Counting Blessings

I’ve been hitting some massive lows lately.

I’m well and truly fed up with the skin condition I’ve got … I want it gone. It is truly just a skin deep problem, although a fair few people at work have let me know they’re worried for me with it. But even though it is just skin deep, it has effects that run a lot deeper.

It’s very distracting. And that goes for my mind making up false symptoms. Some of those make me very itchy, which ends up causing me to make the problem worse.
I get signs that it’s getting better … and then it gets worse again. That’s crushing.
I think I’ve figured out a cause of the problem, I shift how I live … and then the problem comes back again.

I was having trouble at work on Monday, although I tried to hide that as far as possible. Part of that was lack of sleep, although I think I’ve figured that one out now. But most of it was seeing improvement after the Doc visit end in disappointment as my week off went on.

I think the last couple of changes (laying off the OJ and taking antihistamines) have made a difference but it’s awful, awful slow. And my skin is still very sensitive.

Ok, ok, that’s enough about my troubles. How about those blessings ?

What’s let me turn the corner this week from massive depression to more up & at ’em is a few very good friends.

You know who you are ! You’ve been awesome to chat to over the last few days.

That’s where I count myself very lucky. There’s the work colleagues who I’ve been lucky to count as friends for years, the ones in my work-not work circle (CK & CQ!), there’s the canteen people who look out for me and someone who keeps an eye on me through Steamchat.

They’ve been helping me keep going through these medical issues. And it’s hugely appreciated.

PS If I’m still leaking next week, I’ll go see the doc’s again. Honest.