Blog block usually means …

Distraction …

I think that’s the key word at the moment. Wish it were distraction of the good kind, like spending every evening talking to someone special (we’ll leave it up to the imagination as to what happens after that). No such luck lately, although I think I’ve been keeping our Craziequeen amused over Facebook chat 🙂

The distraction at the moment involves pain and management of it … Usually, I can cope with my various aches and pains by distracting (that word again 🙂 myself away from noticing them. Often by nefarious means 🙂 Ok – in this case nefarious means thinking about chasing girls, although not quite in the way you might think.

I call it “positive mental reinforcement” and it’s based around how you want other people to see you. On the one hand, you can wallow in the aches and pains and go for being the cripple. Even though I’ve broken a fair proportion of myself over the years, that’s not my style. Especially as I’m fully aware that even with the collection of broken bits, I’m not nearly as badly off as some people :

I can manage my depression without chemicals (literally in the case of avoiding the hayfever pills that cause it !)
I’ve only had surgery once to fix an injury (if a borken nose counts 🙂
Can’t bowl no more cos of shoulder but I still have 95% mobility there
Lots of leg and back muscle trouble but I have 90% of the old power still available
(that’d be 100% if I exercised!)
Only underlying medical condition is too much tummy acid (managed by no alcohol and giving my tummy something to do when it complains)

So even though I do sometimes (like now!) have muscles that suffer from the after effects of too much running around a few years ago, does that mean I have to be defined by it ?

No !

One of the books I was a big fan of as a teenager was the Keill Randor, Last Legionary of Moros series. That character had a great way of dealing with pain, he’d focus on it, understand it and then would shunt it away to a lockbox in his mind and throw the key away. It works too ! (except for headaches – the technique needs concentration which gets nuked by headaches)

Needs a kinda “Reset Button” hitting though to take the step to recognise (or Grok, as Valentine Michael Smith would say it) the pain though. Then you can figure out how bad it really is, or how insignificant it really is. And then deal with it as appropriate. Gotta admit, I’m not as good there as I should be. I deal with the pain by ignoring the symptoms, instead of attacking the cause.

I guess this post is a bit like hitting that Reset Button. It’s recognising “yeah ! I feel ow”. But it’s also recognising “am I a cripple ? hell no” before moving on to a bit of “get up off the floor ya muppet and stop feeling sorry for yourself”. And that last bit is precisely what I need every so often. Gets me back to that word “nefarious” too 🙂 What’s the more attractive ? Dealing with the issues or letting the issues take control …

I dunno there but if thinking I have to look strong to others helps me actually Be strong, then I guess that’s a good way of managing the legacies of that running around thing. Bit like the sore tongue I have at the moment. I’m overweight, so I could do with missing a few of the teacakes and muffins I indulge in at work. But no – I’m still hunting them down as a way of telling the tongue exactly what I think of it (bacon sarnie day tomorrow – not missing out). And it gives me a chance to grin at the Canteen Girls too.

Ahh – sore tongue that’s making it unpleasant to eat at the moment – I better close this one and put some dinner on. Can’t stay healthy unless you eat proper, although I wouldn’t call my diet “proper”. Seems to work for me though 🙂

Before I go though, quick mention for a special person. Our Snow Queen at work is an absolute wonder. Honest, smart, devious, lots of fun and always willing to lend an ear. Hasn’t told me to go away yet either, which shows tolerance for geeks that goes beyond the call of duty. She’s one of the better things about where I work and I’ll be having fun keeping her guessing about the other better things there 🙂 We help keep each other sane at work, although sometimes it probably feels like I’m attempting to send people into the Huggy Jackets.

That bright beaming Snow Queen smile has been really helping out while I’ve been struggling.

PS The back would appreciate a little bit of TLC to go with the “ignore it and it’ll go away” theory. Just need to find a willing volunteer to give me a good pummelling 😉 And if you’re in a pit, then having a hand there really helps when trying to climb out.