Day 23 – the sleigh is warming up …

At least, I think it’s a sleigh …

It’s poised, ready to plough its way across the galaxy bringing presents and good cheer to all citizens, Rebel and Imperial alike.

Yep. Even smugglers.

I’m at the mum and dad’s place now, we’ve settled in for a Xmas movie after a lovely dinner. What did we have ?

Yep. The ham was as tasty as it looks. Gert lush as they say in Bristol.

It’s good to see the mum and dad again and we should be off to see the sister and her bloke and dogs tomorrow. More pictures then. If the internet cooperates. I’m a bit frustrated at the moment, this laptop is pretty good but there are a couple of flaws with it :

The keyboard is wonderful but is starting to struggle with age. It kinda needs a shake out to remove dust but … where does the dust go ? It’s a sealed case. There’s only a way in for the dust and no easy way out.

The wifi is not good. I can get around this problem at home because (techie bit …) 5 GHz wifi is perfect. 2.4GHz wifi is very poor. At home, I have different SSIDs for 2.4GHz and 5Ghz and the laptop never uses the 2.4GHz because I haven’t told the laptop about it. But I can’t split them out here like that. And the alternate solution of a Wifi USB widget has been nobbled by Apple who have deliberately stopped that 3rd party widget working.

The Macbook Air was a wonderful buy in 2013 but I won’t be buying anything else from Apple due to their attitude on software ownership and how they don’t believe in it. Nope. You’re supposed to rebuy from them regularly when they obsolete your current kit that’s still working perfectly well. Oh and they also have odd whims that are nothing to do with making the software better for users.

(It’ll be a custom laptop probably from PC Specialist likely running a tbd flavour of Linux).

The film ? It’s Battle of the Five Armies from the Hobbit sequence. A lot of spectacular, mindless action sequences sewn together by probably the last 20 odd pages of the book. A decent movie in its own way but …. too much battle, not enough story.

Still thinking about dinner the way this fella thinks about tennis balls :

Oh and tomorrow’s final Advent pic is awesome.