After my week and a bit skive, I’ve been back at work for a couple of days now.
Yesterday was a bit of a bust, we could get email but we didn’t have access to the server that holds all of our data. And without data, there’s not much you can actually achieve. Unless you can get to other servers with more data on them 🙂 We got our shared area back midway through the afternoon, so most of us were back in business. That would be the people who had gone through the recent server migration unscathed.
Today was more like it, although it ended up being one of those days where you’re scurrying around doing lots of stuff except for what you intended to do 🙂 Which would be set up a heap of spreadsheets that will make my life easier over the next year as well as getting me the odd brownie point.
The week off seems to have done me some good 🙂 I was charging around yesterday with far more zip than I’ve had for months. Could have been something to do with the company I had on the way in from the car park. Miss L is always a wonderful person to talk to, although I tend to babble too much when I see her.
Hopefully the zip will last me for a while, as I’m already suffering the effects of the various injuries I live with. The most prominent is currently shinsplints. There’s two areas where the shins can suffer, the first being where the bone gets weak. I get around that by trying to drink around a pint of milk a day for the calcium. The second is more complex, it’s when the problem is in the lower leg muscles. I have rather over developed calf muscles, so the problem is probably due to the muscles that oppose the calves not being strong enough.
It’s ignorable 🙂 And I think my walking style where I try and walk fast but quiet should ease it a bit.
Last thought and this is one shared yesterday with Miss L – it’s really good to be in British Summer Time again. The light is just going here, at 7.30 in the evening. Dinner bell is going off, so I’m about to turn the room light on before settling down in front of Raiders of the Lost Ark with my dinner. And maybe some popcorn for the second half 🙂