Hello everyone,
I was about to say “good week off last week” but suddenly I’m not entirely sure about that ! Not something I can put my finger on there, perhaps it’s something more than me, perhaps it’s a world situation thing.
Still, I wasn’t in the house all week last week, not quite.

I wonder if that’ll work. I’m attempting something with Google Photos … My phone will upload the pictures it takes to Google and in theory, they should be accessible from there. (If it doesn’t work, I’ll go to a Plan B and reupload the post !) (Update – I went to Plan B !)
I disappeared off to the Mall to pick up this year’s Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar. I also had a look in PC World for keyboards as I think the patience is running out with this one. (Keyboards on display but none of the ones I wanted were in sale boxes)
I also took a trip to the Bookbarn …

Books happened … also more loot later when I went up the motorway to the farm shop place. Some of the loot has already disappeared … Oh and I don’t think I’ll be going back to the Bookbarn in the near future. It’s a shame really, there just aren’t enough books on display there ! There are actually more books packed into the Cardiff Market book stall than there might be on display at the Bookbarn.
I’ll hope to be able to make another trip into Cardiff at some point, although that’s heavily dependent on the world situation at the moment.
We shall see.
I’ve been watching some more of those stories lately … When I was at university, one of the things I’d watch when back for the weekends was Seaquest DSV … Whereas most of the scifi programmes were going into outer space, Seaquest was going under the sea with a hyper advanced submarine. The first series was ok, within the limits of its production values. I’m kinda glad I missed the second series when it came out because it was … a bit rubbish. The writing suffered tremendously.
And then it was rebooted for a third series, where Seaquest returned 10 years after they’d been abducted by aliens. Did I mention bad writing ?
The third series actually isn’t that bad. I was surprised to recognise the name of Naren Shankar on the opening credits (in big letters of importance too). He is the co-showrunner of The Expanse series and they’re doing a fantastic job of converting the books to the television format. I’d highly recommend watching The Expanse.
I may have found myself binge watching the second half of the series of Away too, where a group of 5 astronauts are looking to find their way to Mars. The intent was to stop at 3 episodes and leave the last 2 for later in the week but I just wanted to know what happened.
I’m finding that with Star Trek Online at the moment …

Looks a bit hectic doesn’t it …
The gaming might be why I’m having the not so good week feelings from last week. I’d like to be able to dive into seeing what they’ve written in to Star Trek Online (plus I’d like to finish The Outer Worlds too) but my body isn’t cooperating there.
I’m having to strictly limit the time in game due to my arm and shoulder looking to erupt in pain if I’m in there too long. At the moment, it’s just the scenario in the screenshot above, where you’re looking to scramble to rescue civilians by beaming them up and on to transports. It’s very hectic. There should be loot at the end, although I need to stay with the scenario for another 11 days I think to get that loot.
It is ouchy though and I’ll have to a) look more at why and b) consider if it’s a game I want to continue playing. I haven’t actually been back into Final Fantasy XIV for about a month now as it was causing similar shoulder issues.
It’s annoying.
But it’s not stopping me diving into books at the moment :-). The two that appeared from Book Barn were :
Battlestar Galactica – the novelisation from the original film. I’ve read this one before (a couple of decades ago probably !) and while it followed the film fairly closely, it added in its own bits of detail too. I liked the original film, it kept a fun aspect and it wasn’t part of the whole depressing grimdark aesthetic that the new series pioneered.
Harry Harrison’s book – never read any of his books, saw it, thought I needed more book !
So – didn’t do much in the week off. Thought about work a little but managed to not open the laptop up. Set this new page up ! Needs more work. Hurt shoulder … oops.
Got to the point in Absolution Gap (Alastair Reynolds) where it’s starting to pick up momentum.
Time to hit post I think ! Have a great week everyone, stay safe, be well.