Bugs ! And more spaceships

I gotta find more things to write about !

Feels a bit like things are going whoosh by at the moment, although I am looking forward to another MCM Comic Con in London and the Lords T20 day at the end of the month. Oh and the annual Le Mans 24 hours watching.

Actually, I’m not that sure about Le Mans these days. It’s great to cheer on the Aston Martins but they are really boring races in the prototype classes. The Toyotas have so much more performance than the other prototypes and they are so reliable that they don’t make the mistakes or have the breakdowns that would let the competitors in. It is good to cheer on the Aston Martins though. I’ve actually been preferring to watch the Imsa series where there is much better competition in the prototype bracket and there are also a couple of Lexus cars to watch in the GT class.

Fun stuff. Oh and there’s Formula 1 as well, although that has its own frustrations due to races being affected by the very poor quality of some of the cars and about half of the drivers.

Bugs ? Yep. Bugs erupted on Sunday, I probably should have dipped out of doing a business road trip on Monday and have been keeping the bugs at home today and yesterday. It’s only light manflu. Notdedyet.

Still bugs though. I’ve been putting a dent in the coffee supply …

Internet spaceships ! I had a session on Sunday (and very nearly put big dents in the ship with a rather too rapid landing at the end …) but stayed out cos of those bugs yesterday and Monday. That’s after pretty much being in there for sessions all last week. What’s the pilot been up to ?

I’ll come back to this one. (Wanted a good thumbnail pic !)

Let’s see. I left the last post with pictures of the Needs More PewPew. It was unarmed, like all of my trading ships up to now. It’s not really worth arming them because it puts too much of a dent in the jump range and cargo capacity. With the class of ship I’ve gotten up to so far it’s better to run than fight. But I’ll be showing those random pirates what for soon.

The Empire’s Bounty followed the Needs More PewPew. This is a Type 6 freighter and it allowed a little more cargo room enabling faster progress through the missions. My character is now Baron iceangel of the Empire, which lets me own the Imperial Clipper. Here’s the last one I had :

A little photoshopped in that pic. The next one will be in a black paint job, be called Black Sheep and do missions for the Federation, enemy of the Empire. That’s in a little while though.

Next up after the freighter was the Dolphin class Porpoise Prospector, seen there looking at the abandoned Dav’s Hope settlement. The lore says that it was a mining settlement abandoned after the tunnels collapsed in on themselves, the settlement was then evacuated in a hurry with the inhabitants leaving all sorts of goodies behind. Stuff that’s good for modifying your ship for things like extended jump range.

That let me pick up this one, the Searching For Tea :

I’m off on a little jaunt with that one at the moment. I’ll update the link on the right with this EDSM link to my commander, which has a track of where I’m at currently in the game. The plan is to follow the route given by the Norma Arm Expedition, which will see me get most of the way to the galactic core. I’ll then head East for a while and then return in a generally triangular pattern. I’ll do the Galactic Core later in a different ship. Oh and Beagle Point too, which is the given name for the furthest point from Earth you can get to.

It’s good to have plans for the various ships. Like I intend to never to passenger carrying in the specialist passenger ships. They complain too much :-D. Exploring is good though and they’ve massively improved the exploration tool. Previously, you had to fly to each planetoid individually to scan them. Now, you can fire up the discovery tool and instantly see if there’s anything worth hanging around for. Like metal rich planets, earthlike planets, water worlds, ammonia worlds. Stuff that we’d be interested in knowing about as a culture looking to expand throughout the galaxy. Places with materials, places with life.

Places with an amazing view. They call that place “The View” in game and it’s an incredible sight with those rings illuminated purple by a dwarf star combined with the funnels of the neutron star in the distance. This is the place from the first picture from a little further away. I didn’t land at this one because even in low orbit, the gravity was cranking up to 3g+ and …. that old saying of “Any landing you can walk away from is a good one” doesn’t really apply in 3g when you’d be having issues breathing let alone walking !

The commander is currently sampling the tea at Eagle’s Landing :

A place with another pretty nebula view.

I’ve definitely been enjoying being back in the game since restarting. Going up the ships without cheating by skipping ahead with a few of them has been really good. In games like this that can get really grindy, it’s good to have goals along the way that break up that grind. Next ship will be a little combat racing ship, after that it’ll be a Keelback armed freighter that I’ll use for a spell of mining.

And there will be a few ships after that which my pilot should already have the credits for. Good times. That’s after I get back from the jaunt in Searching For Tea.

Maybe another explorer ship will be called Searching for Coffee. Or … I got one ! Searching For Mini Eggs.

Searching For Lego ?