Book 26 and an Iron Fisted Wraith

Back to books !

It feels like it’s been a long time. Quite spookily coinciding with the cricket season and the reactivation of the Warcraft sub.

(Picture unattributed – it’s from Pinterest and they don’t play nice at all with attribution. Let me know if it’s yours, if you’ll let me keep it there and it you want a note/link).

To the book ! More natter later.

This one was Iron Fist, the second in the X Wing Wraith Squadron books by Aaron Allston. It picks up on an excellent start from the first book and runs from there. There are new characters to replace those lost in the first book. Not all of the squadron survives this book either … It’s part of why these books have a certain compelling factor to them, you don’t know who is going to survive out of the characters that don’t have Plot Armour*.

*Plot Armour – a device where certain things have to happen, certain characters have to be in one piece for later. Like Picard could get captured (multiple times actually), Data could have his head blown off … but they’ll be back for the next episode.

Anyway. The story in this one follows the first, where the Republic born from Rebellion is trying to track down and deal with the Warlord Zsinj. He’s an elusive one …. with a very powerful and nigh on unchallengeable Super Star Destroyer, the Iron Fist of the title of the book.

Just for chuckles … Lego Super Star Destroyer build video ! I’d love to put one of these together but … It’s still £550+ for an unopened one on That Auction Site Everyone Knows About.

To the book !

Yep. The Wraiths are set up this time as a pirate band, with them even stealing the fighters they use to prey on a star system. The hallmark of these books is clever tactics and strategy, where it’s believable that the squad have everything in hand for the plan …. and then react as the plan falls apart around them.

Oh and the characters have a lot of fun throughout the books and you, the reader, are invited to share in that totally free form fun.

I won’t put too much more but I’m looking forward to reading the last book of this three and then there’s Isard’s Revenge if I can find where I buried it in the mountain of books.

I’d say that’s me but ….. I suspect Cyberkitten got there first and stole the chair.

Actually no ! The shadow off to the left is Cyberkitten’s mountain of books … towering over mine.

I may acquire more Stuff tomorrow. Legoland ! Looking forward to it. On a school day too. (I have tonnes of flexi credit built up and I need to burn some of it down).

I haven’t been posting much lately, the ideas haven’t been flowing like they can do. Hopefully another post soon !

Haha, I suspect a Legoland post may appear over the weekend.