Been a bit quiet

Yeah – I’ve not put many updates in lately …

The reasons for that are usually something like having something on my mind, being worried about something, being distracted by something or just plain not having that much to talk about.

Not so sure about that last one, cos when I get my teeth into talking about something, it’ll end up being Wall Of Text like usual. Although I have been struggling for things to work as triggers to start me off.

It’s not even so much the being distracted by things, although I have been watching a lot of Youtube from peope like the Yogscast, Totalbiscuit and Omfgcata/Jesse Cox (not so much of the Dodger these days). There’s a few things I’d like to get distracted by 😉 But I need to get healthy again first.

And that’s probably what’s really on my mind and the thing I’m worried about. My legs last year decided to steadily get worse and worse. I thought I’d figured out how to make them better but just as the cricket season was closing down, they erupted again. Like to a state worse than last year in only a week. Hence the big shift in diet to include green stuff.

I have to say, I’ve appreciated that change of diet – although I have to watch out so that the grazing on apples doesn’t continue into grazing on biscuits. Having the apples = good, grazing on biscuits = bad.

I haven’t had a repeat of the bad breathing issues lately which suggests I figured out the cause – it was one of :

Wheat allergy (most likely)
Bacon/Ham allergy (less likely)
Work related stress (very likely)

I’ve cut out the sources for the wheat allergy, with brown bread being fine to eat and white bread leaving me struggling to breathe. Looks like it’s white bread that’s the trigger. I’m hopeful that I can start having the bacon again. Bacon Good.

And the prime cause for the work related stress moved out of our team a few weeks ago. He was an ok guy but we’re still feeling the consequences of ill thought out actions and will do at least until we rebuild the relationships with our contractors (the ones who actually do the work). Hell, we should have had a key document out for our 6 ships by now, instead we have barely gotten out one due to his interference.

Axe to grind ? Hell yeah. He was an ok guy but professionally he was a wrecking ball.

And now you’re probably thinking : yeah, there was a definite cause for work related stress. And that’s without me passing on most of the stuff that was going on. I’m one of those people who is utterly dependent on their self confidence. To have the confidence surgically dismantled at every turn is tough to take. And yet I did, because I’m also the sort of person who doesn’t let a bastard win. The worst thing about it is not knowing who I could talk to about it, because of all the Chinese Whispers going on.

What’s this health thing though ?

I have to get the discipline to leave my legs along (and a couple of other patches). I think they’d have healed by now if I didn’t keep scratching them. Perhaps a series of hefty gaming sessions is required so that I don’t think of the scratching ?

I’ll get back to doing more updates soon. But that’ll be when I’m less focused on trying to see why my legs aren’t better yet. I think they are improving – I just need to leave them alone enough to give them the chance.