Chipmunk Syndrome

Firstly – Happy birthday Craziequeen !

Chipmunk ? I can get a bit excitable sometimes.

It manifests in a similar way to hyperactivity, in that I’ll suddenly become a lot quicker. I’ll react quicker, talk quicker (which isn’t necessarily a good thing cos I trip up over words more) and generally go for the harebrained solution that comes to mind first instead of thinking through what I’m about to do. I’ve hit on the word Chipmunk for it.

I have mixed feelings about Going Chipmunk. On the one hand, I have an energy and vitality that can be missing sometimes. But on the other hand, I can upset people by not thinking about what I say before I say it. And the wrong things come out. Hopefully I don’t do that too much. There’s a matter of focus too. At the moment, I’m itching to do “something” but when it’s come to testing Xbox through the new amp, that wasn’t what my subconscious wanted to do. It’s better than the alternative, which has me struggling to get the motivation to do anything.

Xbox play didn’t last long mostly cos my subconscious wanted to be listening to music 🙂 Which is what I’m doing at the moment (Robbie Williams greatest hits) while pondering what I do after blog post. I think it’ll be more book, as I’ve given up (for now) on David Weber’s Storm From The Shadows in favour of the 6th of 6 Jack Campbell Lost Fleet books. David Weber’s a fairly inconsistent author. Some of his books are action spectaculars, perfectly paced with plenty of the space fleet actions he’s good at writing. Others are deeply mired in politics which at the end of the day, are meaningless. I’m 300 pages into Storm and nothing’s really happened yet, apart from a bit of set up. Boring.

So I’m finishing the Lost Fleet saga instead 🙂 all the while doing more extensive “evaluation” of the new hifi gear.

What’s the main difference between hifi and the basic squawk boxes ? It’s the detail. Something basic will passably reproduce the more prominent bits of music. However, hifi excels in pulling out the bits in the background. That’s the intricate bits like the hundred different instruments in the orchestra. Tori Amos feet on piano pedals. Bits of voice on a Snow Patrol track that I never knew where there.

Had some late nights this week “evaluating” the bits with just … one … more … track 🙂 I think I have them trained now because I’ve found the “Pure Audio” setting that turns off all the processing. There’s still variation in quality because I’m listening to MP3’s which in pure music terms, just aren’t all there.

The alternative to book would be gaming. I’ve reawakened the gaming addiction but it’s being tempered by issues with my arms and fingers. I suffer from RSI in my wrist due to a long association with computers. It’s with me now and I manage it by keeping an eye on how much computer time I get. There’s also the shoulder issues which get better or worse depending on the game.

Or cleaning. Need to get the house tidied up “soon”. Something the Crazies haven’t done for a while is have a pizza + movie night, which is something we like to try and do around birthday or Xmas season. Could well be my place this time around so I can show off the new stuff. Plus rearranging stuff for it is giving more room. But before that, a good tidy and cleaning will be needed.

Gotta put down the Dust Bunny Rebellion. Or die trying ! Maybe I can put Chipmunk Syndrome to good use over the weekend.