlier but, typically as my memory goes, the best names have faded …

I hope you enjoyed all those daft names. Maybe drop a comment with more if you think of them ? I’ve tried to avoid names that are already part of The Culture name set, although the OCP one props a nod in their direction. A final couple :

Type 6 Lakon – is a smaller hauler. Call it “May Carry Cookies”
Type 9 – is a massive hauler. Call it “May Have Eaten All The Cookies”

Cya !

PS I still have “Sleeping Dragon” in mind for the narrowboat.
PS2 My Cmdr name in game is “Iceangel”. It was good to bring that name out of retirement again.

Thoughts about : Obsessive Compulsive Behaviours

Let’s face it – we all have these. Admit it !

There’s nothing to be ashamed of in personal habits that could be labelled as obsessive compulsive. In fact, I think it makes people more interesting when they have distinctive traits and unusual behaviour is one of those traits.

Where’s this thought come from ?

It’s from a conversation the other day when someone let me in on some of her habits. (They’re her’s and not for here !) But they did get me thinking – what habits do I have that could be labelled Obsessive Compulsive ?

And then I thought – how do we form these habits ? There’s usually good reasons for them. Or daft reasons for some of mine. Some are obsessive about cleanliness. I wash my hands but I don’t obsess about it. Mostly because my immune system tends to laugh at tummy bugs. But others will catch every little tummy bug that’s going, which might give rise to a cleanliness obsession.

I kinda wish some of the people at work had more of a cleanliness thing going … you know the ones I mean. The ones who leave the loo unflushed and definitely those who don’t wash their hands at all. Yuk. I may have that immune system that laughs at most bacteria (except the skin one – that’s odd) but other’s don’t and they’ll get ill at the slightest germ. Saying that though, I’m definitely going hunting for the Covered In Germs mug at Comic Con.

My mug at work is a bit nasty. I firmly believe the coffee tastes better if the mug is a little bit … matured. But … I wouldn’t hear of anyone else drinking out of that mug. Nope. Guests get a scrubbed mug.

So – about my habits. They range from the deranged, the strange, the neurotic, the odd and the timesaver.

A neurotic one is driving. I’m really nervous when someone else is driving. I’m not in control and I can never trust another driver like I can myself. Cars are dangerous places and part of me has to maintain control of dangerous situations. Yep. I feel that’s definitely an obsessive compulsion. But you look at it – and you see the reason behind it and … I think it’s a good one to have. I’m the one who gets neurotic but it’s not bad enough that I can’t be a passenger.

That’s one lesson I’d pass on – it’s ok to have an obsessive compulsion but don’t let it own you. Be in control of what you do.

Deranged ? When preparing to bat, I’d always put the right leg pad on before the left. I’d always put the right glove on before the left. The pad is ok. The glove is a bit deranged. There’s extra padding on that glove, which makes it more awkward to do it that way. So why do it ? The superstition in me says it brings me luck. Totally untrue of course, there’s only one way to bring yourself luck in sport and that’s by practicing more. You do other things in cricket, like tap the bat on the ground before the bowler bowls. That’s to get you moving, as you have to move fast to play good shots.

Timesaver ? I like to have my windows and applications arranged just so. At work, I’ll fire up everything in the following order – Communicator, Excel, Internet Explorer (yep – workplace cruelty still exists), Outlook, Windows Explorer. It fits a pattern that I’m comfortable with and I know where everything is quickly.

I’ve developed a “Must Raid Canteen Before Closes” routine. That’s partly to get me away from my desk for a few minutes so I’m not sat there all day. Freshens the mind etc.

On those windows – I have my tabs in Firefox set up a particular way. It’s not optimal, if it were, Blogger would be on 1, Facebook on 2 and Twitter on 3. Instead it’s :
1 – Violence Reborn – Warcraft Guild
2 – Blogger
3 – Sitemeter
4 – Facebook
5 – Twitter
6 – Statcounter
7 – A Deus Ex HR walkthrough
8 – A Mass Effect 3 walkthrough
9 – The 71 stop Elite Dangerous Rares trade route
I only regularly use tabs 2, 4 and 5. 3 and 6 get peeked at when hits come in to the blog so I can see who’s looking. I don’t always get an answer, many people don’t get logged by Sitemeter or Statcounter. 7 and 8 were playthroughs I stopped but I want to keep the place. 9 is the latest, I’ve switched my Elite activity to running through that massive trade route. I’m hoping it’ll quickly get me into one of the top ships, one I can explore the galaxy in.

I have my iTunes window set up to a pixel perfect size. It will show 40 tracks on a page and you can page up/page down without it … I dunno how to describe it … If each track is 20 pixels high and there are 40, that means you need 800 pixels in that bit of the window. If the window is 801 or 799, it doesn’t page up/page down right.

More habits – odd. I like my clutter. It’s familiar … But I really must invest in more bookshelves so I can get that clutter in more socially acceptable cluttery patterns. I have trouble chucking things out too. Must blitz the place.

I arrange my listening to music in a certain way. Albums interspersed with random tracks. It varies what I listen to but is definitely verging on obsessive.

And there’s more too. I tip my head or close my eyes when I’m trying to recall a dim memory. It’s like I’m changing the hard drive or something like that. I’ve done that since Nose Job 1

People form obsessive compulsive habits for good reasons. Sometimes it’s for daft reasons.

If you have some, make sure you own them. Don’t let them own you. Be proud of them, they’re what make you who you are. Never forget :

Yep. That’s you reading this. Despite your habits. Because of your habits. They make you different, which is the root of being special.

Mothers Day and Cozy Ideas

First up – Happy Mothers Day for all those who celebrate it this Sunday !

Yep – that’s the original of the one I’ve been using as a happy message dwagon :-).

As per tradition, I’m spending it with the mum and dad as a chilled out weekend. There’s also Ben :

Who would be overjoyed if you were to play with him.

Yep. Chilled out weekend with the parents and the big sis will join us for a while tomorrow. It’s still a bit too chilly at the moment for a lunch/dinner/barbeque but that’s getting nearer.

We saw something today which gave me a Bright Idea (translation – if a health and safety person heard of it, they’d ban it). Here we go :

It’s a firepit table. We didn’t see that one but you get the idea. People sitting around a table which just happens to HAVE FIRE BELCHING OUT OF THE CENTRE.

Cue daft idea where you could chill out and toast marshmallows and other assorted items (just don’t soak them in kerosene – who’d do that ?). That definitely appealed to us. It’s not quite warm enough to do it yet though. Soon. We’ve had a pretty mild winter so far, it’s tried to snow a few times where I am but we’ve just had floods of rain instead.

Oh and if you cook something on that firepit table, I know someone who would be very interested in what you make :

Especially if it involves steaky type bits and pieces. Or sausages.

In other news – Comic Con in 7 days ! (or 8 if you read this on the overnight when I post it …) Excited 🙂