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It’s been a good fortnight for British sport hasn’t it ?

I’ve been quite enjoying it. Between the Olympics on BBC (excellent coverage, except perhaps the results which were better from the official site) and the cricket via the Skys, there’s been a lot on and for most of it, it has been sport where it’s had that magic combination to hold the interest :

Unpredictable results – cricket definitely. But so much of the Olympic sport could have gone multiple other ways.
Heroic performances – in yesterday’s cricket, David Willey got a broken hand. And continued to play. Same with “Dre Russ”, hamstring difficulties, still played and nearly contributed heavily to a win. In the hockey in London, one of our ladies got a broken jaw … and was back for the next game.

And that’s just the extreme cases.

Lots of variation. I’ve enjoyed watching all sorts of the sports on show. Be it the equestrian sport that pulled out the surprise with Nick Skelton winning, whether it’s the hockey with our Scary Brit Ladies going for and winning the gold. The Rugby Sevens making a sparkling entry to the tournament. Even the more power in a straight line sports like the rowing, swimming, athletics. And the gymnastics too.

It does help having so many British winners. If you have a personal investment in what you’re seeing, you care about it so much more. It’s incredible seeing GB as number 2 on that medal table. Inspiring even.

(Don’t worry – even if I do repair, I’m far too old to do any running around competitive stuff now).

It has been a fabulous fortnight of sport though. Far better than I thought it might be, although I suspect that the Paralympics may suffer in comparison. Lack of money etc. We haven’t seen many of the crime events that I thought we would see. Brazil (or Sao Paulo) is notorious in the Formula 1 season for being really bad on the crime. Or is that because Formula 1 is a rich sport so they stand out as targets …

Hopefully the close out of the event will be as successful as the event itself.

Hopefully the Olympics comes to a place I can go to soon ! I still have a little bit of the Sad for missing out on the London Olympics. I was in a far worse place when the London Olympics were on and barely strayed away from the house and from work.

How have I been doing ?

Not healed properly yet but it’s like my body is really trying hard now to heal up. There are still hold out areas (like my elbows) which aren’t happy but even where I redamage myself quite badly (think – gashes 2 inches and 4 inches long), the damage is repairing even quicker. The 2 inch and 4 inch gashes I did with my nails on Friday morning are nearly healed now.

Yep – you read that right. It’s that easy to cause reasonably bad damage to myself. Hell, even too much pressure (in the way that my sleeveless cricket jumper would cause) would cause damage.

Hopefully not too long now though with the healing, although … with the current rates – maybe Christmas ? That would be a good present. Finally an end to all these troubles so I can move on and put it behind me. It feels like I have missed out on far too much.

We shall see.

Uhoh – I’ve been hearing that microwave beeper go off for what’s in the oven (my microwave is my cooking timer) for a few minutes now … I better go rescue the remains of my dinner !

Cya !

PS I picked up some Chicken Kievs from the supermarket on Thursday. How did I go so long without these ? Lush.