Bombardment from the Sky

Friday’s Fill-Ins mentioned I was having the car serviced on Saturday. Gosh that was weird … Getting a car serviced and walking out without paying them anything ? That’s one hell of a novelty 🙂 It’s not quite as good as it sounds though, I have to get a couple of new tyres which will cost me roughly £230 plus the service wasn’t actually free, I’m paying a monthly fee for the next couple of years in return for servicing.

It’s getting colder here at the moment … I used to joke that it was too freaky a coincidence that there would be snow just before the annual RAC Rally (now known by other sponsor name …) that would last through the Rally, melting in the last day or so. The snow would be there for the Rally and then would disappear straight afterwards. And it’s that time of year again ! It’s also let me find out about a new gadgie on the car :

Yellow snowflake = it’s 5 degrees C outside
Red snowflake = it’s 1 degrees C outside

Translation – bloody cold.

Got spotted this morning by one of the work people in my “cold weather gear”. Which is identical to my “warm weather gear” except for the addition of black leather gloves. Or “Assassin Gloves” as they’re known around the project 🙂 I like that image 🙂 But what would really get me strange looks would be people knowing that I’ve handled and fired a wide range of firearms, including a sniper rifle :-). But that’s from quite a while ago now and the actions of a few Crazy People means I’m not likely to get the chance to do that again. At least not in the UK.

Where did the title for today come from ? Sunny day today and I was at an offsite meeting at lunchtime. I like this particular meeting because the gorgeous Miss S goes to it. (I don’t spend all my time gazing at pretty people – honest !). Sunny before, Apocalypse afterwards. I had enough time to leg it to the car before the heavens didn’t just open, they got ripped asunder. By the time I’d driven around to the gate people to hand back my temporary ID, conditions were poor enough that the gate guard fella was highly reluctant to leave the safety of his guard house to cross the road to the car …

This wasn’t rain.
This wasn’t snow.
This was Hail Bombardment.

I’ve put in a previous post something about the “Damp”, “Murky”, “Dangerous” and “Nasty”, today added “Bruising” 🙂