Boingy Boingy

Is pretty much what I’m doing at the moment. After another day of trying to avoid work wherever possible, I was rushing home to play WoW again. More organised raids, this time taking on (and beating this time !) the big dragon Onyxia and then after that, being the only warrior in the Zul’Gurub jungle place for quite a while.

We did darn well tonight, Onyxia was a little stubborn but was tamed in the end. Zul’Gurub went really smoothly and my new blood drinking specification for my warrior worked really well. We didn’t have that much time in there but still managed to take out a couple of the bosses.

Me happy. But I’m going to have trouble calming down beforegoing to sleep tonight. Time to put on some calming music and get a book out. Nahhh – calming music and shopping for weapons for my warrior !