By the Power Of Crunchie !

Tired again. Not a great day for me this one – the cold temperatures are getting into my back and making it feel as if concrete has been poured down my spine. I have been able to ignore that (plus the bounciness keeps the stiffness away) but there is a limit.

It wasn’t all bad, I was able to make the Snow Queen and Mrs Sunshine smile at seeing one or two of the comments headed their way after the Cricket Charity related postings. Mrs Sunshine got that codename cos that smile brightens up the room and it always warms the heart to see the Snow Queen smile. Although I am seriously scared by a comment by Dawnie on Facebook :

Me : it seems to be my lot in life. To be a slavish minion to the whims of Queens
Dawnie : At least she doesn’t demand you being a Eunuch! :p

Yep. Scared.

I did manage to get some focus and energy going today though, thanks to the Power Of The Crunchie. (I didn’t wave the Crunchie above my head with a cutscene of an old magical castle while transforming into He-Sleepy … honest). Strange colourings can be good things … in moderation 🙂 (The moderation comes from skipping the morning teacake)

Crunchie Power has mostly worn off now though. I’m not giving up (chillout+book later) but I’ll go with the kitten’s answer 🙂

PS Almost forgot – attribution for the picture goes to : which I found via Facebook.